Exam #2

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What is the goal of search engines?

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Off-Site SEO, Paid Search Marketing, Display Advertising, Email Marketing

159 Terms


What is the goal of search engines?

Provide relevant and high-quality results to search queries

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What does SEO stand for?

Search Engine Optimization

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What is On-site SEO?

formatting content on the website to maximize its chances of ranking for all desired searches

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What is Off-site SEO?

Creation and dissemination of content on a website to build quality backlinks to the site

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What is a backlink?

A link on any other website that links back to the site.

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What are the types of links?

  • natural outbound links

  • paid links

  • internal links

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What are natural outbound links?

The link that is relevant and fits naturally into the article and the citation is used for the reader’s reference

**Search Engines favor these (Considered as endorsements, if not then use ‘no follow’)

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What are paid links?

typically ads and are considered not natural

if an endorsed link use ‘no follow’

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What is a no follow attribute?

No follow links are links that search engines do not use to determine their ranking, typically endorsements or advertisements.

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What are internal links?

links within the site that help to improve navigation and user experience. Search Engines use these to find new content and to determine search engine ranking.

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Popularity Metrics

  • Number of backlinks (More links, the more endorsements)

  • Backlinks from related/relevant website (expertise matters, High Quality)

  • Anchor text (relevant keywords increase endorsements

  • Link Neighborhood (links to and from reputable websites)

  • Link freshness

  • Link Diversity (number of unique linking root domains)

  • Social Sharing

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What is a link profile?

list of backlinks of a webpage

*Like an endorsement, want many and good quality (DIVERSITY)

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What are the types of Earned Links

  • editorial links

  • manual Links

  • manufactured links

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What are editorial links?

pure endorsements

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What are some benefits of editorial links?

  • extremely valuable, but always difficult

  • Create high-quality, linkable content

    • Visual content, expertise, videos, press release

  • Network and Outreach

    • Provide embedded code for visual content, do some networking, follow up, investigate the competition

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What are manual links?

links earned through direct efforts and require third party to sign off

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What are some benefits of manual links

more reliable and easier to acquire

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What are some concerns with manual links?

  • do less in improving ranks

  • Require caution (high number of low quality links)

    • Submitting to directories, local business profiles, social bookmarking sites, social networking sites, asking for links, trading links, guest blogging

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What are manufactured links?

manufactured by the webmaster without third party approval

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What are some concerns with manufactured links?

  • low quality (best avoided)

  • penalized

    • blog comments, forum signatures, free article directories, creation of secondary site

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What is content marketing?

creating media content that entices and engages potential customers and has a commercial benefit for the publisher

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What are some key traits of content marketing?

  • benefits can be direct or indirect

  • sufficient appeal that users want to read, watch, or listen independent to the commercial connection

  • create content that people are searching for (Entertaining or Useful)

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What is the distribution of Content Marketing?

  • SEO

  • Social Sharing

  • Paid

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What are the 5 key take aways from the article, “Companies in regulated industries can also do digital marketing?

  1. get executives to buy in

  2. set up the right processes + resources

  3. partner with the legal department

  4. be patient

  5. have a strategy for sharing content, not just creating it

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What are the factors affecting marketing trends and responses found in the article, “Insights on the Top Marketing Trends for 2021?”

  • internal factors (production + finance)

  • External factors

    • 1) Economy (expansion, peak, contraction)

    • 2) Competition (can influence: trends + strategies)

    • 3) Demographics (age, gender, race, ethnicity)

    • 4) Sociocultural (social class, religion, business practices)

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What are the top marketing trends in 2021 according to the article, “Insights on the top marketing trends for 2021?”

  • defining + highlighting purpose

  • achieving agility

  • making human connections

  • building trust

  • strengthening customer participation

  • establishing innovative partnerships

  • transforming talent

  • a lesson for all

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What are the key points and their examples in the article, “5 classic examples of how not to do digital marketing?”

  1. Misplaces messaging

  2. Ill participation

  3. Distasteful timing

  4. Poor Judgement

  5. Insensitivity + Isolation

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What is the example of misplaced messaging found in the article, “5 classic examples of how not to do digital marketing”?

BIC’s “act like a lady think like a man”

→ deemed thoughtless and discriminatory

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What is the example of ill participation found in the article, “5 classic examples of how not to do digital marketing”?

McDonald’s Rick & Morty Sauce

→underestimated popularity and ran out of product

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What is the example of distasteful timing found in the article, “5 classic examples of how not to do digital marketing”?

Cinnabon with Carrie Fisher tribute

→felt cheap tacky & distasteful

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What is the example of poor judgement found in the article, “5 classic examples of how not to do digital marketing”?

