Notes Complete Garrison Complete?
590 BC
Phoenician circumnavigation of Africa:
1500 - 500 BC
Arabian exploration of the Indian; Polynesian exploration of the Pacific:
Greek term for the Mediterranean, encircled by land, encircled by the endlessly flowing river “Oceanus”
recognized the relationship between the Moon and the tides
produced the first world atlas and world boundaries; later led Europeans to be led astray in their geography
Vikings colonized Iceland by:
Vikings reached North America in:
Prince Henry of Portugal
established a center at Sagres, Portugal for the study of marine science and navigationk
Prince Henry of Portugal established his navigational school in:
Bartolomeu Dias
circumnavigated Africa around the Cape of Good Hope
Bartolomeu Dias circumnavigated Africa around the Cape of Good Hope in:
Christopher Columbus
made 4 Atlantic voyages believing the Americas to be Asia
Vasco da Gama
sailed from East Africa to India
Vasco da Gama sailed from East Africa to India in:
7 Chinese voyages exploring the Indian and Pacific under the Ming dynasty ended in:
Amerigo Vespucci
made several voyages to South America, entitling it the “New World”
1499 - 1504
Amerigo Vespucci made several voyages to South America, entitling it the “New World” in:
Vasco Núñez de Balboa
crossed the Panama Isthmus
Vasco Núñez de Balboa crossed the Panama Isthmus in:
Juan Ponce de León
discovered Florida and the Florida Current
Juan Ponce de León discovered Florida and the Florida Current in:
Ferdinand Magellan
led the first expedition that circumnavigated the globe
Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigated the globe in:
Frobisher, Hudson, and Baffin
made unsuccessful attempts to cross the Northwest Passage in the 16th and 17th centuries
Francis Drake
completed a globe circumnavigation for England
Francis Drake completed a globe circumnavigation for England in:
Johannes Kepler
Planetary discoveries are associated with:
Galileo Galilei
Mass, weight, and acceleration discoveries are associated with:
Sir Isaac Newton
wrote “Principia,” explaining the tides, among other things
Sir Isaac Newton wrote “Principia,” explaining the tides in:
John Harrison
invented the chronometer for determining longitude at sea
John Harrison invented the chronometer for determining longitude at sea in:
an instrument for measuring time, specially developed for marine navigation, used in conjunction with astronomical observation to determine longitude
Captain James Cook
famous British explorer partaking in 3 navigations in the Pacific
Cook’s Endeavor Expedition
charted the transit of Venus; globe circumnavigation; charting of New Zealand and Australian coasts
Cook’s Endeavor Expedition took place in:
Cook’s Resolution/Adventure Expedition
charted the South Pacific, Antarctic Ocean, and many islands
Cook’s Resolution/Adventure Expedition took place in:
Cook’s Resolution/Discovery Expedition
explored the South Pacific, charted Hawaii and the Northwestern American coast
Cook’s Resolution/Discovery Expedition took place in:
Benjamin Franklin and Timothy Folger
created a chart of the Gulf Stream
Benjamin Franklin and Timothy Folger created a chart of the Gulf Stream in:
Matthew Maury
created a systematic collection of oceanic data from ship logs and produced wind and ocean currents
Matthew Maury created a systematic collection of oceanic data from ship logs and produced wind and ocean currents in:
“The Physical Geography of the Sea”
Matthew Maury’s work synthesizing wind and ocean currents
Father of Oceanography
Matthew Maury is considered the:
Charles Darwin
described, collected, and classified land and sea organisms, developed atoll formation theory, and evolutionary theory on his Beagle expedition
Charles Darwin‘s Beagle expedition took place in:
Edward Forbes
took a survey of marine organisms around England and the Mediterranean, theorizing ocean depth zones
John Ross and James Ross
collected deep water samples in the Arctic and Antarctic
Christian Ehrenberg
found/theorized of plankton skeletons making up ocean floor sediment
Johannes Muller
continued Ehrenberg’s work, creating an even finer mesh collection net
Victor Hansen
published work coining the term “plankton”
Challenger Expedition
began under Wyville Thomson and assistant John Murray for scientific research
The Challenger Expedition took place in:
Soundings at 361 stations, deep water samples, investigated deep-water motion, temperatures measurements, thousands of biological and bottom samples collected
Accomplishments of the Challenger Expedition
