Unit 1
Spanish | English |
Hola. | Hello; Hi. |
Buenos días. | Good morning. |
Buenas tardes. | Good afternoon. |
Buenas noches. | Good evening; Good night. |
Spanish | English |
Adiós. | Goodbye. |
Nos vemos. | See you. |
Hasta luego. | See you later. |
Hasta la vista. | See you later. |
Hasta pronto. | See you soon. |
Hasta mañana. | See you tomorrow. |
Saludos a... | Greetings to… |
Chau. | Bye. |
Spanish | English |
¿Cómo está usted? | How are you? (form.) |
¿Cómo estás? | How are you? (fam.) |
¿Qué hay de nuevo? | What’s new? |
¿Qué pasa? | What’s happening?; What’s going on? |
¿Qué tal? | How are you?; How is it going? |
(Muy) bien, gracias. | (Very) well, thanks. |
Nada. | Nothing. |
No muy bien. | Not very well. |
Regular. | So-so; OK. |
Spanish | English |
Con permiso. | Pardon me; Excuse me. |
De nada. | You’re welcome. |
Lo siento. | I’m sorry. |
(Muchas) gracias. | Thank you (very much); Thanks (a lot). |
No hay de qué. | You’re welcome. |
Perdón. | Pardon me; Excuse me. |
por favor | please |
Spanish | English |
señor (Sr.); don | Mr.; sir |
señora (Sra.); doña | Mrs.; ma’am |
señorita (Srta.) | Miss |
Spanish | English |
¿Cómo se llama usted? | What’s your name? (form.) |
¿Cómo te llamas? | What’s your name? (fam.) |
Me llamo... | My name is… |
¿Y usted? | And you? (form.) |
¿Y tú? | And you? (fam.) |
Mucho gusto. | Pleased to meet you. |
El gusto es mío. | The pleasure is mine. |
Encantado/a. | Delighted; Pleased to meet you. |
Igualmente. | Likewise. |
Éste/Ésta es... | This is... |
Le presento a... | I would like to introduce you to (name). (form.) |
Te presento a... | I would like to introduce you to (name). (fam.) |
el nombre | name |
Spanish | English |
¿De dónde es usted? | Where are you from? (form.) |
¿De dónde eres? | Where are you from? (fam.) |
Soy de... | I’m from… |
Spanish | English |
¿cuánto(s)/a(s)? | how much/many? |
¿de quién...? | whose…? (sing.) |
¿de quiénes...? | whose…? (plural) |
(no) hay | there is (not); there are (not) |
Spanish | English |
Argentina | Argentina |
Canadá | Canada |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Cuba | Cuba |
Ecuador | Ecuador |
España | Spain |
Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) | United States |
México | Mexico |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Spanish | English |
el autobús | bus |
la capital | capital city |
el chico | boy |
la chica | girl |
la computadora | computer |
la comunidad | community |
el/la conductor(a) | driver |
la conversación | conversation |
la cosa | thing |
el cuaderno | notebook |
el día | day |
el diario | diary |
el diccionario | dictionary |
la escuela | school |
el/la estudiante | student |
la foto(grafía) | photograph |
el hombre | man |
el/la joven | youth; young person |
el lápiz | pencil |
la lección | lesson |
la maleta | suitcase |
la mano | hand |
el mapa | map |
la mujer | woman |
la nacionalidad | nationality |
el número | number |
el país | country |
la palabra | word |
el/la pasajero/a | passenger |
el problema | problem |
el/la profesor(a) | teacher |
el programa | program |
el/la turista | tourist |
el video | video |
Spanish | English |
ser | to be |
Unit 2:
Spanish | English |
el/la compañero/a de clase | classmate |
el/la compañero/a de cuarto | roommate |
el/la estudiante | student |
el/la profesor(a) | teacher |
el borrador | eraser |
la calculadora | calculator |
el escritorio | desk |
el libro | book |
el mapa | map |
la mesa | table |
la mochila | backpack |
el papel | paper |
la papelera | wastebasket |
la pizarra | blackboard |
la pluma | pen |
la puerta | door |
el reloj | clock; watch |
la silla | chair |
la tiza | chalk |
la ventana | window |
la biblioteca | library |
la cafetería | cafeteria |
