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peptone water

  • Composition

  • Sterilization

  • Uses

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peptone water

  • Composition

  • Sterilization

  • Uses

  • 1% peptone + .5% NaCl

  • autoclave

  • base for

    • Sugar media

    • indole production test

    • Nutrient Broth

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Nutrient broth

  • Type of media

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Ph

  • uses

  • Simple

  • Autoclave

  • Peptone Water + Meat extract

  • 7.4

  • INCREASE number of microorganism

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Nutrient slope

  • Type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • simple

  • Preservation of microorganisms for long time

  • Autoclave

  • Nutrient Broth + agar agar

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Nutrient Agar

  • Type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Alternative media

  • Simple

    1. Cultivation of Staphylococci to show Endo pigment

---- ---------------------------------------

Aureus →orange

Albicans → White

Citrus → yellow


  1. Cultivation of Pseudomonas which gives Exopigement


  2. proteus --→ wavy colonies


  3. Anthracoid -→ Medusa head appearance

  • Autoclave

  • Nutrient Broth + agar agar

  • Milk Media

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blood agar

  • type of media

  • media Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Enriched

  • Cultivation of

    Staph.aureus → beta /complete

    Pneumococcal → ALPHA

    streptococcus Fecalis -→ Jama


  • Nutrient agar →Autoclave → blood already sterile

  • Blood + nutrient agar

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chocolate agar

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • enriched

  • Cultivation of Pneumococci

  • Nutrient agar → autoclave , blood is sterile

  • Blood + Nutrient Agar

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Milk Agar

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Enriched

  • Cultivation of Staph.spp

  • Nutrient agar → Autoclave , milk pasteurization

  • Milk + Nutrient Agar

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lofflers serum

  • type of media

  • media Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition:

  • Alternative media

  • Enriched

  • Cultivation of Corynobacteria Diphteria

  • Inspissation

  • 3 part of sterile human serum + 1part of nutrient broth

  • Blood Tellurite

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dorset egg medium

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Alternative media

  • Enriched

  • Cultivation of TB (mycobacterium tuberculosis)

  • Inspissation

  • 3 Parts of egg + 1 part of Distilled water

  • Lowenstein Jensen Media

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Lowenstein jensen

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Alternative media

  • Selective Media

  • Cultivation of TB

  • Inspissation

  • Egg+ Mineral salts + Malachite Green (selective substance)

  • Dorset Egg

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thiosulphate citrate bile slat sucrose (TCBS)

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • selective-indicator substances

  • Selective

  • Cultivation of Cholera

  • Tyndlization

  • Thiosulphate + Citrate +Bile salts + Sucrase +Thymol Blue + Bromothymol Blue

  • Bile salt ( selective media) -Thymol blue+bromothymol blue (indicator substance)

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Selective & indicative media


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MacConkey agar

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Alternative media

  • Differential

  • Cultivation of Salmonella, E.coli


  • SAlmonella → Pale Yellow

  • E.coli → Pink


  • Tyndlization

  • Piptone Water + Agar + Bile Salt + Lactose + Neutral red

  • Selective substance: bile salt Indicator: ( neutral red)

  • Triple Sugar Iron (Salmonella), EMB(E.coli)

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triple sugar iron

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition:

  • indicator substance

  • Differential

  • Cultivation of

    • Proteus → Dark red

    • Pseudomonas → Bright red

    • E.coli → Brown

    • Salmonella

  • Tyndlization

  • glucose+ lactose+ sucrose +ferrous sulphate+ beef and yeast extract+ agar+ phenol red

  • phenol red

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bismuth sulphite agar

  • type of media

  • Uses:

  • Method of sterilization :

  • Composition:

  • Selective substance and indicator

  • Differential

  • Cultivation of Salmonella

  • Autoclave

  • Bismuth Sulphite + Agar + Brilliant Green

  • Brilliant green

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eosin methylene blue (EMB)

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Alternative Media

  • Differential

  • Cultivation of Klebsiella, E.coli

  • Tyndlization

  • Eosin + Methylene + Lactose

  • MacConkey

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Mannitol salt agar

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • composition

  • Indicator: , Selective substance :

  • Alternitve media r

  • Differential

  • Cultivation of Staph Aures

  • Tyndlization

  • Mannitol + 7.5% Nacl +Phenol Red + Agar

  • Indicator → Phenol Red SS→ NaCl

  • Blood Agar

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simmon citrate medium

  • type of media:

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization

  • Composition

  • Alternative media

  • Differential

  • Cultivation of


    E.coli → citrate -ve

    Klebsilla, citrobactor → citrate +ve


  • Tyndlization

  • Citrate + Sugar + Bromothymol Blue (Indicator)

  • MacConkey

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deep agar

  • type of media

  • Uses

  • Method of sterilization :

  • Composition:

  • Simple

  • Cultivation of Anaerobic Cultivation

  • Autocalve

  • Nutrient Broth + agar agar

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thioglycolate media (fluid media)

  • type of media:

  • Uses:

  • Method of sterilization

  • Reducing substance

  • Simple Media

  • Cultivation of Anerobic Microorganism

  • Autoclave

  • Na Thioglycolate

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Robertson cooked meat

  • Type of media :

  • Uses:

  • Method of sterilization

  • Reducing substance

  • Simple Media

  • Cultivation of anaerobic organism

  • Autoclave

  • Haemitin + Glutathione

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: Sabouraud’s dextrose agar

  • type of media:

  • composition

  • sterilisation:

  • use:

  • selective substance

  • Selective

  • Peptone + agar + glucose + Gentamycin + Chloramphenicol+ Cycloheximide

  • Tyndlization

  • Candida Cultivation

  • Gentamycin + Chloramphenicol

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Blood Tellurite Medium

  • type

  • Composition

  • Sterlization

  • uses

  • Slecetive

  • Blood agar + ,03% potassium tellurite (SS)

  • Autoclave + already strile

  • Diphetria

  • ^^^enrished selective differential media “““

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Sugar media

  • type

  • Composition

  • uses

  • Sterlization

  • Enrichment

  • Peptone water + test sugar + 1% andrades indicator (Colorless in alkaline, red in acidic)

  • identification of bacteria

  • Tyndillization

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Types of Media

  • simple

  • enriched

  • selective

  • Differential

  • Enrichment

  • Sugar media

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Simple media

  • Fluid

    - Peptone water

    -Nutrient Broth

  • Solid → nutrient agar

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Enriched media

  • blood agar

  • Chocolate agar

  • milk

  • loffler

  • dorset

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Differential media

  • MacConkey

  • TSI

  • EMB

  • Bismuth Sulphate

  • Mannitol agar

  • simmon Citrate

  • Christensen urea

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Christensen urea

  • type

  • Composition

  • Sterlization

  • uses

  • differential

  • Urea agar + phenol agar

  • autocalve - filteration

  • proteus

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