Logical Fallacies

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  1. a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief

  2. a misleading or unsound argument

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Sweeping Generalization

An argument based on the assumption that all people, situations, or events of a kind are the same

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Non Sequitur

No logical connection

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Red Herring

Presents an irrelevant topic to divert attention away from the original issue

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Weak analogy

Comparing  situations, people, objects, etc. that aren’t quite alike

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False dichotomy

  1. either-or fallacy or false dilemma

  2. When only two choices are presented yet more exist, or a spectrum of possible choices exists between two extremes.

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Scare tactics

Exaggerated threats

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Slippery Slope

One small event has tremendously exaggerated consequences.

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Appeal to Pity

Get you to accept something by making you feel sorry for someone

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Ad Populum

  1. appeal to popularity or hopping on the bandwagon

  2. Using the popularity of a premise or proposition as evidence for its truthfulness.

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Holding something as true without factual foundation, proof, and consideration for alternative views.

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Ad Hominem

  1. Character attack: A person makes one mistake, and they are a bad person in every other area of their life.

  2. Also, attacking the person, not the issue.

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Appeal to authority

  1. Name-dropping to impress readers/viewers

  2. The reference to an "expert" who actually is not qualified to speak with authority on the issue

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