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Adams-Onís Treaty (1819)

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Adams-Onís Treaty (1819)

Treaty between the United States and Spain in which the US paid $5 million for Florida, Spain recognized US claims to the Oregon Country, and the US surrendered its claim to northern Mexico (Texas).

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American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society

Organization founded in 1840 that opposed the radical ideas of William Lloyd Garrison and supported the political activities of the Liberty Party.

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American Anti-Slavery Society

Organization founded in 1833 that embraced moral persuasion to end slavery, opposed gradual emancipation, rejected compensation to slaveholders, and welcomed women as full members.

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American Colonization Society

Organization founded in 1817 that advocated sending freed slaves to a colony in Africa and established the colony of Liberia in 1827.

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American Society for the Promotion of Temperance

First national temperance organization founded in 1826 that promoted total abstinence from alcohol and pressed individuals to sign sobriety pledges.

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Andrew Jackson

U.S. general and later president who became a national hero for his victories in the War of 1812 and led the Battle of New Orleans.

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Battle of New Orleans

Major battle of the War of 1812 in which American forces defeated the British, protected the city, and propelled Andrew Jackson to national prominence.

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Brook Farm

Utopian society established by George Ripley near Boston in 1841 that emphasized shared farm work and discussions of literature and art.

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Charles Finney

Leading evangelist of the Second Great Awakening who preached spiritual rebirth and salvation through individual effort, and proposed the reformation of society.

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Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

Incident in 1807 in which the British warship Leopard attacked the American warship Chesapeake, leading to calls for war.

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Corrupt Bargain

Agreement between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams during the disputed election of 1824, in which Clay supported Adams in the House of Representatives in exchange for the position of secretary of state.

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Cult of domesticity

Belief that women occupied a unique social position focused on providing religious and moral instruction in the home, while avoiding politics and business.

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Daniel Webster

Noted orator, constitutional lawyer, and major spokesman for nationalism and the union in the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s.

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Dartmouth College v

Supreme Court case that prevented New Hampshire from changing Dartmouth's charter, establishing the principle that contracts could not be invalidated by state law.

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Declaration of Sentiments

Resolutions issued at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, calling for economic and social equality for women and the right to vote.

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Democratic Party

Modern-day political party with roots in the Democratic Republican Party, born after the disputed election of 1824 and led by Andrew Jackson.

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Dorothea Dix

Schoolteacher turned reformer who advocated for the humane treatment of the mentally ill and lobbied for separate hospitals for them.

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Pioneer in the women's movement who organized the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and fought for women's suffrage.

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Embargo Act (1807)

Law passed by Congress to stop all U.S. exports until British and French interference with U.S. merchant ships ceased.

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Era of Good Feelings

Period of political harmony and economic growth in the United States following the War of 1812.

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Exposition and Protest

Document written by Vice President John Calhoun in support of nullification, arguing against the constitutionality of the tariff of 1828.

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Frederick Douglass

Former slave turned abolitionist who became a leading black spokesman in America, known for his powerful speeches and his newspaper, The North Star.

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Gibbons v

Landmark Supreme Court case that struck down a New York law granting a monopoly to certain steamboats, expanding Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce.

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Henry Clay

Leading American statesman known as the Great Compromiser for his role in the compromises of 1820, 1833, and 1850.

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"His Accidency"

Nickname given to John Tyler when he assumed the presidency in 1841, reflecting his conflicts with the Whig party leaders.

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Indian Removal Act (1830)

Act that gave the president authority to negotiate treaties with southeastern tribes and trade their land in the east for territory in the west.

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James Birney

Former slaveholder and member of various anti-slavery societies who ran for president on the Liberty Party ticket in 1840 and 1844.

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James Madison

Fourth president of the United States and one of the authors of the Federalist Papers.

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James Monroe

Fifth president of the United States who formulated the Monroe

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Spoils system

The practice of appointing people to government positions as a reward for their loyalty and political support.

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Susan B

Friend and partner of Elizabeth Cady Stanton in the struggle for women's rights; co-founder of the National Woman Suffrage Association.

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Tariff of Abominations

A high tariff passed in 1828, raising rates on certain goods to an all-time high, leading to the nullification crisis of 1832.

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Trail of Tears (1838)

The forced removal of Cherokees from southeastern United States to Indian Territory (Oklahoma), resulting in the death of nearly 25 percent of the people.

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Treaty of Ghent (1815)

Agreement that ended the War of 1812, returning captured territory and leaving unresolved issues for future negotiation.

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War Hawks

Young Congressmen demanding war with Britain in the 12th Congress, led by Henry Clay and John Calhoun, with goals of annexing Canada, defending U.S. maritime rights, and resolving Native American conflicts.

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War of 1812

A conflict between the United States and Britain from 1812 to 1815.

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Political party formed in 1832 opposing Andrew Jackson, advocating for rechartering the National Bank, raising the tariff, and funding internal improvements.

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William Lloyd Garrison

Prominent abolitionist leader, publisher of The Liberator, and founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society.

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