________: the main antagonist of the novel, as the head of the government he is responsible for the majority of the political conflict that ends with the lives of the sisters.
________: she brings up the religious aspect within a political and social culture focused on power and control of the material.
________: the ________ in the novel symbolize how the characters are trapped by the social stereotypes and machismo culture, being the fathers overprotectiveness when the sisters were young or Trujillos reign of fear and violence.
________: They represent freedom, flight, and the ability to rise above tragedy.
________: she is an argumentative character, a leader, and a strong person.
In the time of the butterflies
Julia Alvarez
Date of publication
Historical fiction novel
Three of the sisters die in the car while going to visit their husbands in jail, the government covered up to make it appear that they drove off the cliff
This is significant because it is the ultimate transition of the sister to become a symbol of the revolution, they challenged the vision of power portrayed by Trujillos regime, they found power in their weaknesses and constraints by refusing to be dominated
Minerva learns about Trujillos reign of horror
this moment is crucial for the development of the novel as it marks the beginning of the revolutionary ideas in the family, opening their eyes to the injustice and violence of the country
This revelation establishes not only the motivation for the characters actions but most importantly the major theme of the work
the empowerment of their own destiny to free themselves from the authoritative regime that they are trapped in
Patria gets used to the home-prison lifestyle
despite being seen as something insignificant, this period of time is key for the characters development and final action
she is an argumentative character, a leader, and a strong person
the main antagonist of the novel, as the head of the government he is responsible for the majority of the political conflict that ends with the lives of the sisters
she brings up the religious aspect within a political and social culture focused on power and control of the material
They represent freedom, flight, and the ability to rise above tragedy
the rabbits in the novel symbolize how the characters are trapped by the social stereotypes and machismo culture, being the fathers overprotectiveness when the sisters were young or Trujillos reign of fear and violence
The struggle between social classes to free a country from a dictatorship of violence and terror
The evidence is the sacrifice of the sisters that ends with the regime of Trujillo and the dark period that affected the Dominican Republic
The fundamental role of feminism and empowerment in a society plagued by gender roles and machismo that ends up developing their individual strengths and powers
the evidence is how the conflict arises from the patriarchy of the government that gives Trujillo the power to force himself into what he considers good for the country, having the audacity to sexual harras Minerva and stopping her from obtaining a license to practice law