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Business Capabilities
Design of key operations (functions, cross-functional processes) in eg, manufacturing, marketing, sales, R&D
IT Applications
Software, including CRM ERP, SCM, PLM, payment systems, that support key business processes
IT Integration platform
Software that integrates company’s applications, determines which application provides which functionality or service
IT Infrastructure products
Grouping of hardware into infrastructure products with define service-level agreements
IT Infrastructure
Standardization of physical infrastructure to optimize procurement and maintenance
Consistency and standardization
Uniformity and conformity in the design and implementation of IT architectures
Business Model
Company’s strategy for creating value for customers; business processes to deliver that value
Programs and operating information used by a computer
Computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks
Operating system software that manages computer hardware and software resources
Physical components of a computer system
A computer or program that requests services or resources from the server
A computer or device on a network that manages network resources
The retention of retrievable data on a computer or other electronic system
The communication between an information processing system and the outside world
A group of interconnected computers or other devices that can communicate with each other
Presentation Layer
The layer that interacts with the user and displays the user interface
Business Layer
The layer that contains the business logic and rules of the application
Data Layer
The layer that manages the data access and storage
Service Layer
The layer that provides service-based solutions to integrate directly to support clients
Architectural Styles
Families of architects that share certain characteristics in IT architecture
N Tier Architecture
Dividing applications into layers that perform logical functions such as presentation, business logic, and data access
An architecture that consist of a collection of small autonomous services that communicate via API and are responsible for persisting their own data
Big Compute
The ability to split work into discrete tasks that can run across many cores simultaneously
Big Data Architecture
Handles the ingestion, processing, and analytics of data that is too large or complex for traditional database systems
Design Principles for Well-Architected Applications
Includes reliability, redundancy, scalability, security, and evolutionary architecture
Highly cohesive and loosely coupled services
Services that are logically connected and can be changed independently without affecting other services
Open interfaces
Interfaces that expose well-defined API contracts and are versioned for easy updates
A set of features and rules that act as an interface between a software program and other items
Private API
An API for initial use with the company having most control
Public API
An API open to anyone that allows third parties to develop apps that interact with it
Partner API
An API shared with specific business partners to provide additional revenue streams without compromising quality
Message Brokers
Inter-application technology to build a common integration mechanism to support various architectures
Client Server architectures
Allowing hardware and software from different vendors to be used together
Integration Layer
Used to achieve interoperability between different components or enterprise applications
Software that connects components or enterprise applications, enabling communication and data management
Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)
A standard for middleware that provides a set of services for distributed applications
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
A standard for middleware that enables communication between distributed objects
Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC)
A standard for middleware that provides a standard software API for accessing database management systems
IT Architecture
Provides a structured approach to designing applications on the cloud that are scalable, resilient and highly available
Describe the logical groupings of the functionality and components in an application
Describe the physical distribution of the functionality and components on separate servers, computers, networks, or remote locations
Non Distributed Deployment (N-Tier)
Has minimal number of physical servers and limited scalability
Distributed Deployment (N-Tier)
Has the layers of the application residing on separate physical tiers and is scalable
The ability of a system to recover from failures and continue to function
Build [blank] into your application, to avoid having single points of failure
The ability to use as much capacity as you need, scaling out as load increases, and scaling in when the extra capacity is not needed
Protecting applications and data from threats
Evolutionary Architecture
The ability to allow systems to evolve over time so that businesses can take advantage of innovations as a standard practice
Load-balanced Cluster
Receive incoming requests and redirect them to a specific host if necessary
Scale Up
Adding hardware such as processors, RAM, and network interface cards (NICs) to your existing servers to support increased capacity
Scale Out
Add more servers and use load balancing and clustering solutions
Availability Zones
A single data center or a collection of data centers within a Region
The automated configuration, management, and coordination of computer systems, applications, and services