breaking down glucose whaat
what is an example of catabolism?
what is the actual form of energy that cells in the body use?
they are where energy is produced
why are mitochondria known as the powerhouses of the cell?
what fraction of the days energy expenditure of the average person is represented by basal metabolism?
bomb calorimeter
what instrument is used to measure the energy content of foods?
building up body compounds
anabolism is:
glycogen stores
during moments of starvation, that would we use to provide glucose to the brain?
acetyl coA
what is the end product of gylcosis?
if someone is gaining weight they are likely in what state of energy balance?
healthy weight loss
in a fasting state, this will NOT happen:
what protein acts as a hormone that is secreted in the stomach and increases hunger?
decrease in size but not number
if energy balance becomes negative, what happens to size and number of fat cells?
acetyl coA
all amino acids are metabolized either directly or indirectly into:
greater muscle mass, higher body temp, caffeine/tobacco use
factors that affect BMR:
depleting glycogen stores and cause fatigue/nausea
low carb diets contribute to:
0.5-2 lbs/week
safe rate of weight loss
deficit of 500 kcal/day
if Franklin wants to lose 1 lb a week, what daily kcal deficit would his TEE be?
t/f protein is a major fuel source
muscle stores of ATP
when physical activity begins, what is our very first foul source that will sustain activity for 1-2 seconds?
anareobic glycolysis
when our first fuel source runs out, what is our second?
ATP phosphagen
what energy pathway would predominate during a 100m sprint?
muscle that increases in size in response to use
macronutrient that fuels lower intense activity
needed for muscle protein synthesis after activity
protein is important for athletes because:
athletes with large amounts of lean muscle
who should not pay attention to BMI
vitamin D
micronutrient that is largest concern for athletes
1.2-2 kg
protein recommendation for physically active individual
common nutrient deficiency
main source of energy for exercising for an extended period
t/f fat intake recommendation is higher for athletes because they have less fat
the tolerable intake (UL) levels protect against
main reason people choose the foods they eat
the class of food that provides the most energy
milk and plant products only
lactovegetarian diet consists of:
100% whole wheat
product label that denotes whole grain product
nutrient density
vitamin/mineral content of food compared to total energy content
a contaminated utensil from previous previous handler contacts second food
cross contamination occurs when:
which contaminant is concern for seafood
are intended to be met through the diet
using nutrient recommendations:
adequacy of diet
enough calories (energy) and nutrients to support health
moderation of diet
consuming nutrient dense foods most of the time
energy control of diet
calories consumed equal basic energy needs
heart healthy
example of health claim
0g of trans fat
example of nutrient claim
food insecurity
limited or uncertain access to sufficent quality and quantity of foods
vitamin A
common worldwide deficiencies
t/f food borne illness usually occurs from improper handling at home
food desert
lack of healthful food choses in low income/rural areas
“local” and “locally grown” are terms not defined by FDA
carb digestion begins in: