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Unconditional Regard
The basic acceptance of a person regardless of their words or actions
Self-actualizing tendency
An innate drive for humans to achieve their highest potential
Pushing thoughts into our unconscious
redirecting one’s feelings toward another person or object
Not accepting the ego threatening truth
believing that the feelings one has toward someone else are actually held by the other person and directed at oneself
Reaction formation
Expressing the opposite of how one truly feels
returning to an earlier, comforting form of behavior
coming up with a beneficial result of an undesirable outcome
undertaking an academic, unemotional study of a topic
Reciprocal Determinism
Cognitive, processes, behavior, environment all interact each factor simultaneously influencing and being influenced by the others
How you view yourself in relation to other
self- effiicacy
an individual’s belief in their ability to success at a task or goal, how competent are you
your own evaluation of your self worth
Drive reduction theory
certain behaviors help maintain homeostasis- a physiological need
a tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level.
Arousal theory
People seek an optimal level of arousal
Yerkes-Dodson Law
we usually perform most activities best when moderately aroused.
Self-Determination theory
proposes that people are motivated by intrinsic and extrinsic motivations
Intrinsic motivation
A desire to perform an activity for its own sake rather than an external reward
Extrinsic motivation
A desire to perform an activity to obtain a reward from outside the individual
Incentive Theory
rewards (extrinsic) can motivate behavior
Lewin’s motivational choice theory
Proposes that choices create conflicts one must resolve as the basis of motivation
involves 2 positive options (win-win)
involves options that have both a negative and positive aspect
Involves 2 negative aspects
Sensation seeking-theory
Proposes that some people have a trait of needing varied or novel experiences is the basis of motivation
innate, typically fixed patterns of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli
Broaden and Build theory
Positive emotional experiences tend to broaden awareness and encourage new actions and thoughts
Negative emotions tend to reduce awareness and narrow thinking and action
Facial-feedback hypothesis
asserts that facial expressions are not only the results of our emotions but are also capable of influencing our emotions.
Display rules
Some cultures have “rules” or norms for what is culturally acceptable to be emotionally displayed