la casa | house; home |
el estadio | stadium |
el laboratorio | laboratory |
la librería | bookstore |
la universidad | university; college |
la clase | class |
el curso, la materia | course |
el examen | test; exam |
el horario | schedule |
la prueba | test; quiz |
el semestre | semester |
la tarea | homework |
el trimestre | trimester; quarter |
Spanish | English |
el arte | art |
la biología | biology |
las ciencias | sciences |
la computación | computer science |
la contabilidad | accounting |
la economía | economics |
el español | Spanish |
la física | physics |
la geografía | geography |
la historia | history |
las humanidades | humanities |
el inglés | English |
las lenguas extranjeras | foreign languages |
la literatura | literature |
las matemáticas | mathematics |
la música | music |
el periodismo | journalism |
la psicología | psychology |
la química | chemistry |
la sociología | sociology |
Spanish | English |
al lado de | next to |
a la derecha de | to the right of |
a la izquierda de | to the left of |
allá | over there |
allí | there |
cerca de | near |
con | with |
debajo de | below; under |
delante de | in front of |
detrás de | behind |
en | in; on |
encima de | on top of |
entre | between; among |
lejos de | far from |
sin | without |
sobre | on; over |
Spanish | English |
¿Adónde? | Where (to)? |
ahora | now |
¿Cuál?, ¿Cuáles? | Which?; Which one(s)? |
¿Por qué? | Why? |
porque | because |
Spanish | English |
bailar | to dance |
buscar | to look for |
caminar | to walk |
cantar | to sing |
cenar | to have dinner |
comprar | to buy |
contestar | to answer |
conversar | to converse, to chat |
desayunar | to have breakfast |
descansar | to rest |
desear | to wish; to desire |
dibujar | to draw |
enseñar | to teach |
escuchar la radio/música | to listen (to) the radio/music |
esperar (+ inf.) | to wait (for); to hope |
estar | to be |
estudiar | to study |
explicar | to explain |
gustar | to like |
hablar | to talk; to speak |
llegar | to arrive |
llevar | to carry |
mirar | to look (at); to watch |
necesitar (+ inf.) | to need |
practicar | to practice |
preguntar | to ask (a question) |
preparar | to prepare |
regresar | to return |
terminar | to end; to finish |
tomar | to take; to drink |
trabajar | to work |
viajar | to travel |
Spanish | English |
¿Cuándo? | When? |
¿Qué día es hoy? | What day is it? |
Hoy es… | Today is… |
la semana | week |
lunes | Monday |
martes | Tuesday |
miércoles | Wednesday |
jueves | Thursday |
viernes | Friday |
sábado | Saturday |
domingo | Sunday |
Unit 3
Spanish | English |
el/la abuelo/a | grandfather/grandmother |
los abuelos | grandparents |
el apellido | last name |
el/la bisabuelo/a | great-grandfather/great-grandmother |
el/la cuñado/a | brother-in-law/sister-in-law |
el/la esposo/a | husband/wife; spouse |
la familia | family |
el/la gemelo/a | twin |
el/la hermanastro/a | stepbrother/stepsister |
el/la hermano/a | brother/sister |
el/la hijastro/a | stepson/stepdaughter |
el/la hijo/a | son/daughter |
los hijos | children |
la madrastra | stepmother |
la madre | mother |
el/la medio/a hermano/a | half-brother/half-sister |
el/la nieto/a | grandson/granddaughter |
la nuera | daughter-in-law |
el padrastro | stepfather |
el padre | father |
los padres | parents |
los parientes | relatives |
el/la primo/a | cousin |
el/la sobrino/a | nephew/niece |
el/la suegro/a | father-in-law/mother-in-law |
el/la tío/a | uncle/aunt |
el yerno | son-in-law |
Spanish | English |
el/la amigo/a | friend |
la gente | people |
el/la muchacho/a | boy/girl |
el/la niño/a | child |
el/la novio/a | boyfriend/girlfriend |
la persona | person |
Spanish | English |
el/la artista | artist |
el/la doctor(a), el/la médico/a | doctor; physician |
