colere, latin
what is the word culture derived from(word and language)
what does colere mean
culture is defined as___
culture tends to be___
an ideal(something that is opposed to the real world)
how was culture defined in the 1800s by matthew arnold as___
the sum of beliefs, behaviors, and practices that humans create to the environment around them
sociologists today define culture as___
what thing made changes to european culture so dramatically in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries because expensive, handcrafted goods were now mass-produced and new social classes emerged
nonmaterial culture
the category of culture that includes values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors
material culture
everything in our constructed environment, including tech, buildings, furniture, clothing, and books are all part of our ___
an example of material culture
an example of nonmaterial culture
acronyms and emoticons (lol, :/ )
two things that demonstrate that technology can generate ideas and concepts
study of culture
what tells us that there are many ways to view the same symbol
the element of nonmaterial culture which is a system of concepts and relationships used to understand cause and effect
cause and effect, made of concepts and relationships
what is ideology used for and what is it made up of
discovery that the earth revolves around the sun rather than standing at the center of the universe
an example of shifting ideology
are ideologies questioned when certain aspects of the ideology are challenged?
margaret mead
who wrote coming of age in samoa
who found out that women in samoa engaged in casual sex before they were married and challenged americas cultural scripts
low culture
what is another term for pop culture(such as hiphop)
smaller subgroups within a larger dominant society, united by sets of concepts values, symbols, and shared meanings specific to that group
are subcultures easy to define?
various musical genres and those inspired by them are examples of_
what culture is an example of one that tends to exist cross culturally
within a subculture, can meaning of words and behaviors of people be different from person to person?
do names tend to cross from “male” to “female” names over time?
stanley lieberson
who was a sociology professor at harvard that sudied culture using first names, finding names reflect the cultural trends of specific times
if values are abstract cultural beliefs, then __ are how they are put into play
class mobility, equal opportunity
what are two things rooted in the “american dream”
__ are to behaviors, as values are to attitudes
the experience of internalizing a culture’s norms, values, and the like, is known as?
reflection theory
what theory would a rapper claiming their music is a reflection of their experiences be invoking?
who asserted that culture is a reflection of the means of production of a particular time
reflection theory
what theory is limited because it fails to take into account why some cultural products have staying power and others fall?
cultural relativism
when one recognizes that people in different cultures do things differently and learn not to make value judgements, it is known as
cultural scripts(such as gendered behaviors)
learned behaviors that are not natural or universal are known as
ethnocentric(example given is about alaska)
if a person judges another group by their own standards, they are being __
is it true that until europeans came into contact with non westerners, they tended to see their culture as the only way to live?
ethnocentric (example is about bali)
preventing a cultural practice in america that is a practice in another country could be considered__
the first form of mass media
what percent of us households had a TV
the historical process in which a dominant group exercises moral and intellectual leadership by voluntarily receiving the approval and consent of the masses known
antonio gramsci (example given is about obeying school authority)
who coined the term hegemony
does an article on how to distiguish chinese and japanese reflect the state of many americans?
gramasci would see a group of protesters refusing to leave even after police begin using tear gas as the officers practicing __
textural analysis
what work of gramasci’s was reflected in questions such as why fairy tales begin with a mother’s death
what played a large role in fueling the civil rights and antiwar movements
herbert gans, corporate boards
who said that __ determine the content of news stories
long term media campaigns(such as smokey bear)
what are ads used by nonprofit organizations to educate the public, also known as public service announcements
short term deliberate effect (example mcdonalds)
common day to day short term advertisements are known as
how the media reflects racism
the oj simpson and hurricane katrina are examples of
the belief that happiness can be achieved through aquisition of material