Module 4: Body Composition and Weight Management

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energy balance

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energy balance

the relationship between your caloric input and your caloric expenditure.

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the equation for energy balance

Energy input (calories in) > Energy output (calories out) =energy balance

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positive energy balance

energy intake is greater than your energy output

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equation for positive energy balance

Energy input > Energy output = weight gain

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negative energy balance

occurs when you burn more calories then you consume

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equation for negative energy balance

energy input > Energy = weight loss

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energy input

the food that you eat and drink that provides different amounts of energy. Such as every gram of protein and carbs provide 4 calories, and fat provides 9 calories per gram

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energy output

happens when your body uses energy

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basal metabolic rate (BMR)

the number of calories you would expend if you rested for 24 hours

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body composition

the body's relative amount of fat free mass and fat mass is generally expressed as a percentage total body weight

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Body Mass Index (BMI)

The measurement of height (m2) and weight (kg) suggests that a person's body's weight should be proportional to their height.

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visceral fat

Fat that lies deeper in the body surrounding the body's organs

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subcutaneous fat

fat located under the skin

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adipose tissue

located on the surface of the body and surrounding the body's organs

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android shape

Abdominal fat storage patterns are generally compared to the shape of an apple

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gynoid shape

characterized by fat storage in the lower body such as the hips and buttocks. Mostly in woman

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who is Adam Driver

A. a really hot dude B. is a actor C. the love of my life/husband D. All of the above

<p>A. a really hot dude B. is a actor C. the love of my life/husband D. All of the above</p>
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