Mutation and recombination
Natural selection
Genetic drift
Adaptive traits enhance the chances of survival
Must be heritable and lead to differential reproduction.
Survive and reproduce more offspring with these traits
Species richness- is a measure of the number of different types of species in an ecosystem and more diverse.
Species evenness- is a measure of the relative abundance of each species.
Ex. In a forest there may be a large number of different species (high species richness) but only a few members of each species (low species evenness).
Proximity to other land masses
Age of island
Size of the island
Level of geographical isolation
The fundamental niche describes the full range of conditions and resources in which a species could survive and reproduce.
The realized niche describes the actual conditions and resources in which a species exits due to biotic interactions.
Inertia/persistence- is the ability of a living system to resist being disturbed or altered.
Constancy- is the ability of a living system to keep its numbers within its limits.
Resilience- is the ability of a living system to repair damage after an external disturbance.
Primary- occurs in an environment without pervious life (no soil)
Ex. Abandoned parking lot
Secondary- occurs in an area that had previously been inhabited but experienced disturbance. (soil)
Ex. Wildfire