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Physical Self
Physiological/biological Body
focuses on the physiological aspect and changes one undergoes and its effect on one’s personality and sense of self
Highlight puberty as a major change in physiological self
Body development as one’s become an adult
Life Span
The period between birth and death of an organism
Fertilization Period
0-1 week
Unification of mature egg cells and one sperm cell
Approximately, 1 in 300,000,000 sperm cells, only one sperm cell can penetrate and fertilize one egg cell
Identical Twins
Monozygotic (one sperm cell one egg cell)
The fertilization for one baby, there are two sacks in one genes
Shared the same placentas
Fraternal twins
Dizygotic (two fertilization happens in one cycle)
Two mature egg cells that produce two separate cluster of cells
Separate Placentas
Germinal Period (1 to 2 weeks)
Fertilized egg will now have to go to uterus
Implantation of fertilized egg cell to urethral lining (lining of the uterus) for the pregnancy to progress. Failure to do so might lead to miscarriage. Superficial implantation may lead to miscarriage as well.
Ectopic pregnancy
Urethral lining is the only viable location for pregnancy to take place. Pregnancy rooted/attached in the fallopian tube will lead to a condition called
Dilation and Curettage
are the approaches to remove miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. Urethral lining will have to be scrapped
Embryonic period (3 - 8 weeks)
Development of two significant systems of the body: nervous system (brain development) and circulatory system (heart).
Can determine if the baby is alive or not
Also known as the first trimester period.
also known as toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals such as exposure and/or ingestion may lead to abnormal development of the unborn child. Nicotine exposure found in cigarettes may lead to the development of cleft palate condition
Fetal period (9 weeks to birth)
The longest phase of prenatal development.
Period before labor.
innate involuntary behavior patterns
Language Development
Cry and grunts as basic form of communication
Around 1 year old, babies learn to say their first word
Sanguine (Theory based on body fluid)
Seeks thrill and variety (outgoing)
Low in tolerating boredom
Melancholic (Theory based on body fluid)
Black bile
Love traditions
Do not look for thrill and Variety
Preferred calm activities
Choleric (Theory based on body fluid)
Yellow Bile
Savvy, analytical, straightforward, and analogical.
Dislike small talk and like meaningful deep conversations
Phlegmatic (Theory based on body fluid)
Phlegm (mucus)
A people person
Seek interpersonal and intimate relationships
Easy to engage with people
Theory based on body fluid
Body fluids such as blood, black bile (secreted by the gall bladder), yellow bile (secreted by the spleen that stores and filters the blood), and phlegm.
High and low of the body fluid will influence an individual’s behavior.
Body type theory
Body physique can influence the personality of an individual.
Ectomorph (body type theory)
Small and delicate frame. (super skinny)
Characteristics: gloomy, melancholic (sad), chill type of person.
Mesomorph (body type theory)
Athletic body structure
Well defined muscles
The most desirable body structure because this equates to having a pleasing and good persona
Endomorph (body type theory)
“chubby” body physique.
soft and round body
Is generally short
known as having the “happy-go-lucky” type of personality
Rectangular/long face
People with this type of face shape value logic and are really good thinkers, but they often overthink. They’re usually planners in some way and don't often talk about their feelings
Calm, you have a personality of a introvert
Rounded face shape
This face shape typically means you're a people person who is very giving and kind, and always puts people first. The downside to this is that you can tend to put people first too much and then you don't get what you need from the relationship.
Diamond face shape
This refers to someone who likes to take control and wants things a certain way. They're also very detail-oriented and because of that, they produce quality work. This is someone who can be very precise with their words and communicates well. That said, they can also be sharp with their words too, if you cross them the wrong way.
Oval face shape
This person always knows all the right things to say, so they can make someone feel welcome and comfortable. That said, sometimes they can be too focused on saying all the right things.
love able because you have a pleasing personality
Square face shape
kind-hearted and smart
Smarty pants
Heart Shape
It speaks to someone who has incredible inner strength but can also be stubborn because they are so strong-minded
Type A
Positive: creative, cleaver, cooperative, organized.
Negative: stubborn and uptight, control freaks
Type B
Positive: strong, passionate, empathetic, and decisive
Negative: selfish and erratic behavior
Type AB
Positive: rationality (thinking about decisions closely) and adaptability
Negative: indecision, criticalness (tend to overthink), and forgetfulness
Type O
Positive: confidence, determination, resilience, and intuition
Negative: self-centered and unstable
Body image
Misalignment of ideal body and body image may lead to several problems like eating disorders.
Ideal body
the body we like to have
refers to everything about a person that can be observed such as height, weight, skin color, clothes and hairstyle.
due to mental framing of one being fat despite not being literally fat, the person suffering will not eat significantly less than usual to no food intake at all. This is because they associate eating to immediate significant body weight gain
due to mental framing of one being fat despite not being literally fat, the person suffering will eat, however, will feel guilty afterwards that they will induce vomiting or will perform an extreme exercise to eliminate the food ingested.
Concept of Beauty
Theories about the relationship of physical attractiveness and romantic relationships
Matching phenomenon
Men and Women choose partner who are “good match”
Physical Attractiveness Stereotype
presumption that physically attractive people posses other socially desirable traits as well
Likeness begets liking
people complete what is missing in the other
Body modification
Usage of make-up
Plastic surgery