John Murray and William Dittmar
Challenger information and data was compiled and organized by:
Fram Expedition
Arctic expedition with a specialized craft built to withstand ice, under Fridtjof Nansen
The Fram Expedition took place in:
Found that the Arctic was a deep ocean basin, took water/air temperatures, water chemistry measurements, and observations of plankton blooms
Accomplishments of the Fram Expedition:
Nansen Bottle
ocean sampling method which involves using a cylinder with hinges on both sides to open and collect water, a long cable to control desired depth of sampler, and a separate weight that uses a spring loaded mechanism to shut both sides of the cylinder
Lord Kelvin
developed a tide-predicting machine in 1872
Martin Knudson
Developed an accurate method for determining salinity
Meteor Expedition
German cruise, the first ship to use sonar technology
traveling (usually by sea) with a specific purpose
Latin form of okeanos, the Greek name for the "ocean river" past Gibraltar
a person who makes maps and charts
a map that depicts mostly water and the adjoining land areas
Library of Alexandria
the greatest collection of writings in the ancient world, founded in the 3rd century BC by Alexander the Great; could be considered the first university
Eratosthenes (of Cyrene)
Greek scholar and librarian at Alexandria who first calculated the circumference of the Earth about 230 BC
Celestial Navigation
the technique of finding one's position on Earth by reference to the apparent positions of stars, planets, the moon, and the sun
regularly spaced imaginary lines on Earth's surface running parallel to the equator
regularly spaced imaginary lines on Earth's surface running north and south and converging at the poles
invented the grid of latitude and longitude and divides Earth’s surface into 360°
inhabitants of the Pacific islands that lie within a triangle formed by Hawaii, New Zealand, and Easter Island
a large group of Pacific islands lying east of Melanesia and Micronesia and extending from the Hawaiian Islands south to New Zealand and east to Easter Island
a region of the western Pacific Ocean that consists of hundreds of islands, east of the Philippines
a subregion of Oceania in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It extends from New Guinea in the west to the Fiji Islands in the east
900-800 BC
Many Polynesian islands were settled between:
Bamboo stick charts
Oceania’s navigators used what tool to chart islands:
450 and 600
Hawaii was settled between:
seafaring Scandinavian raiders who ravaged the coasts of Europe around AD 780-1070
United States Exploring Expedition
the first U.S. oceanographic research voyage, launched in 1838
Alfred Thayer Mahan
an American naval officer and historian, published The Influence of Sea Power upon History in 1892
joint French-U.S. satellite carrying radars that can determine the height of the sea surface with unprecedented accuracy; Other experiments in this five-year program included sensing water vapor over the ocean, determining the precise location of ocean currents, and determining wind speed and direction
a follow -on satellite mission to TOPEX/Poseidon
satellite capable of measuring the distribution of chlorophyll at the ocean surface, a measure of marine productivity
a NASA satellite designed to obtain data on Earth's water cycle
John Murray
considered the first geological oceanographer
because James Cook insisted upon cleanliness and ventilation, along with the sauerkraut and citrus extract, his sailors avoided _____ ,a vitamin C deficiency disease:
Charles Wilkes
charted Hawaii and scaled Mauna Loa
Chinese Nautical Inventions
compass, central rudder, multi mast sails, trapezoidal and triangular sails
With the addition of specially designed thermometers to Nansen bottles
Deepwater circulation couldn’t be studied until about 1910 when it became possible to identify individual water masses on the basis of their temperature and salinity characteristics; this could be accomplished:
Erik the Red (Erik Thorvaldsson)
sailed west from Iceland in 982 and discovered Greenland
Hannu in 2750 BC
First recorded voyage of exploration:
Leif Eriksson
sailed to North America in 1002
13th century
Magnetic compass directions were added to maps in:
International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE)
The 1970s were declared the:
Glomar Challenger
the Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) began to core and retrieve sea floor sediment and rock in 1968 using the drill ship
The first hydrographic office was established in France as early as: