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Order, no. vertices
Size of G, number of edges
Notation for an edge between x and y
xy (or yx)
Vertices x and y are adjacent if
xy is an edge in G
Two edges are adjacent if
They share an end
u-v walk
a sequence of vertices starting with u and ending with v, so that consecutive vertices in the walk are adjacent
A walk where no edge is repeated
A walk where no edge or vertex is repeated
Open walk
A walk where the start and end are different
A closed trail
A circuit with no repeated vertex except the first & last
Eulerian graph
A graph with a circuit containing every vertex and edge (no repeated edges)
The number of edges incident to a vertex in a graph deg(v)
Eulerianity conjecture: A graph is Eulerian if and only if
It is connected and even
In an even graph, any trail that is not closed
can be extended
G’ = (V’, E’) is a subgraph of G if
V’ is a subset of V and E’ is a subset of E
G’ is an induced subgraph of G if
Every edge E connected to V’ in V is included in E'
result of G-U (U is a set of vertices)
result of G-F (F is a subset of edges)
(V, E\F)
Result of G + F (F is a subset of edges)
(V, E U F)
3 key properties of connectedness
If u and v are connected, the v and u are connected
Every vertex v is connected in G to itself
If u is connected to v, and v to w, then u is connected to w
There exists an open trail (walk w/ no repeated edges) containing all edges and vertices
A graph is semi-Eulerian if and only if… (2 conditions)
It is connected and has exactly two odd vertices
Connected component
Maximal connected subgraph
Hamiltonian cycle
A circuit visiting each vertex exactly once
Hamiltonian path
An open walk (path) visiting each vertex exactly once
Hamiltonian graph
Graph with a Hamiltonian cycle (circuit that visits each vertex once)
Graph with a Hamiltonian path (path that visits each vertex once)
Let G be a graph with n>=3 vertices. G is Hamiltonian if for every vertex of G we have deg(v)…
deg(v) >= n/2
Ore’s theorem. G is Hamiltonian if for every pair of non-adjacent vertices v, w of G we have…
deg(v) + deg(w) >= n
The closure of a graph C(G) is obtained by
repeatedly joining pairs of non-adjacent pairs whose degree sum is at least n
Optimality of condition: dk <= k < n/2 →
dn-k >= n - k
For every two vertices, u, v of G, there is a u-v Hamiltonian path
A vertex v of connected graph G is a cut vertex if
G-v is not connected
If G is a connected graph with no cut-vertices then G²
G² is Hamiltonian-connected
If G is Hamiltonian, then G is (connectivity)
G is 2-connected
u-B fan
given vertex u and vertices in set B, each pair of these paths only chare u in common
Isomorphic graphs
There is a bijection between the graphs
Graph property
A class, C, of graphs closed under isomorphism
Graph invariant
A map that assigns equal values to isomorphic graphs. ex. f(G) = |G|
Every graph has a unique _____ ___ ___ , whish is a _____ _____
decreasing degree sequence, graph invariant
2-switch (w/ edges uv and wx)
Delete edges uv and wx from G and add edges uw and vx
2-switch equivalent
G ~2 G’ if G’ can be obtained from G by a sequence of 2-switched
A graph with no cycles
connected forest
||T|| (number of edges in a tree)
|T| - 1 (number of vertices - 1)
A graph is a tree if and only if
Every two vertices are connected by a unique path
vertices of a tree with degree 1
How many leaves does every tree have?
At least 2
If v is ANY vertex, then T - v is a… (T is a tree)
T-v is a tree if an only if v is a
v is a lead
If F is a forest with components, ||F|| =
||F|| = |F| - k
A subgraph H of G is spanning if
V(H) = V(G)
If G is a connected graph, then ||G|| >=
||G|| >= |G| - 1
An edge e is a bridge if
G-e has more components than G
A graph G is nonseparable if (2 things)
It is connected & has no cut vertices
A block of a graph is
A maximal nonseparable subgraph
Two distinct blocks can share how many vertices?
At most one
The block-cut graph of a connected graph G is a
Tree (non-connected is a forest)
If G is Hamiltonian, then it has no
no cut-vertices
A graph is edge-nonseparable if (2 things)
It is connected and contains no bridge
If e = uv is a bridge, then at least one of u, v is
a cut vertex
A graph G is k-connected if: (2 things)
|G| > k
G-S is connected for every S in V with |S| < k
The connectivity of G is denoted by:
A graph G is l-edge connected if: (2 things)
|G| > 1
G-F if connected for every F in E with |F| < l
edge-connectivity if denoted by:
What if F called if G - F is disconnected? (F is a subset of edges)
edge cut
What is S called if G-S is disconnected? (S is a set of vertices)
separating or vertex cut
A graph is 2-connected iff it has
an open ear decomposition
A graph is 2-edge-connected iff it has
a closed ear decomposition
If F is a minimal edge-cut then G_F
has exactly 2 components
relationship between min degree/connectivity/edge-connectivity? (Whitney inequalities)
kappa(G) <= lamba(G) <= delta(G)
If G is k-connected and v is a vertex then G-v is
(k-1) connected
Notation for edge-contraction of G along e is
G/e = (V/e,E/e)
Menger’s vertex/set:
The maximum size of a collection of pairwise disjoint A-B paths is equal to the minimum size of an A-B separating set.
Menger’s vertex/vertex:
Let u,v be non-adjacent vertices. The maximum size of a collection of pairwise internally disjoint u-v paths is equal to the minimum size of a set separating u and v.
Menger’s vertex/global:
A graph with at least k+1 vertices is k-connected if and only if for every pair of distinct vertices u and v there is a collection of k internally disjoint u-v paths.
Two paths are edge-disjoint if
They do not share any edges
A u-v edge separating set is a set X in Edges such that
There are no uv paths in G-X
Menger’s edge/vertex:
The maximum size of a collection of pairwise edge disjoint u-v paths is equal to the minimum size of a u-v edge separating set.
Menger’s edge/global:
G is l-edge connected iff for all distinct vertices u, v there are l edge disjoint u-v paths in G.
A graph is k-regular if
for all vertices, deg(v) = k
A graph G is bipartite if we can
partition V into U and W (partite sets) so that every edge joins a vertex of U with a vertex of W
Every subgraph of a bipartite graph is
is bipartite
The disjoint union of bipartite graphs is
A graph G is bipartite iff
we can “color” the vertices with two colors so that adjacent vertices receive different colors
A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no
odd cycles