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Parallel edges
edges that connect the same vertices
Simple graph
graph with no loops or parallel edges
Null graph
graph with no vertices or edges
Trivial graph
graph with one vertex
Adjacent edges
edges that have the same end vertex
Adjacent vertices
vertices that are connected by the same edge
Pendant vertex
vertex with degree of 1
Pendant edge
edge with a pendant vertex attached to it
Isolated vertex
vertex with degree of 0
Handshaking Theorem
sum of degrees of all vertices = 2* total # of edges
Degree sequence
list of all vertices’ degrees in descending order
Maximum possible degree
number of vertices - 1
Valid degree sequence:
must sum to an even number
cannot contain degrees greater than the max possible degree
minimum degree value possible = number of vertices with the max possible degree
Complete graph (Kn)
all vertices are connected to each other
each vertex has a degree of n-1
Cycle graph (Cn)
n number of vertices and edges
vertices have a degree of 2
Wheel graph (Wn)
Add one more vertex to a cycle graph and connect it to every vertex
Complementary Graph (G’)
contains the same number of vertices as G
contains edges where G doesn’t
edges in G + edges in G’ = max possible # of edges
overlapping G and G’ = Kn
Bipartite graph (Bm,n)
all vertices can be split into 2 disjoin groups V1 and V2
edges connect a vertex in V1 to a vertex in V2
|V1| = m, |V2| = n
Complete bipartite graph (Km,n)
bipartite graph with all possible edges
degree of each vertex in V1 = n
degree of each vertex in V2 = m
G’ is a subgraph of G if each edge in G’ has the same vertices as it does in G
A graph is a subgraph of itself
finite sequence alternating between vertices and edges
starts with the INITIAL VERTEX
ends with the TERMINAL VERTEX
length of a walk is the number of edges in between the initial and terminal vertex
walk with no repeated edges
walk with no repeated edges or vertices, with the exception of the initial and terminal vertices
path where the initial vertex = the terminal vertex (only repeats are the vertex that is both the initial and terminal vertex)
circuit vs cycle: cycle can have repeats, circuit cannot
Connected graph
a graph is connected if there is walk between every pair of vertices
trivial graph is connected
CLOSED walk/path
initial vertex is the same as the terminal vertex
closed walk = CYCLE
closed path = CIRCUIT
Cut vertex
vertex whose removal increases the number of connected components
Cut edge
edge whose removal increases the number of connected components
Euler walk
Walk in which every edge is used exactly once
A CONNECTED graph has a Euler walk the graph has exactly 2 vertices with an odd degree
Euler circuit
CLOSED walk that uses every edge exactly once (initial and terminal vertices must be the same)
A CONNECTED graph has a Euler circuit if all the graph’s vertices have an even degree
Euler graph
Graph with a Euler circuit
Hamiltonian path
a path that uses every vertex exactly once
Hamiltonian circuit
a circuit in a connected graph that includes every vertex exactly once
Hamiltonian graph
graph with a Hamiltonian circuit
Dirac’s theorem
A simple graph G has a Hamiltonian circuit if G has more 3+ vertices (n >= 3), such that the degree of every vertex >= n/2
Ore’s theorem
A simple graph G has a Hamiltonian circuit if G has 3+ vertices (n >= 3), such that deg(u) + deg(v) >= n for every pair of non-adjacent vertices u and v
Weighted graph
graphs with edges that are assigned numerical values
connected graph with no circuits
an undirected graph is a tree iff there is a unique simple path between any 2 of its vertices
Trivial tree
tree with one vertex
disconnected graph in which each connected component is circuit-less
Rooted tree
tree where one vertex is assigned to be the root. All other vertices and edges move away from the root
Vertex level
number of edges in the unique walk between that vertex and the root, root level = 0
(rooted) tree height
greatest vertex level within the tree
children of vertex v are the adjacent vertices 1 level below
parent of vertex w is its adjacent vertex 1 level above
Internal vertices
vertices with children
vertex without children
distinct vertices with the same parent
if v lies on a unique path between w and the root, v is w’s ancestor and w is a descendant
M-ary tree
A rooted tree with each internal vertex having at most m children. An m-ary tree is FULL if each internal vertex has exactly m children.
Binary search tree
2-ary tree
move left = vertex that is less than its parent
move right = vertex that is greater than its parent
Decision Tree
each internal vertex is a question or attribute
each branch is an resulting outcome
each leaf is a final decision
Empty graph
graph with vertices but no edges
Spanning tree
subgraph of G which is a tree containing every vertex of G. minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree with the smallest possible sum of edge weights (found using prims or kruskals algo)