Bonding refers to the attractive forces that hold atoms together in compounds.
Ionic compounds result from the transfer of electrons between atoms, leading to the formation of ions.
Naming conventions are important when dealing with ionic compounds.
A chemical formula indicates the composition of a substance, showing the elements present and their ratios.
Examples of chemical formulas:
Monatomic molecules: He, Au, Na
Diatomic molecules: O2, H2, Cl2
Polyatomic molecules: O3, S4, P8
Compounds: H2O, CH3COCH3
Compounds consist of two or more different elements in a fixed proportion.
Molecules and their compositions:
HCl: 1 H atom & 1 Cl atom
H2O: 2 H atoms & 1 O atom
NH3: 1 N atom & 3 H atoms
C3H8: 3 C atoms & 8 H atoms
Ca(OH)2: 1 Ca atom, 2 O atoms & 2 H atoms
Compounds with identical types and number of atoms arranged in the same manner are considered the same molecule.
This principle is also known as the Law of Definite Proportions or Law of Constant Composition.
Understanding compound naming through Table 2-1 is essential for knowledge of various molecular compounds.
Example exercises:
Formula of nitric acid: HNO3
Formula of sulfur trioxide: SO3
Name of FeBr3: iron(III) bromide.
Example exercises:
Name of K2SO3: potassium sulfite.
Charge on sulfite ion (SO3^2-): -2.
Formula of ammonium sulfide: (NH4)2S.
Charge on the ammonium ion: NH4^+ (+1).
Formula of aluminum sulfate: Al2(SO4)3.
Charges on latter ions: Al^3+ and SO4^2-.
Definition of ions: Atoms or groups of atoms with an electric charge formed by the gain or loss of electrons.
Two main types of ions:
Cations (positive ions): Na+, Ca^2+, Al^3+, NH4^+ (polyatomic).
Anions (negative ions): F^-, O^2-, N^3-, SO4^2-, PO4^3- (polyatomic).
Chemical bonds hold atoms together within compounds.
Typically, the outermost or valence shell electrons are involved in bonding.
Ionic Bonding: Formed through electrostatic attractions among ions when electrons are transferred.
Covalent Bonding: Involves the sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between atoms.
Sodium chloride (NaCl) as a common ionic compound, consisting of Na^+ and Cl^- ions.
Determination of formulas based on charges of cations and anions.
NaCl: sodium chloride (Na^1+ & Cl^1-).
KOH: potassium hydroxide (K^1+ & OH^1-).
CaSO4: calcium sulfate (Ca^2+ & SO4^2-).
Al(OH)3: aluminum hydroxide (Al^3+ & 3OH^1-).
Binary Compounds: Consists of two elements.
Metal + Nonmetal = Ionic Compound.
Nonmetal + Nonmetal = Covalent Compound.
Naming rules:
Name the more metallic element first.
Name the less metallic element with the suffix "-ide".
Stems for nonmetals in naming:
Boron: bor
Carbon: carb
Silicon: silic
Nitrogen: nitr
Phosphorus: phosph
Arsenic: arsen
Antimony: antimon
Stems for naming:
Oxygen: ox
Sulfur: sulf
Selenium: selen
Tellurium: tellur
Hydrogen: hydr.
Naming stems for halogens:
Fluorine: fluor
Chlorine: chlor
Bromine: brom
Iodine: iod.
Rules for binary ionic compounds:
Cation names first, then anion.
Example: LiBr is named lithium bromide.
Examples of other compounds: MgCl2 (magnesium chloride), Li2S (lithium sulfide), Al2O3 (aluminum oxide).
More examples of binary ionic compounds and their names:
LiBr: lithium bromide
MgCl2: magnesium chloride
Li2S: lithium sulfide.
Additional examples summarized:
Al2O3: aluminum oxide
Na3P: sodium phosphide
Mg3N2: magnesium nitride.
Notable point: compounds with metals of one oxidation state avoid using prefixes or Roman numerals.
Certain metals exhibit variable oxidation states (e.g., transition metals), affecting how they're named.
Two naming methods:
Older System: uses suffixes "-ic" (higher oxidation) and "-ous" (lower oxidation).
Modern System: uses Roman numerals indicating oxidation states.
