greater flamingo
american flamingo
chilean flamingo
What is the scientific name of the Greater Flamingo?
Genus: Phoenicopterus
phoenicopterus roseus
What is the scientific name of the American Flamingo?
Genus: Phoenicopterus
phoenicopterus ruber
What is the scientific name of the Chilean Flamingo?
Genus: Phoenicopterus
phoenicopterus chilensis
lesser flamingo
What is the scientific name of the Lesser Flamingo?
Genus: Phoeniconaias
phoeniconaias minor
andean flamingo
james’s flamingo
What is the scientific name of the Andean Flamingo?
Genus: Phoenicoparrus
phoenicoparrus andinus
What is the scientific name of the James’s Flamingo?
Genus: Phoenicoparrus
phoenicoparrus jamesi