from Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering & Computer Science by Nars
An open walk in a graph that visits each vertex at most once.
A finite alternating sequence of vertices and edges, beginning and ending with vertices where each edge connects its two adjacent vertices, allowing for the possibility of revisiting vertices.
A closed walk in a graph that visits each vertex at most once, except for the starting and ending vertex.
A graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices, ensuring that all vertices are accessible from one another.
A connected subgraph of a graph that is not connected to any additional vertices outside of it.
A simple graph with n vertices and k components can have at most
Euler line
a closed walk that runs through every edge of the graph only once
Euler graph
a graph comprised of an Euler line
A unicursal graph/ an open Euler line
An open walk that covers every edge of a graph only once
union of two graphs
the graph formed by combining the vertex sets and edge sets of both graphs.
intersection of two graphs
the graph containing all vertices and edges that are common to both graphs.
ring sum of two graphs
another graph whose vertex set is the union of the vertex sets of each graph and whose edge set consists of edges that are in either graph but not in both
A graph is decomposed into two subgraphs
the union of the subgraphs is equivalent to the original graph and the intersection of the subgraphs is a null graph
removal of either a vertex or edge from a graph
two vertices are replaced by a single vertex which maintains all the edges connected to either of the original vertices or to both
An Euler graph is arbitrarily traceable from vertex v
every circuit in the graph contains v
Hamiltonian circuit
connected graph is a closed walk that traverses every vertex in the graph only once, excluding the starting vertex where the walk also ends
Hamiltonian path
Hamiltonian circuit that has had any one edge removed
A simple graph which has an edge connecting every pair of vertices
a connected graph without any circuit
A tree with n vertices
has n-1 edges
If there is only one path between every pair of vertices in a graph
graph is tree
Any connected graph with n vertices and n-1 edges
is a tree
a graph is a tree if and only if
it is minimally connected
a graph with n vertices, n-1 edges, and no circuits
is connected
a pendant vertex
a vertex of degree one
In any tree with two or more vertices, there are ___ pendant vertices
at least two
distance between two vertices
the length of the shortest path between them
eccentricity of a vertex
the distance between the vertex and the farthest away vertex in the graph
a center
a vertex with minimum eccentricity in a graph
every tree has ___ centers
one or two
radius of a tree
eccentricity of the center
diameter of a tree
length of the longest path in the tree
a rooted tree
a tree in which one vertex is distinguished from all the others
a binary tree
a tree with only one vertex of degree 2 with the rest of the vertices being of degree 1 or 3
connection between binary trees and rooted trees
every binary tree is a rooted tree
height of the tree
maximum level of any vertex in a binary tree
path length of a tree
the sum of the path lengths from the root to all pendant vertices
A spanning tree of a connected graph G
a tree that is a subgraph of G and contains all vertices of G
a branch
an edge in a spanning tree
a chord
an edge of G that is not in the spanning tree
A connected graph of n vertices and e edges has ___ tree branches and ___ chords
n-1 & e-n+1
difference between the vertices of a graph and the components
the difference between the edges of a graph and its rank
Rank of a connected graph is ___ and the nullity is ___
n-1 & e-n+1
A fundamental circuit
a circuit formed by adding a chord to a spanning tree
a graph has ______ fundamental circuits as the number of chords
same number of
a cyclic interchange
the generation of one spanning tree from another by adding a chord to a spanning tree and then removing a branch from the fundamental circuit formed
The distance between two spanning trees
the number of edges present in one tree but not the other
the central tree
the spanning tree with the smallest maximal distance between the spanning tree and any other spanning tree
the weight of a spanning tree of a weighted graph
sum of the weights of all the branches in the spanning tree
A shortest spanning tree
A spanning tree with the smallest weight in a weighted graph
A degree-constrained shortest spanning tree
a spanning tree with an upper limit on the degree of every vertex imposed
A cut-set
a set of edges whose removal from a connected graph leaves that graph disconnected and for whom no proper subset disconnects that graph
connection between cut-sets and spanning trees
Every cut-set in a connected graph must contain at least one branch of every spanning tree of said graph.
fundamental cut-set
a cut-set containing exactly one branch of a spanning tree
ring sum of any two cut-sets in a graph
either a third cut-set or an edge-disjoint union of cut-sets