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What are the two types of self-esteem?
High self-esteem and low self-esteem.
What factor correlates moderately with life satisfaction?
How can self-esteem be improved?
Through training, recognition, coaching, and supportive leadership.
What does Bandura's model of self-efficacy suggest about an individual's beliefs?
Their belief in their ability to succeed influences their behavior, motivation, and emotional responses.
What are the four primary sources of self-efficacy identified by Bandura?
Mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion, and physiological/emotional states.
How do individuals with high self-efficacy typically behave?
They try hard and persevere, solve problems creatively, and visualize success.
What is one characteristic of individuals with low self-efficacy?
They tend to be passive and avoid difficult tasks.
What are the four components of Emotional Intelligence (EI)?
Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management.
Which of the Big Five Personality Dimensions correlates most strongly with job performance?
What is Maslow's highest level of need in his Need Hierarchy?
According to Alderfer’s ERG Theory, what are the three basic needs categories?
Existence, relationship, and growth.
What does McClelland's Need Theory identify as the three primary motivators?
Need for affiliation, need for power, need for achievement.
What influences motivation according to Adam’s Equity Theory?
The perceived balance between inputs (effort) and outcomes (rewards) in comparison to others.
What is Vroom’s Expectancy Theory?
Motivation is influenced by the belief that effort will lead to performance, performance will lead to rewards, and those rewards are valued.
What are the five conflict management styles?
Integrating, smoothing, dominating, avoiding, and compromising.
Which leadership approach focuses on inspiring and motivating employees?
Transformational leadership.
What does the Full-Range Theory of Leadership propose?
Leadership exists on a spectrum from laissez-faire to transactional to transformational.
What behavior characterizes transformational leaders?
They inspire employees to prioritize organizational goals over personal interests.
What is the main focus of Servant Leadership?
Prioritizing the well-being of followers.
What does Interactional Justice refer to?
How people are treated during processes.
How does Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory define motivators?
Characteristics associated with job satisfaction such as achievement and recognition.
What do positive feedback loops reinforce according to Bandura's model?
High self-efficacy beliefs.
What is the definition of conflict as opportunity?
Viewing conflict as a chance to explore all possible solutions.