Motivation, Emotion, Personality Vocab and People

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a balanced internal state

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Drive Reduction Theory

our behavior is motivated by biological needs

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Primary Needs

biological needs

  • thirst

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Secondary Drives

learned drives

  • we learn money can supply us with food and water

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Arousal Theory

people seek an optimal level of excitement

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Yerkes-Dodson Law

optimal arousal = optimal performance

too much arousal = impaired performance because of anxiety

too little arousal = low attention and interest

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Opponent-process theory of motivation

People preform activities to stay at their baseline, if people don’t they will eventually return

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stimuli that we are drawn to due to learning

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need to fulfill our unique potential as a person

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Abraham Malow

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

<p>Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs</p>
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Lateral hypothalamus

  • hunger center

when stimulated, causes the animal to eat

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Ventromedial hypothalamus

  • satisfy center

causes animal to stop eating when it is stimulated

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Set-point theory

describes how the hypothalamus might decide what impulses to send

  • the hypothalamus wants us to be at certain body weight, tells us when to eat

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Garcia Effect

whenever nausea is paired with either food or drink

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William Masters and Virginia Johnson

documented the sexual response cycle for men and women

  • initial excitement, plateau phase, orgasm, resolution phase

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Extrinsic motivators

outside rewards

  • grades, salary

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Intrinsic motivation

rewards we get internally

  • enjoyment, satisfaction

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Approach-approach conflict

having to choose between two desirable choices

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Avoidance-avoidance conflict

having to choose between two unappealing choices

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Approach-avoidance conflict

When a situation has both good and bad qualities

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James Lange Theory

emotion occurs as a result of physiological reactions to events

  • bodies react first then we experience the emotional feeling

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Stanley Schachter’s two factor theory

the physiological arousal occurs first, then the individual must identify the reason for this arousal to experience and label it as emotion

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Hans Selye’s general adaption syndrome (GAS)

describes general response humans and other animals have to a stressful event

  • alarm reaction: heart rate increases, organism readies itself to face a challenge

  • resistance: hormones are released to maintain state of readiness

  • exhaustion: parasympathetic nervous system returns the physiological state to normal

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Acute Stress

very short lived

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Chronic Stress

stress seems never ending and inescapable

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Type A personality

ambitious, hardworking, high levels of hostility

  • disease prone personality

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Type B personality

relaxed, laid back, less competitive

  • strong social and emotional relationships

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Stage theories

  • Sigmund Freud

oral stage - birth to one year, children enjoy sucking and biting

anal stage - one to three years old, sexually gratified by elimination

phallic stage - three to five years, gratification moves toward genitalia

latency period - six years to puberty, push all sexual feelings out of conscious awareness

adult genital stage- rest of life, seeking pleasure through sexual relationships

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Oedipus crisis

  • Sigmund Freud

boys sexually desire mothers, see fathers as rival

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Electra crisis

  • Sigmund Freud

girls seek fathers and see mother a competition

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Sigmund Freud anal fixations

  • occur due to traumatic toilet training

anal expulsive disorder-messy and disorganized

anal retentive-neat, hyper organized, and a bit compulsive

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Id, ego, superego

Id - unconscious follow pleasure principle, exists since birth

Ego - follows the reality principle, emerges around 2-3

Superego - acts as a conscience, develops aro und age 5

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Freud Insticts

Eros - life instincts

Thanatos - death instincts

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energy that directs the life instincts

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Pleasure principle

Id, wants immediate gratification

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Reality principle

negotiate between desires of the id and limitations of the environment

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Carl Jung

personal unconscious - individual personal unconscious contains painful or threating memories a person does not wish to confront

collective unconscious - passed down through species, explains similarities between cultures (archetypes, universally shared concepts)

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Alfred Adler

  • ego psychologist

inferiority - fear of failure (motivation)

superiority - desire to achieve

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Nomothetic approach

believing same basic traits can be used to describe all peoples personalities

  • Hans Eysenck

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Raymond Cattell

developed the 16 personality factor test to measure 16 basic traits present in all people

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Paul Costa and Robert McCrae

  • Big Five personality trats

- extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and emotional stability

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Factor analysis

statistical technique used to establish 16 traits or 5 in person

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Idiographic theorists

believe using same set of terms to classify people is imposssible

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Gordon Allport

believed common traits are useful but in order to get full understanding they need t o look at personal traits

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Cardinal dispositions

  • Gordon Allport

    • traits that play role

central disposition

secondary disposition

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a measure of the amount of variation in a trait in a given population that is due to genetics

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William Sheldon’s somatotype theory

endomorphs (fat), mesomorphs (muscular), ectomorphs (thin)

each has different personality tyoe

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Albert Bandura

believed personality is created by an interaction between person, environments, and persons behavior

  • triadic reciprocity

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George Kelly

Personal-construct theory - people develop their own individual systems of personal constructs

NOT HIS IDEA but based on “fundamental postulate” - peoples behavior is influenced by their cognitions

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Locus of Control

  • Julian Rotter

internal locus of control - people feel they are responsible for what happens to them

external locus of control - people believe their luck and outside forces control their destinies

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Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers

  • humanistic

root of personality is subjective feelings about self

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Barnum Effect

peoples curiosity leads them to believe information assessments even if maybe not true

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