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subjective as babies expression may have no meaning
observations don't tell us why there is reciprocity and interational synchrony
it is socially sensitive as Isabelle et al's study shows that mothers should not go to work
controlled observations
inconsistent findings as different researchers are interested in finding different things e.g. primary and secondary attachment. no studies actually tell us what the role of the father is. -socially sensitive as suggests child might be at a disadvantage if mother goes back to work
children with fathers growing up are no difference showing similar role
biological explanation, woman have more oestrogen making them more nurturing
+good external validity as carried out in the homes +longitudinal so good internal validity as children followed up so no confounding variables as same children used
can't be generalised
doesn't necessarily measure attachment as stranger and separation anxiety are only two components that make up attachment
problems with asocial stage as baby has no coordination and is immobile so judgements on behaviour can not be made when this young
problems with multiple attachments as not clear when baby forms second attachment as different in collectivist cultures
the stage theory suggests that development of attachment is not flexible +application as gives a mothers point of view of their child's progress in attachment
research may not generalise to other animals let alone humans
observations can be questioned. E.g. the idea that imprinting has a permanent effect on mating behaviour. Guiton et al found that some chickens imprinted on yellow washing up gloves would try and mate with them as well as adults. But with experience they learnt they preferred to mate with other chickens. This suggests that the impact of imprinting on mating behaviour is not permanent as Lorenz believed.
critical period should be sensitive period
contradicting research be schaffer and Emerson says you can form more that one attachment
could be due to alternative hypothesis temperament
support for internal working model from baily et al he assessed 99 mothers attachment and the attachment they had with their own parent through standard interview. he found mothers who had a poor attachment with their mothers had a poor attachment with their children