3rd grade SS exam Prep

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Let it be so

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Lord have mercy

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Bless me o Lord

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Praise the Lord

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Prayer of Forgiveness

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My brethern

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My beloved ones

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God with us

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+ In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, one true God.

Glory be to Him; and may His grace and mercy be upon us forever. Amen.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, by whose glory, the Heaven and the earth are filled; Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is He who has come, and is to come, in the name of the Lord; Glory be to Him in the highest.

Holy art Thou, O God;

Holy art Thou, Almighty,

Holy art Thou, Immortal,

+ Crucified for us, have mercy on us. (repeat 3 times)

Lord, have mercy upon us,

Lord, be kind and have mercy.

Lord, accept our service and our prayers

have mercy on us.

Glory be to Thee, O God

Glory be to Thee, O creator,

Glory be to Thee, O Christ the King

Who has compassion on his sinful servants. Barekmor

Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name: Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts and sins as we also have forgiven our debtors. Lead us not into temptations; but deliver us from the evil ones for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Peace be with you, Mary full of Grace, our Lord is with you. Blessed, are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, our Lord Jesus Christ. O Virgin Saint Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at all times, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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The king's daughter stands in Glory- halleluiah and the Queen at- your right hand.

Leave your people and your father's house- halleluiah for the king will desire- your beauty... Barekmor

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Write the meaning of the word Theosis?

Becoming like God

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Write the meaning of the greek word Theos


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Write another word for Theosis


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what is the difference ways church helps us to live the life of christ?

Through Feasts, Fast, Sacraments especially Holy Qurbana and modelling the lives of saints and church Fathers

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How does Holy Qurbana wanna help us to grow into his Holiness?

We received the body and blood of Jesus into the holy Qurbana, with preparation cleansing ourselves. This enables us to go into holiness.

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Who are the Cappodocian fathers?

The Cappodocian fathers are Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory of Nazianzus

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How did the 4 men bring their friends to Jesus?

They made an opening in the roof and brought the paralytic man down to the room by rope

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What made Jesus healed the paralytic man?

Sing the faith of the friends who brought the paralytic man Jesus healed the paralytic man

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What did Jesus proved by healing the paralytic man?

Jesus proved that he has authority to forgive sins on earth

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what is sin & when does it happen?

Turning away from God is sin. Sin happens when we turn away from God, and do things in our own way. Listen, makes us doubt God's plan. Sin makes us lose our trust in God.

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who was Deborah?

Deborah was a Prophetees and was a judge of Israel

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How did Deborah save all Israelites?

Deborah listened and trusted God and she was able to defeat sisera and the enemies. Thus, she saved all the Israelites

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Who are the Prophetess mentioned in the Old Testament?

Deborah, Miriam, & Huldah

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What allowed Peter to walk over the water?

Peter's strong faith in Christ allowed him to walk on water, keeping his focus on Christ.

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How many days after Jesus birth did his parents bring him to the temple?

40 days

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What is Mayaltho?

Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem temple.

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What is a temple?

Temple is the place where God was worshipped and God dwells

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What is a Prophecy?

Prophecy is saying what will happen before it actually happens

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What is Salvation?

Deliverance from sin and being saved from the effects of sin

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When is Malyaltho celebrated?

Feb 2nd

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What offering was given by Joseph and Mary when they brought baby Jesus to the temple?

2 Turtle Doves

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Who was Simeon & what did the Holy Spirit promise him?

Simeon was a just and devout man. Holy Spirit promised him that he would not see death before he had seen Jesus.

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What did Simeon do when he saw baby Jesus?

Simeon held the baby Jesus in his hands and gave thanks to God

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What was Simeon's words holding Jesus in his hands?

"For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring a revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel."

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Who was Anna?

Anna was a prophetess for 84 years old, who served the God with fasting and prayers and was always in the temple

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What did Anna speak to everyone after seeing Jesus?

Anna spoke about Jesus and his role in the redemption of Jerusalem

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How did Jesus grow?

Jesus grew, and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and grace of God was upon him

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What was Jesus' characters?

