Resource: Anything used to produce a good or service.
Resources are always limited or scarce.
Economics - The study of how people choose to use scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants.
Scarcity: Our wants are greater than the resources available to satisfy them.
Scarcity forces you to choose. These choices are called tradeoffs.
Trade off: Whenever you choose one thing over another you have made a tradeoff.
Opportunity Costs: The value of the next best alternative that is given up.
Marginal Cost -. What you have to give up to gain one more unit of an activity or something.
Marginal Benefit -what you gain by adding one more unit of an activity or something.
Includes: Money, time, entertainment, experience, fun, etc…
Marginal Analysis - Tool used to compare the weight of marginal costs and marginal benefits.
Incentive: Something that motivates a person to make a decision.
Positive Incentives: Good grades, awards, money, social standing/friendship, food, dating, etc.
Negative Incentives: Failing grades, fines, jail time, punishment, embarrassment, social consequences.
Rational Decision Making: A decision made after weighing both the costs and benefits.
Utility - Usefulness, satisfaction, or enjoyment gained from a good or service.
We can measure utility using an economic term: utils.
Marginal Cost - what you have to give up to gain one or more unit of an activity or something.
Marginal Benefit -what you gain by adding one more unit of an activity or something.
Can be measured in utils.
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility: After adding one more unit of something, the marginal benefit (pleasure) of adding another will always be less than the first.
Factors of Production: the resources or inputs used to produce goods and services.
Land, entrepreneurship, labor, and capital.
Outputs: The goods and services produced by the resources.
Perpetual Resources: Solar and wind energy.
Renewable Resources: Forests, fish, and animals.
Nonrenewable Resources: Fossil fuels: oil, coal, natural gas.
Human Capital: The knowledge and skills people possess from education, on the job training (OJT), and other experiences.
Degrees, certificates, work experience, problem solving skills, physical abilities, tech skills, creativity, reading level, language skills, relationships, teamwork etc...
Physical Capital: Human made tools, machines, equipment, and buildings a business needs to be productive.
Raw materials, tools, vehicles, technology, software, etc..
Labor: The time and mental & physical effort that people devote to producing goods and services in exchange for being paid.
Specialization: The development of skills or knowledge in one part of a job or a field of interest.