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Ways in which children are controlled - Space, time, bodies + resources:
Restricted from bars, pubs, clubs and other ‘adult’ spaces
Shops may restrict the amount of children allowed inside
Curfews, screen time on devices/apps, bedtimes, etc school
Restrictions on piercings and tattoos, clothing, cosmetics, contraception, vaccines, diet
Restrictions on possessions of alcohol, recreational drugs, money, education etc
Social Action Theories + Childhood - Giddens:
Childhood is becoming more individualised bc of children’s influence on consumption and because there is a decline in obedience as the parent-child relationship has changed
Due to this individualisation, families may experience difficulty in fitting children into society in the future
SAT + Childhood - Chambers:
Since 2000, there has been a large increase in devices in the home which has affected the relationship between children and adults
(Links to Palmers, Toxic Childhood)
SAT + Childhood - Van Rompaey + Roe:
New media created a fragmentation in life where children disengage and spend more time on media ‘living together but separately’
SAT + Childhood - Livingstone:
(Supports Van Rompaey + Roe)
‘Screen rich bedroom culture’
Young people are spending more time in their bedrooms using tech e.g. gaming consoles + phones but parents see this as a right for children to have privacy - as a result, children are communicating more with the outside world
PM + Childhood - Mayall:
According to Mayall, seeing children from an adult point of view ignores the rights of children and underestimates their ability to think and act for themselves
Children are the final group who are denied their rights to make their own decisions
By giving children more of a voice in policies which affect them, they will be better served by social policies and less vulnerable to abuse
PM + Childhood - Mason + Tipper:
Children actively create their own definitions of who is ‘family’ which include people who are not ‘proper’ relatives but regard them as close
PM + Childhood - Smart (PLP):
All children have different experiences which should be explored and can not be generalised
PM + Childhood