worked in Arkwritis Mill in Great Britain, then came to America and duplicated all the inventions during industrial rev.
Operated (1st) cotton mill Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Opened textile plant/mill in Waltham MA.
Lowell’s mill launched/invented the factory system ( huge part of rev. )
One who hired women to work in his factories (reason he is popular significant and known)
New England and the other northern states provided much of the necessary requirements.
close to resources (water power) and ports
also a larger population
City life was entirely based on the new industrial expansion, and waterpower. (how machines were powered)
cities in terrible condition , prone to disease, no sewers , unpaved roads - fire and sparks another threat as well
offered a variety of jobs and steady wages, and new buildings were added that were unavailable in the countryside. (EQAUL TO rapidddd population)
lots of child labor, capitalism , free enterprise
ALSO IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: also led to an explosion in canal building.
strongly opposed to immigration
not sure if important so don’t memorize too in depth: believed immigration threatened the future of “native” American born citizens.
( i think it was all above on the test not sure)
better pay
shorter hours
better conditions
Henry David Thoreau
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Margaret Fuller
teachers should be trained
schools should be free and supported by taxes
North thought children should be forced to go
An increase in teaching people w/ disabilities.
allowed custody to pay and own properties
not full voting rights but for some states white women to vote
opportunists for education (ON TEST)
depended on slave labor to plant and pick the cotton
Machine that removed seeds from cotton making more efficient
inventor of cotton gin
started use of interchangeable parts
(also ig father of mass production method)
South believed you shouldn’t spend money on it and not important, especially for yeomen.
more imporant in North
laws that controlled enslaved people ON THE TEST
made life more severe and restricted freedom
written to prevent slave rebellion
prohibited slaves from getting in large groups and leaving masters prop. without pass
few legal rights