acts as a storage location that can be used to store a value. Value can be changed during execution. Can store a particular type of data
One Dimensional/Linear Array
can hold multiple data elements of the same type. Has a name, size (cannot be changed), and a data type
Parallel Array
A data structure consisting of multiple arrays where corresponding elements across the arrays are related by their index position. Each array typically holds a different type of data, but they are logically connected.
2 Dimensional Array
data come in the form of a data table
Examples of Algorithms
Sequential Search, Binary Search, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort
Sequential Search
finds specific element by going through the list 1 element at a time. Runs in O(n) time
Binary Search
method of finding element in sorted numerical array. Works by halving the index between a left and a right bound until it narrows onto the item it is looking for. Runs in O(logn) time
Bubble Sort
Method of sorting array by looping through it and switching adjacent elements if the right one is larger. Runs in O(n²) time
Selection Sort
Method of sorting lists. Splits into two parts, one sorted, 1 unsorted. Finds the minimum number in the unsorted section, and moves it onto the end of the sorted section. Repeats this until list is fully sorted. Is useful when memory is limited