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Stages of Development
Primitive, Slave, and Feudal
Kind of Society China was during the middle part of the 19th century due to foreign forces
Semi-colonial and semi-feudal
Founder of the People's Republic of China
Mao Tse Dong
He was discovered in the Yunnan Province
Yunnan Man
Ape-man discovered in the Shaanxi Province
Lantian Man
Sinanthropus Pekinensis: a Primitive man who knew how to hunt and use fire while walking erect bipedally
Peking/Beijing Man
This culture represented Matriarchal Society
Yangshao Culture
This culture represented Patriarchal Society
Longshan Culture
Under this culture copper was discovered and technology in pottery-making improved
Longshan Culture
Under this culture, the bow and arrow was developed
Yangshao Culture
He headed the royal house
Emperor or Son of Heaven
He is a quasi-divine figure, part king, and part pope
First Dynasty to introduce Slave Society whose capital was centered in Henan Province
Xia/Hsia Dynasty
Silk raising, weaving, and bronze making were raised to a high level during this dynasty. Agriculture and animal raising were expanded
Shang/Yin Dynasty
Divided into the West and East which included the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Warring States Period. Under this Dynasty, Chinese philosophers lived and died.
Zhou/Chou Dynasty
Leaders of the Confucian School
Confucius and Mencius
Founder of the Mohist School
Mo Zi
Taoist School
Lao Zi and Shang Zi
This School of Thought preached Harmony with Nature
Taoist School
Leaders of the Legalist School
Han Fei Zi and Shang Yang
Chinese Philosophers
Confucius, Mencius, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, Shang Zi, Han Fei Zi, Shang Yang, Chuang Tzu, Yang Chu
Marked the beginning of China's medieval history
Qin/Chin Dynasty
First real dynasty of China
Qin/Chin Dynasty
He established the Qin Dynasty
Chin Shi Huang Ti
This was built to protect the northern frontier from Mongolian Invasions
The Great Wall of China
This is the Golden Age of Chinese History
Han Dynasty
He wrote the irst complete general history of China
Sima Qian
Chinese Historical Records
Shi Ji
A trade route leading from the Chinese Capital that passes through the Yellow river, Sinkiang, Afghanistan, Iran, Asia Minor, and Europe
Silk Road
Under this Dynasty, Buddhism was introduced
Han Dynasty
Other dynasties
Three Kingdoms Period, Western Southern and Eastern Chin
Three Kingdoms Period
Wei, Shu, Wu
China's Dark Age
Southern and Northern Dynasty
Barbarian groups during the Barbarian Invasion of China
Hsiung Nu or Huns
Shortest Dynasty of China
Sui Dynasty
Most powerful of all dynasties
Tang Dynasty
The Tang Dynasty was known for being the golden age of what?
Golden Age of Chinese Literature and Art
Golden Age of Chinese Commerce and Trade
Sung Dynasty
The combined elements of Taoism and Buddhism with Confucian doctrines
Chu Hsi
He introduced state Socialism
Wang An-Shih
First Foreign (Mongolian) Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty
He led the Yuan Dynasty
Kublai Khan
Two merchants who came to China from abroad
Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta
Under this dynasty, China became a great nation with Nanking as its capital
Ming Dynasty
Christian Missionaries that visited China during the Ming Dynasty
St. Francis Xavier and Matteo Ricci
Last Imperial Dynasty
Qing Dynasty
Most anti-foreign dynasty
Qing Dynasty
Factors that contributed to European Expansion
Crusades, Renaissance, and Medieval Travelers
Why did the Europeans come to Asia?
God, Gold, Glory
Trade Routes between Europe and Asia
Northern Route (River, Caravan, and Interior Seas)
Middle Route
Southern Route (by Water)
These merchants arrived in China and presented themselves to Kublai Khan
Nicolo and Marco Polo
He exposed Marco Polo's book and was his cellmate
Rusticiano of Pisa
Two revolutions of the Modern Chinese Period
Old-democratic and new-democratic
Sole open port for the British
ambitions of foreign powers that formed a destructive rivalry and competition for Chinese lands
Main item bought and brought from the Chinese
Commodity that corrected the imbalance of the British-Chinese Tea Trade
Chinese monopolists
Hong/Cohong Merchants
War started because of Opium
Opium War
The imperial commissioner who prohibited and banned the Opium Trade
Lin Tse-hsu
This ended the Sino-British Opium War
Treaty of Nanking
Ports opened to the British under the Treaty of Nanking
Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningbo, and Shanghai
A Peasant uprising headed by Hung Hsiu-Chuan
Taiping Rebellion
He was a village teacher who wanted to defeat the Manchus and establish a new dynasty
Hung Hsui Chuan
They ended the Taiping Rebellion
Tseng Kuo-Fan and Li Hung-Chang
Foreigners who aided in the ending of the Taiping Rebellion
Frederick Ward (American) and Charles Gorge Gordon (British)
An Anti-Foreign movement aimed at eliminating the West and their influence in China
Boxer Rebellion
Name given by the foreigners to the Boxer Rebellion
Righteous Harmony Fists
Slogan of the Boxer Rebellion
Protect the Dynasty
Order of the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi (Hsiao Chin)
Old Buddha
Foreign Legations during the Boxer Rebellion Settlement
Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain, USA, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Austria, etc
She never trusted the Westerners and was vigorous and domineering
Empress Dowager Cixi (Tzu Hsi)
An intelligent but unskilled emperor who had no direct knowledge of the outside world
Emperor Kuang Hsu
An outstanding Manchu General
Yuan Shi Kai
The last Ching Emperor
Hsuang Tung (Pu Yi)
Reasons for the decline of the Ching Dynasty
Administrative inefficiency
Widespread Corruption
Debasement of the Military
Pressure of a Rising Population
Financial Stringency
Intellectual Irresponsibility
Foreign Aggressions
Rise of Nationalist Reformers
Originator and Leader of China's Bourgeoisie revolution
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
Titles of Sun Yat Sen
Father of the Chinese Revolution
Patron Saint of the Nationalist Republic
Founding Father of the Republic of China
Sun Yat Sen was elected leader of this organization to overthrow the Ching Dynasty
China Revolutionary League
Three Principles of the People
San Min Chu I: Nationalism, Democracy, and Socialism
Other term for the San Min Chu I
The Great Bright Way for China
The revolution that started in Wu-Chang which successfully overthrew the Manchu Dynasty
Double Ten Uprising
First leader of the Republic of China
Chiang Kai Chek
Political Party of Chiang Kai Shek
Kuomintang (Nationalist Party)
Recognized Major Races of the Chinese Republic
Chinese, Manchus, Mongols, Turkis, and Tibetans
An open political party with open membership with the purpose of implementing the foundation of the Three People's Principles
Japan's demands to China for the latter's defeat during the first world war
21 Demands
Treaty that ended the First World War
Treaty of Versailles
Mass movement meant to challenge the signing of the 21 Demands Treaty
May Fourth Movement
The May 4th Movement made a model for the founding of this party
Chinese Communist Party
model of the Chinese Communist Party
Strategy implemented by Chiang Kai Shek to combat the Communists
Encirclement and Extermination
Communist defeat due to position warfare instead of guerilla warfare
Long March
Japanese Aggression of Manchuria
Mukden Incident
Japanese Idea of Imperialism
to conquer the world, it is necessary to conquer China first, and to conquer China it is necessary to conquer Manchuria and Mongolia first
The arrest of President Chiang Kai Shek by his own Generals
Xian Incident
It demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan
Cairo Declaration
The meeting that discussed the unification of China and to end the civil war which ended in a total failure
Chungking Conference