micelles contain bile salts and fatty acids/monoglycerides
makes fatty acids/monoglycerides more soluble in water
fatty acids/monoglycerides absorbed by diffusion
triglycerides reformed in cells
vesicles move to cell-surface membrane
contraction of atria
blood forced into ventricles
contraction of ventricles
atrioventricular valves shut
blood forced out the heart
semi-lunar valves shut
relaxation of ventricles and atria
plasma forced out the arteriole end due to high hydrostatic pressure, forms tissue fluid
tissue fluid bathes the cells, exchanging products with them
fluid moves back via osmosis, down the water potential gradient
excess water returns by lymphatic system
water evaporation
water enters
in source sugars actively transported into phloem
by companion cells
lowers water potential of sieve cells and water enters by osmosis from xylem tissue
increase in hydrostatic pressure causes mass movement towards sink, down pressure gradient
sugars removed into sink cells via diffusion and active transport, raising water potential in phloem
sugars used for respiration/converted to starch for storage in sink
water moves back to xylem, reducing pressure