Chemical Formula
A representation that shows the chemical composition and ratio of elements in a substance.
Diatomic Molecule
A molecule composed of two atoms, either of the same or different chemical elements, such as O2 or H2.
Polyatomic Molecule
A molecule that contains more than two atoms, such as O3 or P8.
Law of Definite Proportions
States that a chemical compound always contains the same proportion of elements by mass.
A positively charged ion that has lost one or more electrons.
A negatively charged ion that has gained one or more electrons.
Ionic Bonding
Bonding resulting from the electrostatic attraction between cations and anions.
Lewis Dot Formula
A diagram that shows the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone pairs of electrons.
Binary Compound
A chemical compound that contains exactly two different elements.
Hydroxide Ion
A negatively charged ion composed of one oxygen and one hydrogen atom (OH-).
Hydrogen Ion
A positively charged ion (H+) that is created when hydrogen loses its electron.
Isoelectronic Species
Atoms or ions that have the same number of electrons.
Coulomb's Law
Describes the force of attraction between two charged particles and how it varies with the distance between them.