Lunya with product related to the handsmaid tale

→controversial themes of slavery and oppression

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What is the example of insensitivity + isolation found in the article, “5 classic examples of how not to do digital marketing”?

GBK “Vegetarian Resistance is futile”

→lack of sincere apology +. insulted consumers with their campaigns

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According to the article, “9 best practices to generate backlinks to your website”, what are the 9 practices recommended?

  1. allow others to credit their work for you (portfolios)

  2. develop shareable content (Pinterest)

  3. Backlink from your own website (countdown posts)

  4. Write more guest posts (short blog biographies = great for backlinks)

  5. Network online (LinkedIn + Facebook)

  6. Get creative (sparingly link website to social media platforms)

  7. Collaborate on creative projects (podcasts)

  8. Stick to your niche

  9. Conduct interviews + be interviewed

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What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising?

search engines charge advertisers each time the ad is clicked, which means that they don’t have to pay for their ads to show up in the sponsored search section

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What are some advantages of Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

  • More new website traffic than any other online advertising method

  • enables precise targeting of ready-to-purchase customers

  • obtain precise measurements of searchers who purchased from their website after clicking on the search ad

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How do you choose search targets?

  1. search phase

  2. other characteristics (searcher’s location, device, time of day, etc.)

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What are the types of keyword selection?

  1. exact match

  2. phrase match

  3. modified broad match

  4. broad match

<ol><li><p>exact match</p></li><li><p>phrase match</p></li><li><p>modified broad match</p></li><li><p>broad match</p></li></ol>
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What is an exact match?

exact match and close variants (misspellings, abbreviations, and synonyms)


<p>exact match and close variants (misspellings, abbreviations, and synonyms) </p><p>[Keyword]</p>
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What is phrase match?

keyword, close variants, and other terms with similar meanings


<p>keyword, close variants, and other terms with similar meanings</p><p>“Keyword”</p>
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What is a modified broad match?

earlier version of the phase match


<p>earlier version of the phase match</p><p>+Keyword</p>
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What is a broad match?

earlier version of the phrase match without any modifying characters

<p>earlier version of the phrase match without any modifying characters</p>
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What are negative keywords?

instructs the search engine where not to display an ad

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What are some other selection factors?

  • geography

  • device type

  • timing

  • language

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What are strategy for keyword research?

  • searching for yourself

  • competitive research (SpyFu.com, SEMRush.com, and KeywordSpy.com)

  • Google Keyword Planner (Searcher intent, AVG. Monthly Searches, Level of Competition, Suggested Bid)

    • Free but imprecise

  • branded keywords (run experiment if unsure

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What are the 5 elements of a Paid Ad?

  • Final URL

  • Headlines

  • Display Path

  • Description

  • Ad Extensions

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What are some examples of Ad Extensions?

  • location extensions

  • offer extensions

  • shopping star reviews

  • Reservation

  • Call extensions

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What are some other types of PPC Ads?

  • shopping ads

  • google map ads

  • Call-only ads

  • dynamic search ads

  • remarketing lists for search ads

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Shopping Ads

displays product images and prices instead of just text

<p>displays product images and prices instead of just text</p>
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<p>Google Map Ads</p>

Google Map Ads

text displayed when someone is searching on Google Maps

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Call Only Ads

makes the phone number the main content of the ad and charges per phone call

<p>makes the phone number the main content of the ad and charges per phone call</p>
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Dynamic Search Ads

google pulls info about the advertiser’s products from its websites, enough budget to experiment and a large volume of search ads

  • enough budget to experiment and a large number of search ads

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Remarketing Lists for Search Ads

allows advertisers to create ad campaigns specifically for searchers who have previously visited their website

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What are the key traits of an effective ad copy?

  • keywords for relevence

  • Unique value proposition

  • call to action (CTA)

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What is keywords for relevence

Relevent keywordfs in the ad (bolded for more attention

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Unique value proposition (UVP)

single thing that sets the site apart from the competition

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What is the call to action?

a final nudge to earn a click

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What is an Ad Rank?

a value that’s used to determine where ads are shown on a page relative to other ads and whether your ads will show at all

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What are the 2 major elements that affect ad rank?

  • Bid amount

  • quality score

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What impacts the quality score?

  • expected Click-Through Rate (CTR)

  • Ad relevance

  • landing page experience

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Expected click through rate

well written ads generate more clicks and are rewarded with better ad positions

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Ad Relevance

relevance through the presence of keywords in the ad and on the landing page

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Landing Page experience

good landing pages decreases bounce

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What are the bidding methods?

  • Cost per Click (CPC)

  • Cost per Acquisition/Action (CPA)

  • Automated

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What is the formula to calculate Ad rank?

