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surgical wound infection S/sx:
- tachycardia, hyperthermia
- elevated WBC (>5k)
- wound swelling, warmth, tenderness, discharge
- increased incisional pain
Surgical wound infection interventions:
- Blood and culture
- initiate antimicrobial and wound care regimen: Clean, debride, - Absorb fluid and exudate, Fill dead space
- antibiotic use PRN, monitor
- If found in surgical incision, the surgeon may insert a drain
Prevention of surgical site infections (SSI)
- Must be done in pre-op phase
- Selection, timing of antibiotics prophylaxis: administer 1 hr before incision; discontinue in 24
- chlorhexidine 6 wipes body bath
- PRN hair clipping removal (NO routine hair removal, DO NOT shave)
- Control blood glucose postop <180 mg/dL
- Maintain body temp 36-38 C w/in 1 hr of surgery
Antibiotic prophylaxis why is it done and what should a post-op understand?
- to prevent infection
- know what med and SE
Primary Intention - Def:
Muscle and skin edges are held intact
Secondary Intention - Def:
muscle layer closed BUT skin layers open
Delayed Primary closure (delayed suture) - Def:
When a wound is intentionally left open and packed moist w/ saline dressing for 3 days
Rule of thumb for moist wounds
What seals wounds and when?
Epithelial cells seal wound only AFTER granulation is complete
Wound closure phases and what is done
- Hemostasis: day 0 - 5; platelet aggregate
- Inflammation: Day 5 - 10; Neutrophils and keratinocytes come together
- Proliferation: Day 10 - 20, monocytes/macrophages/endothelial cells are present
- Maturation and remodeling: Day 25 - 2 yrs: fibroblasts close wound
Special consideration r/t steroid use and wound closure phases
will have a shorter inflammation phase d/t lack of neutrophils
The highest risk of infection in what days?
4 - 7
What major components help wound healing?
Collagen and fibroblasts
What increases collagen?
Vitamin A intake
What increases fibroblasts
Protein and vitamin C
Dehiscence wound def
When edges of a wound are not closing, this is a result of excessive stress on wounds that are not healed
Dehiscence Interventions:
- Keep open tissue moist until healed
- Change dressing
- Do B+C if abnormal discharge is found
Stage 1 PI - def + special note
- Non-blanch-able erythema of intact skin
- The presence of a non-bursted blister is indicative of stage 1; if bursted then it is stage 2
Stage 2 PI - def
Partial thickness skin loss w/ exposed dermis
Stage 3 PI - def
Full-thickness skin loss to the subcutaneous layer (fatty tissue); may have undermining or tunneling
Stage 4 PI- def
Full-thickness skin and tissue loss w/ ulceration to the tendon, cartilage, or bone; tunneling or/and undermining may be present
def Unstageable-
When the depth of the wound is obscured by eschar (black necrotic tissue) or slough (yellow dead tissue and wbcs)
def Deep tissue injury-
persistent non-blanch-able deep red, marron, or purple discoloration. May be boggy (mushy). May be a blood-filled blister. Is due to pressure and/or shearing.
Cause of tissue death:
lack of oxygen
Cause of lack of oxygen:
shear forces and/or friction
def Friction -
When an object is dragged or rubbed across the skin
def Shearing -
when forces are applied to body tissue or parts that cause the tissue to move in opposite directions (gravity)
Pressure injury prevention:
- Risk assessment (BRADEN)
- Skin assessment
- follow facility protocol
- Provide cushion to protect bony prominences
- Turn/reposition q2hrs
- Minimize skin moisture and Manage incontinence via barrier creams, fecal pouches, foley, etc.
- pressure reduction via bed/mattress, cushion, offloading (pillow underneath heels)
- Promote nutrition of high protein diet
- support surfaces
PI risk assessment
- Braden scale
- risk factors:
mechanical forces,
nutrition issues,
medical conditions (hypotension, CF, DM, joint contractures, cancer, impaired mental status),
Incontinence, perspiration, wound draiange, dryness, poor skin turgor,
s/sx Pulmonary edema:
SOB, light headache, coughing w/ bright blood
s/sx Pulmonary embolism:
Fat embolism syndrome, petechiae neck/chest
Venous thrombosis RISK factors
VIRchows’s TRIAD
V -vascular trauma
I - increased coagulaility
R - Reduced blood flow (stasis)
- vascular trauma, increased coagulability, blood stasis (60+ yrs old)
- Obesity,
- Trauma,
- Pregnancy, contraceptives,
- Concomitant diseases (Afib, PVD, sickle cell, malignancies)
Effects of immbolity
Deep Vein Thrombosis Clinical Findings:
-Leg/calf pain
- Redness
- Swelling
- Warmth
- Difficult to palpate pulse
DVT interventions:
- O2 admin
- Anticoagulants and thrombolytics ASAP
- ambulate ONCE on anticoagulants
DVT contraindications:
DO NOT use compression devices or ambulate if positive
DVT prevention:
- Ambulate ASAP
- Graduated compression stocking
- Sequential compression devices
- Anticoagulation (low-molecular-weight-heparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux)
a position to prevent aspiration
Rescue position aka lateral sim’s
(Side-lying with HOB flat; maintain open airway w/ head tilt and chin lift)
Position for For Airway, breathing (ventilation), gas exchange
Upright, high Fowler's, dangle at bedside, chair
Position For Cardiovascular system (CVS): Low BP, Pre-syncopal, dizzy
Supine, head flat, w/ legs elevated (modified Trendelenburg)
position For Neuro Pathology (head injury, craniotomy, stroke)
HOB low for blood flow to the brain; and elevate for drainage from the brain
position for Body part (Trauma, injury complication)
Dependent for arterial flow; elevates for venous drainage and edema reduction
Position of comfort (whatever pts want, not contraindicated)
what for
Usually for pain
cause of hemorrhage
This can be due to a missed suture to tie off blood vessels or dehiscence
Hemorrhage Interventions:
- The area of bleeding is marked
- Apply another dressing on top (reinforce dressing)
- DO NOT remove the dressing unless the surgeon says so
- Hold direct pressure
- Call surgeon immediately
- Assess vital signs
Which of the following conditions is a result of blood loss, hypoventilation, position changes, pooling of blood in extremities, or side effects of medication and anesthesia?
- hypotension
- hypertension
- hyperglycemia
- hypoglycemia
Total separation of wound layers resulting in organ spillage; a medical emergency
Evisceration Interventions:
- Immediately apply a large sterile gauze dressing wet with normal saline (if available sterile saline is best!)
- Immediately call surgeon
- Expect pt to return to surgery for repair