el/la ingeniero/a | engineer |
el/la periodista | journalist |
el/la programador(a) | computer programmer |
Spanish | English |
alto/a | tall |
antipático/a | unpleasant |
bajo/a | short (in height) |
bonito/a | pretty |
buen, bueno/a | good |
delgado/a | thin; slender |
difícil | difficult; hard |
fácil | easy |
feo/a | ugly |
gordo/a | fat |
gran, grande | big; large |
guapo/a | good-looking |
importante | important |
inteligente | intelligent |
interesante | interesting |
joven (sing.), jóvenes (pl.) | young |
mal, malo/a | bad |
mismo/a | same |
moreno/a | brunet(te) |
mucho/a | much; many; a lot of |
pelirrojo/a | red-haired |
pequeño/a | small |
rubio/a | blond(e) |
simpático/a | nice; likeable |
tonto/a | silly; foolish |
trabajador(a) | hard-working |
viejo/a | old |
Spanish | English |
amarillo/a | yellow |
azul | blue |
blanco/a | white |
negro/a | black |
rojo/a | red |
verde | green |
Spanish | English |
alemán, alemana | German |
argentino/a | Argentine |
canadiense | Canadian |
chino/a | Chinese |
costarricense | Costa Rican |
cubano/a | Cuban |
ecuatoriano/a | Ecuadorian |
español(a) | Spanish |
estadounidense | from the U.S. |
francés, francesa | French |
inglés, inglesa | English |
italiano/a | Italian |
japonés, japonesa | Japanese |
mexicano/a | Mexican |
norteamericano/a | (North) American |
puertorriqueño/a | Puerto Rican |
ruso/a | Russian |
Spanish | English |
abrir | to open |
aprender (a + inf.) | to learn |
asistir (a) | to attend |
beber | to drink |
comer | to eat |
compartir | to share |
comprender | to understand |
correr | to run |
creer (en) | to believe (in) |
deber (+ inf.) | should; must; ought to |
decidir (+ inf.) | to decide |
describir | to describe |
escribir | to write |
leer | to read |
recibir | to receive |
tener | to have |
venir | to come |
vivir | to live |
Unit 4
Spanish | English |
andar en patineta | to skateboard |
bucear | to scuba dive |
escalar montañas (f., pl.) | to climb mountains |
escribir una carta | to write a letter |
escribir un mensaje electrónico | to write an e-mail |
esquiar | to ski |
ganar | to win |
ir de excursión | to go on a hike |
leer el correo electrónico | to read e-mail |
leer un periódico | to read a newspaper |
leer una revista | to read a magazine |
nadar | to swim |
pasear | to take a walk; to stroll |
pasear en bicicleta | to ride a bicycle |
patinar (en línea) | to (inline) skate |
practicar deportes (m., pl.) | to play sports |
tomar el sol | to sunbathe |
ver películas (f., pl.) | to watch movies |
visitar monumentos (m., pl.) | to visit monuments |
la diversión | fun activity; entertainment; recreation |
el fin de semana | weekend |
el pasatiempo | pastime; hobby |
los ratos libres | spare (free) time |
el videojuego | video game |
Spanish | English |
el baloncesto | basketball |
el béisbol | baseball |
el ciclismo | cycling |
el equipo | team |
el esquí (acuático) | (water) skiing |
el fútbol | soccer |
el fútbol americano | football |
el golf | golf |
el hockey | hockey |
el/la jugador(a) | player |
la natación | swimming |
el partido | game; match |
la pelota | ball |
el tenis | tennis |
el vóleibol | volleyball |
### AdjetivosPlay
Spanish | English |
deportivo/a | sports-related |
favorito/a | favorite |
### LugaresPlay
Spanish | English |
el café | café |
el centro | downtown |
el cine | movie theater |
el gimnasio | gymnasium |
la iglesia | church |
el lugar | place |
el museo | museum |
el parque | park |
la piscina | swimming pool |
la plaza | city or town square |
el restaurante | restaurant |
### VerbosPlay
Spanish | English |
almorzar (o:ue) | to have lunch |
cerrar (e:ie) | to close |
comenzar (e:ie) | to begin |
conseguir (e:i) | to get; to obtain |
contar (o:ue) | to count; to tell |
