Fatigue (n)
Extremely tiredness
Absentmindedness (n)
A lack of attention to what your are doing or what is happenng around you because you are thinking about other things.`
Resourcefulness (n)
The ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties or to make make decisions and act on your own.
Forage (v)
To search widely for food (of a person or an animal)
To search for something, especially using the hands. (of a person)
Acquiesce (v)
To accept or agree something but often unwillingly.
Reverence (n)
A feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something.
Incorporate (v)
To include something as part of something larger.
To create a legally recognized companny.
Wary of (adj)
Careful when dealing with somebody or something because you think that there may be a danger or a problem.
Innate (adj)
(of a quality, feeling,..) that you have when your are born, not one you have learned.
Flair (n)
A natural ability or talent for doing something well.
Reconcile (v)
To find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together.
To make people become friends again after an argument or a disagreement.
Mundane (adj)
Not interesting or exciting.
Exposure (n)
The state of being in a place or a situation where there is no protection from something harmful or unpleasant.
The fact of having the true facts about somebody or something told after they have been hidden because they are bad, dishonest or illegal.
Tedious (adj)
lasting or taking too long and not interesting
Tolerance (n)
Willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve them.
The ability to suffer from something, especially pain, difficult conditions, etc. Without being harmed.
Ameliorate (v)
To make a bad or unpleasant situation better
Depletion (n)
A reduction in something
Replenishment (n)
The act of filling something up again by replacing what has been used.
Conducive (to something) (adj)
Making it easy, possible or likely for something to happen
Courtesy (n)
Polite behavior that shows respect for other people.
Providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist.
Intelligible (adj)
That can be easily understood.
Impede (adj)
To delay or stop the process of something.
Remorseful (for or about something) (adj)
Feeling extremely sorry for something wrong or bad that you have done
Confinement (n)
The situation in which a person or an animal is kept somewhere, usually by force.
Scout (n)
A scout is also a person or a soldier, sent out to get information about the enemy