Voluntary Intoxication
This means D is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or solvents of his own free will.
The specific intent crime may be lowered to the lesser basic intent option._____________ Ds conduct in taking drink and drugs supplies the evidence of mens rea for basic intent crimes.
Sheehan & Moore
Their charge was reduced to manslaughter, as they did not have the mens rea for murder because of their intoxicated states.
AG for NI v Gallagher
Drunken intent is still intent
there is no defence where the crime is one of basic intent (manslaughter).
Involuntary Intoxication
This is where D becomes intoxicated through no fault of their own; without Ds knowledge.
D could not claim involuntary intoxication as a defence as it simply took away his resistance to commiting the crime - he had the MR anyway
Involuntary intoxication was permitted as a defence where D took a prescription drug which made him react very differently than expected
D uses force to protect himself, another person or property
s3 Criminal Law Act 1967
D can also use force to prevent a crime
Bailey - sd
Self-defence is for the jury to decide
s76 Criminal Justice & Immigration Act 2008 - Necessary
D can rely on a genuine belief of circumstances even if they were mistaken in their belief the force was necessary, and even if the mistake was unreasonable.
D's mistaken belief that V was attacking someone was permitted as self-defence
D can strike first in self-defence
D need not show a reluctance to fight in order to claim
AG’s Ref 2 of 1984
D can prepare to defend himself, even if it breaks the law
Criminal Justice & Immigration Act 2008 - reasonable
D may not be able to weigh up the exact measure of necessary action; but if was doing what was honestly and instinctively necessary then reaonable action was taken
Self-defence will fail if excessive force is used
Bratty v AG for NI
Automatism is "an act done by the muscles without any control by the mind such as a spasm, a reflex action or a convulsion"
Without any control by the mind
D must act completely without consciousness or control.
AG's Ref No 2 (1993)
For automatism "there must be a total destruction of voluntary control"
Broome v Perkins
Intermittent loss of consciousness while driving is not automatism
Hill v Baxter -External Cause
A swarm of bees would be an external cause for the purposes of automatism
R v T
Post-traumatic stress disorder following a rape would be an external cause
Sneezing is an external cause
Cannot be Self-induced
automatism will fail for basic intent crimes where D knows his conduct is likely to bring on an automatic state. (Mcghee)
Bailey - A
Automatism cannot be self-induced, e.g. failing to eat after taking insulin
Hardie - A
Automatism was allowed as a defence as he did not realise the risk of the valium changing his behaviour
M'Naghten Rules - Insanity
1. D had a defect of reason; and
2. This was caused by a disease of the mind; so that
3. D either does not know the nature and quality of his act, or does but does not know it was wrong
defect of reason
D’s powers of reasoning are impaired.
Absent-mindedness or confusion is not enough to amount to insanity
Disease of mind
second stage - i
The cause of insanity must be internal
A condition affecting the blood supply to the brain, causing a temporary loss of consciousness was an internal cause for the purposes of insanity
Eplilepsy is a disease of the mind for the purposes of insanity (internal cause). It can be "permanent, transient or intermittent"
Diabetes is a disease of the mind for the purposes of insanity if it is due to D's failure to take insulin
A sleep disorder causing sleep-walking is a disease of the mind
D does not know the nature & quality of the act, or, knows it but does not know it is wrong
D is in a state of unconsciousness, or is conscious but does not understand his act because of the mental condition.
Windle, Johnson
If D knows the nature and quality of his act is wrong he cannot claim insanity, even if he is suffering a mental illness
D is forced to commit a crime because of threats of death or serious injury.
Howe; Gotts
Duress is not available for murder (
D can be threatened with other things as long as there is also a threat of death or serious injury
Not threats to : 1)Lynch 2)Singh 3)Quayle 4)Baker and Williams
threats to property or to expose adultery or a threat of severe pain or psychological harm
The threat can be at D or family/friends & D’s mental condition affected his belief so it was taken into account.
The threat can be at D’s passenger (Conway) or a person for whom D would reasonably regard themselves as responsible.
The threat must be for D to commit a specific crime. e.g repaying money =/= theft
The Graham Test Hasan
Did D honestly and reasonably believe life was in immediate danger? (Now an objective test and Would a sober person of reasonable firmness (sharing Ds characteristics) have responded in the same way (objective)?
(Bowen) (Hegarty).
not low IQ or
Sharp: failed Shepherd: allowed
If D brings the duress on himself it will not be allowed. 2C
There must be no time to escape/raise the alarm
. The threat must be able to take effect as soon as the crime is committed. Immediacy is the “cardinal feature” of the defence
Duress of Circumstances
D is forced to commit a crime because of the situation he finds himself in
Effect of the defence of duress
Duress is an excuse. Its existence does not necessarily result in a not guilty verdict; it will depend on the jury’s view.
He was allowed duress of circumstances as the situation he was in had forced him to be in possession of a weapon. The first ever use outside of driving offences.