decir (e:i) | to say; to tell |
dormir (o:ue) | to sleep |
empezar (e:ie) | to begin |
encontrar (o:ue) | to find |
entender (e:ie) | to understand |
hacer | to do; to make |
ir | to go |
jugar (u:ue) | to play (a sport or a game) |
mostrar (o:ue) | to show |
oír | to hear |
pedir (e:i) | to ask for; to request |
pensar (e:ie) | to think |
pensar (+ inf.) | to intend |
pensar en | to think about |
perder (e:ie) | to lose; to miss |
poder (o:ue) | to be able to; can |
poner | to put; to place |
preferir (e:ie) | to prefer |
querer (e:ie) | to want; to love |
recordar (o:ue) | to remember |
repetir (e:i) | to repeat |
salir | to leave |
seguir (e:i) | to follow; to continue |
suponer | to suppose |
traer | to bring |
ver | to see |
volver (o:ue) | to return |
### PasatiemposPlay
Spanish | English |
andar en patineta | to skateboard |
bucear | to scuba dive |
escalar montañas (f., pl.) | to climb mountains |
escribir una carta | to write a letter |
escribir un mensaje electrónico | to write an e-mail |
esquiar | to ski |
ganar | to win |
ir de excursión | to go on a hike |
leer el correo electrónico | to read e-mail |
leer un periódico | to read a newspaper |
leer una revista | to read a magazine |
nadar | to swim |
pasear | to take a walk; to stroll |
pasear en bicicleta | to ride a bicycle |
patinar (en línea) | to (inline) skate |
practicar deportes (m., pl.) | to play sports |
tomar el sol | to sunbathe |
ver películas (f., pl.) | to watch movies |
visitar monumentos (m., pl.) | to visit monuments |
la diversión | fun activity; entertainment; recreation |
el fin de semana | weekend |
el pasatiempo | pastime; hobby |
los ratos libres | spare (free) time |
el videojuego | video game |
### DeportesPlay
Spanish | English |
el baloncesto | basketball |
el béisbol | baseball |
el ciclismo | cycling |
el equipo | team |
el esquí (acuático) | (water) skiing |
el fútbol | soccer |
el fútbol americano | football |
el golf | golf |
el hockey | hockey |
el/la jugador(a) | player |
la natación | swimming |
el partido | game; match |
la pelota | ball |
el tenis | tennis |
el vóleibol | volleyball |
### AdjetivosPlay
Spanish | English |
deportivo/a | sports-related |
favorito/a | favorite |
### LugaresPlay
Spanish | English |
el café | café |
el centro | downtown |
el cine | movie theater |
el gimnasio | gymnasium |
la iglesia | church |
el lugar | place |
el museo | museum |
el parque | park |
la piscina | swimming pool |
la plaza | city or town square |
el restaurante | restaurant |
### VerbosPlay
Spanish | English |
almorzar (o:ue) | to have lunch |
cerrar (e:ie) | to close |
comenzar (e:ie) | to begin |
conseguir (e:i) | to get; to obtain |
contar (o:ue) | to count; to tell |
decir (e:i) | to say; to tell |
dormir (o:ue) | to sleep |
empezar (e:ie) | to begin |
encontrar (o:ue) | to find |
entender (e:ie) | to understand |
hacer | to do; to make |
ir | to go |
jugar (u:ue) | to play (a sport or a game) |
mostrar (o:ue) | to show |
oír | to hear |
pedir (e:i) | to ask for; to request |
pensar (e:ie) | to think |
pensar (+ inf.) | to intend |
pensar en | to think about |
perder (e:ie) | to lose; to miss |
poder (o:ue) | to be able to; can |
poner | to put; to place |
preferir (e:ie) | to prefer |
querer (e:ie) | to want; to love |
recordar (o:ue) | to remember |
repetir (e:i) | to repeat |
salir | to leave |
seguir (e:i) | to follow; to continue |
suponer | to suppose |
traer | to bring |
ver | to see |
volver (o:ue) | to return |
Unit 5
Spanish | English |
acampar | to camp |
confirmar una reservación | to confirm a reservation |
estar de vacaciones (f. pl.) | to be on vacation |
hacer las maletas | to pack (one’s suitcases) |
hacer un viaje | to take a trip |