Jesus loved, and obeyed His parents, he was obedience to authority. He respected and followed all Jewish traditions and customs.

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where did Jesus presentation take place?

In the temple of Solomon at Jerusalem

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What is this Mayaltho feast reminds us?

Jesus is a hope, and a light for all of us

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Grace means what?

Grace is the kindness and blessing of God to us

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What happened in the tower of babel building?

People migrated from east inside out at the land of shinar. They made bricks and started building a tower with its top touching to heaven and thus to bring God down. And they wanted to make a name of them without the help of God. God saw this and He confused their language and they could not understand each other. Finally they could not build the tower of Babel.

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How did Jesus Christ save us?

God's love for us was so great that he decided to send his son Jesus Christ as a man to earth and Jesus Christ showed us how to live a life without doing anything. Finally, Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead. through this great sacrifice, God defeating the death that Adam and Eve brought to the world and saved mankind.

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What happened on the day of Pentecost?

The men who had come from the different countries in the world gather together on the day of Pentecost. All the people who spoke in different languages, could hear the message of St Peters in their own language, the apostles in the believers received the Holy Spirit.

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What does the story of the tower of babel teach us?

When we develop pride, we do not feel the need for God and God will destroy us in the story of the tower of Babel. People built the tower, thinking they did it on their own strength, but God made them realize they cannot complete the work without him.

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Name three saints from Malankara church

St. Geevarghese Mar gregorios of Parumala, St. Geevarghese mar Dionysius vattasseril, St Yeldo mar Baselios

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What age Parumala thirmueni become a bishop?

when he was 28 years old

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When did Parumala thirumeni die? Where is the Saint Entombed?

In 1902 November 2 at the age of 54. He is entombed in Parumala Church

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St Geevarghese Mar Dionysius Vatttasseril is known as what and why?

He is known as the Great Luminary of Malankara church ( In Malayalam: Malankara Sabha Bhasuran) which means bright light. He has this name because he stood strong for the faith and the freedom of church and protected the Church during a difficult time in history.

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What is St. Geevarghese Mar Dionysius Vattasseril's famous book called?

Doctrines of the church

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How can we say that st Geevarghese Mar Dionysius Vattasseril was well educated?

The saint was an authority in Syriac language, Church History, Orthodox faith, theology and doctine.

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st Geevarghese Mar Dionysius Vattasseril was able to face all challenges in life. Why?

Because he had strong faith and spiritual discipline. He spent lot of his time in private prayer, fasting and studying bible. He was a great scholar also.

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St Geevarghese Mar Dionysius Vattasseril die & where is the saint entombed?

Saint died 1934 and is entombed in Pazhaya Seminary (Orthodox Theological Seminary)

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At what age St. Yeldo Mar Baselios came to india?

At the age of 92, he came to India

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At whose request did the saint came to india?

Marthoma 2nd of Malankara Church

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Where is the St. Yeldo Mar Baselios as a saint & when?

in 1947, HH Baselios Geevarghese 2nd canonized Yeldo Mar Baselios as a saint

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Who is Saint Basil and why do we remember him as a Saint?

St. Basil was the father, who taught about the holy trinity, the most, and served the people looking after their physical, social and spiritual needs. We remember him therefore as a saint, and the great teacher and defender of our faith.

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What did Saint Basil worked for?

He did the churches work for the poor. He started hospitals, orphanages, and schools for the sick, helpless, and the poor. Help was given to all those who needed it.

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Which are the three greatest ecumenical councils?

The council of Nicaea in 325 AD

The council of Constantinople in 381 AD

The council of Ephesus in 431 AD

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What is Heresy?

When there is a bad or wrong teaching, it is called a heresy. A heresy is an opinion or belief that is against what the Church teaches, or is not the correct teaching of the church.

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The Oriental Orthodox Church recognizes only these three ecumenical councils. Which are they?

Ecumenical councils of Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus

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The oriental orthodox family comprises of which orthodox churches?

