Chapter 9

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Who was the first president?

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Who was the first president?

George Washington

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Who was the first vice president?

John Adams

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What did George Washington do?

He worked to create his cabinet, or departments within the executive branch.The first cabinet consisted of departments of state, treasury, and war along with the attorney general and postmaster general.

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What is the Judiciary Act?

Allowed congress to establish a federal court system with district courts at the lowest level, circuit courts of appeal at the middle level, and the Supreme Court at the top.

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What are the Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments in the consitution.

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What do the Bill or Rights do?

They limit the power of government and protect individual liberty, including freedom of speech.

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What did Alexander Hamilton do to pay of the debts?

The new government pays off the debts owed to other countries and to individual American citizens, including speculators. To gain support for a compromise, he promised Southern leaders that if they voted for his plan, he would support locating the nation’s capital in the South.

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What is the Bank of the United States?

  1. Created by congress, this would help to pay off the nation's debts.

  2. Congress imposed a low tariff, or import duty, on some foreign goods to protect American industries from foreign competition.

  3. Congress also passed several taxes as well.

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What is the Whiskey Rebellion?

Farmers in western Pennsylvania had rebelled against the tax on whiskey. Washington was not getting the same taxes as everyone else. Washington sent troops over to stop the rebellion. This showed that the government was strong and would use force to maintain order.

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What is the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

Fighting broke out between Native Americans and American settlers because the settlers moved onto lands promised to the Native Americans. The Native Americans signed the Treaty of Greenville, in which they agreed to surrender most of the land in what is now Ohio.

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Jay's Treaty

Britain and France went into war in 1793. France wanted us to side with them but Washington issues the Proclamation of Neutrality. Britain challenged Washington and the British captured American ships and forced American crews into the British Navy. Jay's treaty solved the impressment by the British agreed to withdraw from American soil and there was no mention of impressment or British interference with American trade.

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Proclamation of Neutrality

President Washington issued the Proclamation of Neutrality, which prohibited Americans from fighting in the war. The proclamation also barred French and British warships from American ports.

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What are the two political parties?

Democratic-Republican led by Thomas Jefferson and Federalist party led by Alexander Hamilton.

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Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and thought all people should take part in government.

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Beleived the government had broad implied powers and supported representative government, in which elected officials ruled in the peoples name.

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Who was the second president?

John Adams

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What did John Adams do?

He faced troubling foreign issues. A dispute with France led to the XYZ Affair, in which three French agents demanded a bribe from the U.S. His vice president was Thomas Jefferson, a Republican.

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Alien Act

allowed the president to send aliens he considered dangerous out of the country.

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Sedation Act

Anything bad sad about the government or published was illegal and get you sent out of the country.

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The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

claimed that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and that states could legally overturn federal laws. They supported the principle that the powers of the federal government were limited to those clearly assigned to it by the Constitution, and that the rest of the powers belonged to the people or to the governments of the individual states.

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Act or decision that sets an example for others to follow

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Who was Henry Knox

Secretary of War, responsible for all military affairs

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Who was Edmund Randolph?

Attourney General, top law enforcement officer and lawyer for the government

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Samuel Osgood

postmaster general

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thomas jefferson

secretary of state

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alexander hamilton

secretary of the treasury

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First National Bank

First National Bank for a strong economy and created plans to repay debt; Secretary of Treasury; He proposed to repay war bonds at their original level, which was believed to make speculators (people who risk money in order to make profit) unfairly rich Bonds are certificates that promise to repay the money loaned plus interest Hamilton also proposed a tax on all foreign goods to protect American industry (tax on imports)

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District of Columbia

The capital city of America; is a location along the Potomac River between MD and VA. This capital was a compromise for Southerners.

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Farewell Adress

Washington’s 1796 publication stating his retirement. In it, he spoke of international neutrality and avoidance of political parties

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XYZ Affair

John Adams, sent delegates to meet with the French foreign minister Charles de Talleyrand, but refused. The French then sent three agents to the meeting who demanded a bribe and loan for France. American diplomats replied, “Not sixpense!” The term XYZ refer to the three French agents.

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Who wrote the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson

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What is the principle of states rights?

This principle held that the powers of the federal government were limited to those clearly granted by the Constitution. To prevent the federal government from becoming too powerful, the states should have all other powers not expressly forbidden to them.

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What happened after the Resolutions?

The federalists wanted Adams to declare war on France but he didn't. He signed a treaty with France that agreed to stop their attacks. No many people were happy with this choice and the federalist party split and Adams chance of re election was low.

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