hacer (wind)surf | to (wind)surf |
ir de compras (f. pl.) | to go shopping |
ir de vacaciones | to go on vacation |
ir en autobús (m.) | to go by bus |
ir en auto(móvil) (m.) | to go by car |
ir en avión (m.) | to go by plane |
ir en barco (m.) | to go by boat |
ir en moto(cicleta) (f.) | to go by motorcycle |
ir en taxi (m.) | to go by taxi |
jugar a las cartas | to play cards |
montar a caballo (m.) | to ride a horse |
pescar | to fish |
sacar/tomar fotos (f. pl.) | to take photos |
el/la agente de viajes | travel agent |
el/la inspector(a) de aduanas | customs inspector |
el/la viajero/a | traveler |
el aeropuerto | airport |
la agencia de viajes | travel agency |
el campo | countryside |
el equipaje | luggage |
la estación de autobuses | bus station |
la estación del metro | subway station |
la estación de tren | train station |
la llegada | arrival |
el mar | sea |
el paisaje | landscape |
el pasaje (de ida y vuelta) | (round-trip) ticket |
el pasaporte | passport |
la playa | beach |
la salida | departure; exit |
la tabla de (wind)surf | surfboard/sailboard |
Spanish | English |
el ascensor | elevator |
el/la botones | bellhop |
la cama | bed |
el/la empleado/a | employee |
la habitación individual | single room |
la habitación doble | double room |
el hotel | hotel |
el/la huésped | guest |
la llave | key |
el piso | floor (of a building) |
la planta baja | ground floor |
Spanish | English |
abierto/a | open |
aburrido/a | bored; boring |
alegre | happy; joyful |
amable | nice; friendly |
avergonzado/a | embarrassed |
cansado/a | tired |
cerrado/a | closed |
cómodo/a | comfortable |
confundido/a | confused |
contento/a | happy; content |
desordenado/a | disorderly |
enamorado/a (de) | in love (with) |
enojado/a | mad; angry |
equivocado/a | wrong |
feliz | happy |
limpio/a | clean |
listo/a | ready; smart |
nervioso/a | nervous |
ocupado/a | busy |
ordenado/a | orderly |
preocupado/a (por) | worried (about) |
seguro/a | sure; safe |
sucio/a | dirty |
triste | sad |
Spanish | English |
primer, primero/a | first |
segundo/a | second |
tercer, tercero/a | third |
cuarto/a | fourth |
quinto/a | fifth |
sexto/a | sixth |
séptimo/a | seventh |
octavo/a | eighth |
noveno/a | ninth |
décimo/a | tenth |
Spanish | English |
ahora mismo | right now |
el año | year |
¿Cuál es la fecha (de hoy)? | What is the date (today)? |
de buen humor | in a good mood |
de mal humor | in a bad mood |
la estación | season |
el mes | month |
todavía | yet; still |
Unit 6
Spanish | English |
el abrigo | coat |
los (blue)jeans | jeans |
la blusa | blouse |
la bolsa | purse; bag |
la bota | boot |
los calcetines (el calcetín) | sock(s) |
la camisa | shirt |
la camiseta | t-shirt |
la cartera | wallet |
la chaqueta | jacket |
el cinturón | belt |
la corbata | tie |
la falda | skirt |
las gafas (de sol) | (sun)glasses |
los guantes | gloves |
el impermeable | raincoat |
las medias | pantyhose; stockings |
los pantalones | pants |
los pantalones cortos | shorts |
la ropa | clothing; clothes |
la ropa interior | underwear |
las sandalias | sandals |
el sombrero | hat |
el suéter | sweater |
el traje | suit |
el traje de baño | bathing suit |
el vestido | dress |
los zapatos de tenis | sneakers |
Spanish | English |
acabar de (+ inf.) | to have just done something |
conducir | to drive |
conocer | to know; to be acquainted with |
dar | to give |
ofrecer | to offer |
parecer | to seem |
saber | to know; to know how |
traducir | to translate |
Spanish | English |
el almacén | department store |
la caja | cash register |
el centro comercial | shopping mall |
el/la cliente/a | customer |
el/la dependiente/a | clerk |
el dinero | money |
(en) efectivo | cash |
el mercado (al aire libre) | (open-air) market |
