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Health indicator
characteristic of an individual, population, or environment that is subject to measurement and can be used to describe one or more aspects of health of an individual or population
Crude birth rate, life expectancy, crude death rate. maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate
global indicators of health
crude birth rate
ratio of the number of births during a specified period to the total number of persons in the mid-period population (July 1 of the same year)
life expectancy according to WHO
average number of years that a newborn could expect to live
life expectancy according to World Bank
number of years a newborn is expected to live if mortality patterns at the time of its birth remain constant in the future
life expectancy of male according to WHO
71 years
life expectancy of female according to WHO
75 years
crude death rate
ratio of the number of death occurring within one year to the mid year population expressed per 1,000 population
maternal mortality rate
ratio between the number of women who died to the number of reported livebirths in a given year
cause of women’s death
severe bleeding
high blood pressure during pregnancy
complications from delivery
unsafe abortion
factors that prevent women from seeking care during pregnancy and childbirth
distance to facilities
lack of information
inadequate and poor quality services
cultural beliefs and practices
TRUE OR FALSE: Children who die within the first 26 days of birth suffer from conditions and diseases associated with lack of quality care at or immediately after birth
Priority global strategies to decrease newborn deaths
high coverage of quality antenatal care
skilled care at birth
postnatal care for mother and baby
care of small and sick newborns
SDG: 1
No poverty
SDG: 2
Zero hunger
SDG: 3
Good health and well-being
SDG: 4
Quality Education
SDG: 5
Gender equality
SDG: 6
Clean water and sanitation
SDG: 7
Affordable and clean energy
SDG: 8
Decent work and economic growth
SDG: 9
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
SDG: 10
Reduced inequalities
SDG: 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG: 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG: 13
Climate action
SDG: 14
Life below water
SDG: 15
Life on land
SDG: 16
Peace and justice, strong institutions
SDG: 17
Partnerships for the goals
MDG: 1
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
MDG: 2
Achieve universal primary education
MDG: 3
Promote gender equality and empower women
MDG: 4
Reduce child mortality
MDG: 5
Improve maternal health
MDG: 6
Combat HIV?AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases
MDG: 7
Ensure environmental sustainability
MDG 8:
Global partnership for development
When did the leaders of 179 countries set out the principles of sustainable development?
June 12-14 1992
Where did the leaders of 179 countries set out the principles of sustainable development?
UN COnference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
MDGs: 1990-2015
SDGs: 2016-2030
TRUE OR FALSE: Sustainable development calls for a convergence between the three pillars of economic development, social equity and environmental protection
TRUE OR FALSE: SDG’s 3 targets are
reduce NMR to 12 per 1,000 livebirths
reduce under 5 MR to 25 per 1,000 livebirths
end the epidemics of AIDS, TB, Malaria, and neglected tropical diseases
combat hepatitis, water borne diseases, and other communicable diseases
reduce by 1/3 premature mortality from non-communicable diseases
ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services
What is “Ambisyon Natin 2040”?
matatag, maginhawa, at panatag sa buhay
National Economic and Development Authority
Department of Health
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
NOH 2023-2028
Enable to be healthy
AO 2022-0038
Health Sector Strategy 2023-2028
Vision of AO 2022-0038
Filipinos are among the healthiest people in Asia by 2040
AO 2023-0015
8 point Action Agenda
RA 7160 or the 1991 Local Government Code
provides more autonomy to local government executives in the planning, resource allocation, and service delivery, particularly in the health sector
enhance provision of services
DOH- sole provider of health-related services was transformed into a technical authority
What is at the bottom of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network pyramid?
Community level service prodiver
What is at the middle of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network pyramid?
BEmONC/ basic emergency obstetrics and newborn care
What is at the top of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network?
CEmONC/ comprehensive emergency obstetrics and newborn care
Community Level Service Provider/ BEmONC/ CEmONC
Pregnancy tracking, birth planning, home visits, follow ups, breastfeeding support, IEC on facility delivery, family planning
Community Level Service Provider
Community Level Service Provider/ BEmONC/ CEmONC
Normal vaginal delivery, imminent breech delivery, emergency drugs, EINC< NB resuscitation, FP Services
Community Level Service Provider/ BEmONC/ CEmONC
End referral facility, blood transfusion, CS, advanced NB resuscitation, operates 24H with OB, surgeon, pedia,nurse, MW, med tech
At least level 2 and 100 beds
Provincial and HUC hospitals
At least level 1 and 50 beds
Municipal, city, and district hospitals
Upgrade to level 1 with at least 50 beds; converted into polyclinics
LGU Infirmaries
UHC sec. 23
national health human resource master plan
UHC sec. 24
national health workforce support system
UHC sec. 25
scholarship and training program
UHC sec. 26
return service agreement
Top 3 causes of death in the Philippines
ischaemic heart disease, neoplasms, cerebrovascular disease
Top 3 causes of death for females
Ischaemic heart disease, lower respiratory tract infection, stroke
Top 3 male causes of death
Ischaemic heart disease, lower respiratory tract infection, stroke