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What French king is Lousiana named after?
How many King Louis’s are there?
For French jurisdiction, they call it not countries, but what?
What body of water does Louisiana empty out to?
Gulf of Mexico
What was French Emperor Napoleon’s decision?
Form a French empire in North America
What city sits at the mouth of the Mississippi River?
New Orleans
What happens if you have control of the city of New Orleans?
Control of the Mississippi River
Is Napoleon really short?
No, was about 5’6-5’7
Napoleonic Complex
Short people with large attitudes and personalities to make up for their height
What did something do to make everyone believe Napoleon was short?
British newspapers depicted Napoleon as short to hurt his masculinity
The portrait of Napoleon was an inspiration of what cartoon villain?
Lord Farquad from Shrek
Napoleons made portraits to look like what for meanings?
What happened in 1797?
The U.S. signed a treaty with Spain that gave them permanent access to New Orleans
What happened in 1800?
Spain returned control of New Orleans to France
Could the U.S. still use New Orleans’ city/port?
The U.S. had to buy it as fighting strong France would be a disaster
What Europenea Countries were in America?
Spain, France, Britain, Russia
What territories were from the British?
13 Colonies, Washington, Oregon, Idaho
What territories were from the Spanish?
Florida, Mexico’s Southern Land
What was unique about Mexico’s land from the South?
In the Mexican War, U.S. stole Mexico’s land. Halved initial price to 15 million which “justifies” the U.S. when Mexico demands their land back
What territories were from the French?
Lousiana Purchase
What territories were from the Russians?
U.S. took settlement San Francisco and others renamed Spanish names
What does President Thomas Jefferson send?
Delegation to Paris to buy the city of New Orleans
Who are the main two people in the U.S. Delegation?
James Monroe - President #5, does less work, Robert Livingston - Does most of the work
Toussaint L ‘Ouverture
The Black Napoleon
Haitian Rebellion
France having a potential war with England
What was significant about the Louisiana Purchase?
Land covered parts of 15 states, doubled the size of the U.S. at the time (around 23% of U.S. today)
How many square miles was the Louisiana Purchase and how much did it cost per acre?
900,000 square miles, 3 1/2 - 4 cents per acre
What was the only problem the U.S. had to purchase the Louisiana Purchase?
Did not have 15 million to pay the French
To purchase the Louisiana Purchase, where did the U.S. borrow money from?
Banks in England and Netherlands
To accommodate the banks in England and the Netherlands, how much did the U.S. send as down payment?
3 million in gold
Define Irony: England was paying for a French war against England?
England knew about it and was okay with it as they thought they were buying the territory
Origins of Manifest Destiny
The U.S. justifies to Natives that God allows the U.S. to take them
Something that is going to happen but is not in your control
Is there a Northwest Passage off the Mississippi River?
You cannot make it to the Pacific Ocean off the Mississippi River
Pet Dinosaurs
Fossils were discovered after George Washington’s death. Made people believe they still existed.
Duration of the Lewis & Clark Expedition
May 14, 1804 - September 23, 1806
Main Co-Captains in the Lewis & Clark Expedition?
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
Who was Meriwether Lewis?
An experienced soldier and personal secretary to President Jefferson on matters involving the military
What was Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s weakness?
Had no experience as an explorer or a frontiersman
Who was William Clark?
Grew up in a military family, his older brother was George Rogers Clark, but he was too young to fight in the Revolution
Who had overall control of the Lewis & Clark Exploration?
What made Lewis & Clark qualified to lead the expedition?
Experience leading men
-graph (Topography)
Something picture related or a map
Who built the Transcontinental Railroad?
Irish built on one side and Chinese on another. Nobody cared if they died
Where is one place without getting through the Appalachian Mountains?
Cumberland Gap
What was so significant about wearing Madhatters?
Wearing hats made people insane because quicksilver on it made brain shrink
What is the Corp?
Millitary based
Grammatical spelling of Corp?
Corps is singular, but plural has the same spelling but is said in a different way
Revisionist History
WWI was called “The War to End All Wars”, but WWII was called World War 2, which changed the first war to WWI
1804 - 1806
The first overland expedition to the Pacific and back
How many people made up the main part of the Corp?
Who kept detailed diaries on the trek of the Lewis & Clark Expedition?
Lewis and Clark
In the Lewis & Clark Expedition, who was the artist, and who was the engineer/mapmaker?
Lewis - Artist, Clark - Engineer/Mapmaker
Throughout the expedition, only one member died. Who was it, how, and when?
Sergeant Charles Floyd, from acute appendicitis, early in the voyage
The starting point was not in the Mississippi River… what was the starting point of the Lewis & Clark Expedition?
St. Louis - Missouri River & Columbia River
Who was the personal slave of William Clark?
York had been Clark’s what in childhood?
Companion slave
Who was the only member of the Corp who did not join by choice?
What was so significant about the tribes who saw York?
Had never seen a black man before
What did the tribes see York as?
Keeper of the spirit of the Black Bear
What did the tribes offer from William Clark?
Buy York, asked for York to stay in the tribe
Why was York sought so much in the native tribes?
Procreation to bring that spirit into the tribe
What languages does Sacagawea only speak?
Shoshoni, Mandan
Since 20-year-old Sacagawea obviously does not speak English, who does she ask to translate for her?
Toussiant Charbonneau, French trader
Why did Sacagawea bring her baby to the wilderness?
A baby and woman shows that the party is more likely to be peaceful
What coin is Sacagawea on?
Dollar coin
What is Susan B. Anthony known for?
Contributed to women’s right to vote
What did the back of Susan B. Anthony’s coin have and why?
Bald eagle on the moon, celebrate the discovery bald eagles were off the endangered list
The Corp observed and described how many plants and and species/subspecies along the way?
178 plants, 122 species
What were some of the things the Corp found in their plants and species discovery?
Black Bear, Coyote, White Tailed Jack Rabbit
The fate of both Lewis and Clark’s lives were very different after the journey. What happened?
Lewis killed himself, William Clark lived a successful life
What was unique about William Clark’s writing?
Horrible grammar