un par (de zapatos) | a pair (of shoes) |
el precio (fijo) | (fixed; set) price |
la rebaja | sale |
el regalo | gift |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
la tienda | shop; store |
el/la vendedor(a) | salesperson |
costar (o:ue) | to cost |
gastar | to spend (money) |
hacer juego (con) | to match (with) |
llevar | to wear; to take |
pagar | to pay |
regatear | to bargain |
usar | to wear; to use |
vender | to sell |
Spanish | English |
barato/a | cheap |
bueno/a | good |
cada | each |
caro/a | expensive |
corto/a | short (in length) |
elegante | elegant |
hermoso/a | beautiful |
largo/a | long |
loco/a | crazy |
nuevo/a | new |
otro/a | other; another |
pobre | poor |
rico/a | rich |
Spanish | English |
el color | color |
anaranjado/a | orange |
gris | gray |
marrón, café | brown |
morado/a | purple |
rosado/a | pink |
Spanish | English |
acabar de (+ inf.) | to have just done something |
anoche | last night |
anteayer | the day before yesterday |
ayer | yesterday |
de repente | suddenly |
desde | from |
dos veces | twice; two times |
hasta | until |
pasado/a (adj.) | last; past |
el año pasado | last year |
la semana pasada | last week |
prestar | to lend; to loan |
una vez | once; one time |
ya | already |
Unit 7
Spanish | English |
acordarse (de) (o:ue) | to remember |
acostarse (o:ue) | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave |
bañarse | to bathe; to take a bath |
cepillarse el pelo | to brush one’s hair |
cepillarse los dientes | to brush one's teeth |
despertarse (e:ie) | to wake up |
dormirse (o:ue) | to go to sleep; to fall asleep |
ducharse | to shower; to take a shower |
enojarse (con) | to get angry (with) |
irse | to go away; to leave |
lavarse la cara | to wash one’s face |
lavarse las manos | to wash one's hands |
levantarse | to get up |
llamarse | to be called; to be named |
maquillarse | to put on makeup |
peinarse | to comb one's hair |
ponerse | to put on |
ponerse (+ adj.) | to become (+ adj.) |
preocuparse (por) | to worry (about) |
probarse (o:ue) | to try on |
quedarse | to stay; to remain |
quitarse | to take off |
secarse | to dry oneself |
sentarse (e:ie) | to sit down |
sentirse (e:ie) | to feel |
vestirse (e:i) | to get dressed |
Spanish | English |
antes (de) | before |
después | afterwards; then |
después (de) | after |
durante | during |
entonces | then |
luego | then |
más tarde | later (on) |
por último | finally |
Spanish | English |
algo | something; anything |
alguien | someone; somebody; anyone |
alguno/a(s), algún | some; any |
jamás | never; not ever |
nada | nothing; not anything |
nadie | no one; nobody; not anyone |
ni… ni | neither… nor |
ninguno/a, ningún | no; none; not any |
nunca | never; not ever |
o… o | either… or |
siempre | always |
también | also; too |
tampoco | neither; not either |
Spanish | English |
el baño, el cuarto de baño | bathroom |
el champú | shampoo |
la crema de afeitar | shaving cream |
la ducha | shower |
el espejo | mirror |
el inodoro | toilet |
el jabón | soap |
el lavabo | sink |
el maquillaje | makeup |
la pasta de dientes | toothpaste |
la toalla | towel |
Spanish | English |
aburrir | to bore |
encantar | to like very much; to love (inanimate objects) |
faltar | to lack; to need |
fascinar | to fascinate; to like very much |
importar | to be important to; to matter |
interesar | to be interesting to; to interest |
molestar | to bother; to annoy |
quedar | to be left over; to fit (clothing) |
Spanish | English |
el despertador | alarm clock |
las pantuflas | slippers |
la rutina diaria | daily routine |
por la mañana | in the morning |
por la noche | at night |
por la tarde | in the afternoon; in the evening |
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