Bid Amount x Quality score

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each appearance of an ad (the search engine results page)

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each click of an ad from the search engine results page

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Click-through rate (CTR)

percentage of impressions that yield a click

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Cost per Click (CPC)

average cost per click

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Clicks x CPC

Can be used to set a daily budget

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(Profit per Sale) x (Total Number of Conversions)

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Conversion Rate

Percentage of visitors who convert

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Return on Advertising Spending (ROAS)

(Total Profit / Total Ad Spend) X 100

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Cost Per Action (CPA)

(Total Adspend)/(Total Number of Conversions)

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What can negatively impact Mobile Performance?

  • Poor Mobile Optimization

  • Low Purchase intent

  • Alternate mobile conversions: May be profitable even when they yield a conversion rate of 0%

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What is a display network?

a group of online publishers that agree to set advertising standards dictated by the company managing the ad network

  • dictates ad size

  • coordinates which ads are displayed when and where

  • collects payment from advertisers and pays publishers their portion

  • reports the ad performance metrics to advertisers

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What do publishers do in a display network?

  • websites must fit specifications of ad network

  • incorporate code that helps in loading ads

  • publishers get paid a % of the revenue the ad network changes

  • must join the ad network in order to get access to ads

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What do advertisers do in a display network?

  • create & upload ads that meet ad network’s specification

  • manage ad budgets on the display ad platform

  • set parameters- type of internet users and websites

  • receive reports on where their ads are displayed

  • earn traffic to their websites

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What are the benefits of an advertiser in a display network?

  • gain revenue from traffic

  • only has to coordinate the ads with one ad network

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What are the benefits of a publisher in a display network?

  • revenue from ads displayed

  • only has to coordinate the ads with one ad network

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What is the benefit of being a display network?

  • gains revenue from charging advertisers

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What is the dual problem related to paying for ads?

  • Who gets to advertise where?

  • How much should they pay for those ads?

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T/F They go through a bidding system when it comes to paying for ads


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What are the methods used in paying for advertisements

  • Cost per Click

  • Cost per Action

  • Cost per millie or thousand impressions

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What is an example of CPM?

If you pay $2 every 1000 impression. If the ad is shown 10,000 times, the advertiser owes $20

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What is an example of CPA?

If there is a $10 CPA and the ad leads to 100 conversions, the advertiser then owes $1000

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What is another formula for CPA?

CPA= CPM/ (1000xCTRxCR)

CPA= (total cost / total # of clicks) / (total conversion / total clicks)


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What is the formula for CPC?

CPC= CPM/ (1000*CTR)

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What does it mean to target the right audience?

  • show ads to the right people at the right time and in the right context

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What are the targeting methods

  • demographics

  • audience segments

  • keywords (pages that use specific keywords)

  • topics (pages with relevant information)

  • placement (where the ad is displayed on a page)

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How can the audience segments be split into different targeting strategies?

  • based on target’s interest and habits → direct or indirect relation to product category

  • in market audiences and life targeting

  • retargeting or remarketing

  • custom → combination of segments

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  • everyone who has visited any page of the advertiser’s site

  • anyone that has visited only the advertiser’s homepage

  • visitors that did not make a purchase

  • visitors that added an item to the shopping cart

  • customers that made a previous purchases that they advertiser would like to up-sell or cross-sell

  • Visitors that have been to the advertiser’s with a specific period of time.

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What are fat finger ad clicks?

accidental clicks on display ads

  • high bounce rate and low conversion rate

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If mobile display ads are unprofitable then:

  • discontinue display ads on mobile devices

  • adjust the bid amount

  • check for cross-device conversions

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What should Effective display ads do

  • attract attention

  • communicate a value proposition

  • invite action

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How can you optimize banner ads?

  • create different versions of the ads

  • randomize exposure across the ad network

  • compare the results to assess effectiveness

<ul><li><p>create different versions of the ads</p></li><li><p>randomize exposure across the ad network</p></li><li><p>compare the results to assess effectiveness</p></li></ul>
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What are some ways to stay consistent within messaging?

  • tout the same value propositions

  • use similar CTA

  • Enact the same design elements (color scheme, characters, fonts, imagery, etc.)

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What are the types of ways emails can be captured?

  • obtain and cultivate a list of email addresses

  • Opt-in vs. Opt-out

    • Double opt-in vs. Single opt-in

  • Incentivization

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Which method is preferable: Opt. in or Opt. out?

Opt in.

May have less consumers than opt out but these consumers are more likely to actually read the email and engage with it.

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What are some tools that can help you manage multiple email addresses?

Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Vertical Response (3rd party platforms)

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What is the goal of online retail email content?

Generate additional purchases

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