Examples of the old and modern naming systems:
FeBr2: ferrous bromide (old) / iron(II) bromide (modern).
FeBr3: ferric bromide (old) / iron(III) bromide (modern).
Other compounds and their naming examples:
SnO: stannous oxide / tin(II) oxide.
SnO2: stannic oxide / tin(IV) oxide.
TiCl2: titanous chloride / titanium(II) chloride.
Further repetition of compound names to solidify knowledge:
FeBr2, FeBr3, SnO, SnO2, TiCl2, TiCl3, TiCl4 and their modern equivalents.
Understanding naming conventions in binary ionic compounds with variable oxidation states is crucial.
Reinforcement of naming systems and importance of recognizing oxidation states.
Memorization of common ions from Table 6-6, e.g., hydroxide (OH^-), ammonium (NH4^+).
Binary compounds can also be formed by certain polyatomic ions.
Examples: KOH (potassium hydroxide), Ba(OH)2 (barium hydroxide).
More examples of pseudobinary ionic compounds continued:
Al(OH)3 (aluminum hydroxide), Fe(OH)2 (iron(II) hydroxide).
More examples provided:
Fe(OH)3 (iron(III) hydroxide), Ba(CN)2 (barium cyanide).
Add to knowledge of pseudobinary compounds with (NH4)2S (ammonium sulfide) and NH4CN (ammonium cyanide).
Binary acids consist of hydrogen and a nonmetal, typically in gaseous form at room temperature.
Nomenclature: use "hydro(stem)ic acid" for aqueous solutions.
Chemical to name conversions in binary acids:
HF: hydrogen fluoride/hydrofluoric acid
HCl: hydrogen chloride/hydrochloric acid
HBr: hydrogen bromide/hydrobromic acid
H2S: hydrogen sulfide/hydrosulfuric acid.
Lewis dot formulas show valence electrons, which are crucial for tracking chemical bonding.
Chemical importance is attached to the outermost electron shells.
Representation for various elements (Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne) showing their valence electron arrangements.
Effects of periodic groupings related to Lewis structures shown for elements.
Understanding ion formation (cations and anions).
Key role in ionic bonding.
Monatomic ions consist of individual atoms as either cations (Na+, Ca2+, Al3+) or anions (Cl-, O2-, N3-).
Polyatomic ions consist of multiple atoms bonded together (e.g., NH4^+, SO4^2-).
Attraction of cations to anions leads to the formation of ionic compounds, often through metal-nonmetal reactions.
Example: Reactions between Group IA metals and Group VIIA nonmetals.
Example provided with reaction products.
Discussion on properties of products formed during ionic reactions, including solids and gases at different states.
Explanation of how electron configurations lead to ionic compound formation, represented through Lewis dot diagrams.
Isoelectronic ions share electron configurations with noble gases, which sheds light on their chemical behavior.
Example reaction listed, emphasizing the use of Lewis dot structure in the representation of ionic formation.
Patterns observed in isoelectronic trends among cations and anions.
General reaction pattern among IA metals and VIIA nonmetals.
Sample reaction provided, emphasizing ion formation and product representation.
Request for students to draw Lewis dot representations.
Trend description indicating that cations align with noble gas configurations preceding them, while anions align with following noble gases.
Generalized reaction formula summarizing typical interactions between group metals and halogens.
Note on exceptions in behavior for certain metal/nonmetal pairings, with specific example provided.
Reaction format shared—draw representations for understanding.
General formula given to outline trends in reactions of these elements.
Example reiterated of lithium's interaction with oxygen.
Request for drawing ion configurations along with Lewis dot representational understanding.
Summation of general reactions and Lewis dot representations expected.
Example reaction shared to cement understanding of compound formation.
Engage students in practice through representation and reaction incorporation.
Sample representation provided concerning forming standard ionic compounds from respective groups.
Summary table for types and general formulas of ionic compounds from varying group pairings.
Notation of hydrogen as a capable element in ionic bonding despite being a nonmetal.
Description of 3D arrays in ionic compounds providing stability and strength, ensuring high melting points.
Introduction to Coulomb’s Law alongside attractive forces and their behaviors in ionic bond formations.
Comparing ionic sizes and charges, guiding factual recall and analysis.