IB HL Psychology - Research Methods

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Definition of Quantitative

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Flashcards of Research Methods Used in IB Psychology HL Paper 3

21 Terms


Definition of Quantitative

The data gathered in these studies is numerical

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Definition of Qualitative

Qualitative data are descriptions or whole sentences.

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Quantitative Research Methods


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Qualitative Research Methods

Case Study

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Lab Experiment

Field Experiment

Quasi Experiment

Natural Experiment

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Definition of a Lab Experiments

A lab experiment aims to find a cause and effect relationship, and is conducted in a lab for a short time using random allocation

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Strengths of a Lab Experiment

High internal validity-
Can establish Cause and effect relationship
Highly standardized
Random allocation

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Limitations of a Lab Experiment

Low ecological validity

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Definition of a Field Experiment

When we do studies outside of the laboratory, in the "real world"

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Strengths of a Field Experiment

High ecological validity

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Limitations of a Field Experiment

High chance of extraneous variables

Low reliability

Ethical considerations

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Definition of a Quasi Experiment

Participants are not randomly allocated to conditions but grouped based on a trait or behavior.

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Strengths of a Quasi Experiment

High ecological validity

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Limitations of a Quasi Experiment

Extraneous variables

Ethical considerations

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Definition of a Natural Experiment

Refers to an independent variable that is environmental in nature and outside of the control of the researcher. Pre-test, post-test design.

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Definition of a Correlational Study

Studying the relationship between two variables when one variable changes, another variable changes as well.

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Strengths of a Correlational Study

Can be done without having to do an experiment -Does not necessarily require participants

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Limitations of a Correlational Study

No cause-and-effect relationship, Bidirectional ambiguity

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Definition of a Survey

A survey is both a set of questions and the process of collecting, aggregating, and analyzing the responses from those questions. 

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Strengths of a Survey

Allow for degrees of opinion, Quantitative data is obtained, which means that the data can be analyzed using statistical methods.

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Limitations of a Survey

Data is hard to analyze using statistics, You should only use median and mode, measurement can be compromised due to social desirability

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