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Measure the well-being of the nation
What is the first major benefit of collecting crime measurements?
evaluate the benefits of policy
What is the second major benefit of collecting crime measurements?
identify groups suffering from victimization
What is the third major benefit of collecting crime measurements?
helps researchers find the causes of crime
What is the fourth major benefit of collecting crime measurements
Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
What term refers to the program that was started by the International Association of the Chiefs of police and then moved under the umbrella of the FBI in 1929 and is a compilation of crime data?
Supplementray Homicide Reports (SHR)
What term refers to the supplemental reports to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting System that gather details about homicides in the United States, including information about offenders, victim, incidents?
What term refers to a large and complex national data collection system designed to gather incident-based crime information from law enforcement?
What term refers to a nationally representative survey of victims of property and personal violence in the United States?
National Crime Statistcis Exchange
What term refers to a collaboration effort between BJS and the FBI (and other organizations) that will produce nationally representative incident-based statistics on crimes using both data reported to law enforcement agencies and a sample?
National Crime Victimization Survey
What term refers to the nation’s primary source of information about the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of violent victimization against persons and 12 and older and property victimization against U.S. households?
Series Victimization
Victimizations that are not discrete in nature but ongoing with no defined starting or stopping point are referred to as what?
Cyber-Enabled Crimes, High-Tech Crime
What are the two major forms of cybercrime?
Internet Crime Complaint Center
What is the name of the FBI crime program that focuses on internet crimes and uses data gathered via an online internet crime complaint form?
40% lower
According to the American Immigration Council and the CATO Institute, how does crime committed by legal and illegal immigrants compare to crime committed by native born Americans?
. What is the term for the removal of undocumented immigrants from the country?
What is the legal status of being an undocumented immigrant and crossing the border into the country without proper legal authorization?
civil crime, usually has to do with civil lawsuits
What is the term for all types of law other than criminal law? What is this type of law concerned with then?
plaintiff and defendant
What are the terms for the two opposing parties under this type of law?
capital offenses, first degree, second degree, third degree
What are the different degrees of felonies?
Gross results in sentences over 30 day
What is the difference between a gross misdemeanor and a petty misdemeanor?
Results in a fine no prison time
What is an infraction?
honor killing
What is the term for the traditional Middle Eastern and Asian practice in which a men kill female family members suspected of sexual indiscretion?
According to the American Medical Association, what is the most habit-forming substance?
Burglary is unlawful entry into a building to commit crime
What is the difference between a robbery and a burglary?
self-reported survey
What is the term for the source of information for criminologists where persons are asked directly about specific criminal activity to which they may have been a party?
The right to be informed, be present, be heard
What are the major protections encoded within the Crime Victims’ Rights Act of 2004 (CVRA)?
Victims that feel their rights were violated to go to court and have those rights inforced
What is Marsy’s Law?
victim service provider
What is a VSP?
They help victims get access to public benefits
What is a victim advocate?
routine activities theory
What is the theory that best explains why a relatively small number of victims are involved in a disproportionate number of crimes?
Looking at the Chicago Police Department’s list of known offenders who are most likely to be violent offenders or violent victims or crime, what percent of Chicago residents victimized by gun violence are on the list?
imprisonment, youth population, economy
According to Frank Zimring, what are the usual suspects of crime fluctuation?
zero tolerance policies
According to James Alan Fox, what factors likely continued the decline in crime following the 1990s?
Black men are 14 times more likely to die than white men
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, how do rates of death by firearms compare between White and Black men?
It depends on the neighborhood they are from
Why is it that the trend of “Black on Black” violence is a myth because of demographics?
structural disadvantages
According to Ruth D. Peterson and colleagues what is the relationship between race, disadvantage, and crime?