Oriental orthodox family includes the Ethiopian, Coptic, Armenian, Syrian Indian (malankara), and Eritrean Orthodox Churches.

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Why is the middle aisle kept empty in our church?

To signified the presence of the departed with us. They are alive, and are participating with us in the liturgy.

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Do you remember the times when we remember the departed in the Holy Qurbana?

1. In the preparatory prayer- Thuyobo

2. 6th Diptych (thubden)

3. At the end of the Holy Qurbana as well as at the time of intercessory prayers

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In the liturgical calendar, we specifically remember the departed. When?

Apart from the general prayers that we do for the departed, seeking God's mercy on them, we pray for them the Sunday before we start the Great Lent and Holy Saturday

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Name three instances, we see Christ, raising the dead?

Raising of Lazarus (John 11:14-44)

Raising the daughter of Jairus (Mark 5:21-24)

Raising the son of the widow (Luke 7:15)

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Do we pray for the departed?

Yes, we do. We pray for them, and seek God's mercy and grace on them.

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Do we seek the prayer of the departed?

Yes. As the departed are alive we asked them to pray for us.

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What is the fall of man?

Adam and Eve did not listen to God and ate the fruit they were not supposed to eat. This made God sad and it separated us from God. This is called the fall of man

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What is the consequence of this sin or separation from God?


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What did Jesus's resurrection do?

God saved us from death. Through baptism and life in the church, we grow to be like God.

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When people die in Christ, what happens?

At our death, we continue to be in the presence of God, being at peace, awaiting the second coming of our Lord.

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In the Holy Qurbana, who all are praying together?

The living and the departed

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What is a parable?

Parable is a story or an example to make a point clear and easy to understand

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In the parable of the sower and seed, what is the seed?

The seed is the word of God

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Some seeds fell in the good soil, and the plants produced corn, some 100 grains, some 60, and some 30 what does this mean?

The seeds that fell on the good soil stand for those who hear the message and understand it. The bear many fruits.

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In the parable of the wheat and weeds, Master said, let the wheat and weeds grow together until the harvest. During the harvest, the weeds will be gathered and bundled up and will be burned, and the wheat will be gathered up and put in the barn. What do we understand from this parable?

Jesus explained there will be a final separation from good from evil, just like the weeds that are separated from the wheat. At the end of the world, God will send angels to separate the good from the Evil.

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They threw their nets into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When the net was full; they pulled it into the shore. They sat down and sorted all fish. Good fish were put in the basket in bad ones were thrown away. What is explanation given for the story?

Jesus explained at the end of the time, god will separate the good people from the bad. The evil will be punished and good will rejoice in the kingdom of God.

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In order to understand the word of God, what shall we do?

We have to remove the evil thoughts from our mind

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Be perfect as your heavenly___________________

Father is perfect

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To be like_________________ means to be perfect like God


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Saint Paul encourages us to______________ him, just as he also imitate Christ


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We are created in the__________ and likeness of_____________

Image, God

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Saint Peter wrote_________________________ having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust

Be partakers of the divine nature

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___________ in God always


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Turning away from God is_____________


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__________ is the symbolic of Church


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Theosis or deification is the process by which__________

We become like God

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God created us to be in His___________

Image and likeness

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God made us from the___________ and placed us in a special place, called

Dust of the ground, Eden

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Adam and Eve ate the fruit of that one tree, because_____________ them and they listened

Satan tempted

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Because of Adam and Eve's______________ sin and death became a part of the lives of every human


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sin does not only affect our relationship with_____________, but it also affects our relationship with________________

God; each other

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When we _________ God and think of ourselves, we___________ from God.

Forget; fall away

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_____________ shows us what happens when we forget God.

The Tower of Babel

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The people building the Tower of Babel upset God. Thus, God confused their _________


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On the day of ______________ when the Holy Spirit comes down upon all people, this represents the unity of all the believers who speak different languages and are able to understand each other


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Righteousness is being free from______ and being morally right


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______________, ________________, and _________________ are the three Hierarchs of the church

St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, and St. Gregory the Theologian

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