Newspaper created by Lenin during his exile, which is smuggled into Russia and influences Stalin.
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Joseph Djugashvelli (Stalin)
Georgian Born Soviet revolutionary who led the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death. Was influenced by the Iskra newspaper.
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Paris Commune
Bunch of communists(Communards) took over capital of France, barricaded the streets in 1871. However, this was a failure, as they locked themselves in the capital of France by barricading the streets.
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Communist League
Organization that Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels were part of. Influenced the creation of the Communist Manifesto.
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Karl Marx
Writer of the Communist Manifesto in 1848, was part of the Communist League, and was a Scientific Socialist.
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Scientific Socialism
A form of socialism based on widespread and massive communist revolution and organization. Marx was a supporter of this.
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Utopian Socialism
A form of socialism based on localized and small communities that supported each other. Marx did not support this.
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Fredrick Engels
Close collaborator with Karl Marx, was part of the Communist League, and helped with the writing and publishing of the Communist Manifesto.
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Communist Manifesto
A book written by Karl Marx, influenced by the Communist League.
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The class who are the workers of the factories, as detailed in the Communist Manifesto.
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The class who own capital and who own factories, as detailed in the Communist Manifesto.
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Laissez Faire Capitalism
A form of capitalism free from governmental regulation. Also known as a free-market economy.
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Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
Leader of Bolshevik Revolution, Communist Revolutionary who retooled Marxism for Russia, first leader of the Soviet Union, etc.
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Where Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, aka Vladimir Lenin, was born. Alexander Kerensky also was born here.
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Nadazda Krudskya
Wife of Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov
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Nikolai Chernyshevsky
Writer of thef first “What is To Be Done”, which is the book that influenced Lenin into hard communism and the usage of terror.
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“What is to be Done”
Book written by Nikolai Chernyshevsky and then later Vladimir Lenin. Said that radical change required radical action, i.e, terror and violence.
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Alexander Herzen
Russian socialist, who believed in agrarian socialism. One of the most influential writers at the time, and called one of the fathers of Russian Socialism.
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Vanguard of the Elite
Lenin envisioned this; a group of people dedicated to revolutionary activity and terror, who would push and lead the revolution forward.
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Followers of the communist and marxist party founded by Lenin, spearheaded the revolution and the formation of the Soviet Union.
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One of the three biggest socialist parties in Russia. Were part of the Duma. They were not led by Lenin, but believed in many of the same ideas. They split from the Bolsheviks following a disagreement between Lenin and Julius Martov
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Was a high member of the Russian state, and made serfs pay over 49 years for their freedom, as a redemption for their treatment of the peasants.
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Agrarian Socialism
A form of socialism catered towards agricultural settings instead of industrialized settings, which seemed perfect for russia at the time. Believed in the equal distribution of property for all peasants. Alexander Herzen believed in this.
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More successful farmers who were rewarded by the state with more property. Became a derogatory term post-revolution.
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Alexander II
A tsar from the past, assasinated by the People’s Will in 1881, would’ve made Russia a constitutional monarchy had he not been assassinated. His son was Alexander III, and his grandson was Nicholas II.
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Peoples Will Movement
Student activist group of Marxists, Anarchists, and radicals all around who assassinated Alexander II.
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Okhrana Police
Heavy-handed police force under Alexander III, who went after Lenin and also killed Lenin’s brother, Sasha Ulianov. Peasants mistaked the Going to the People Movement for the Okhrana.
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Going to the People Movement
Student movement who attempted to covertly educate the peasantry on the evils of capitalism and the greatness of communism. Didn’t work, as they were mistaken for the Okhrana by the superstitious peasantry.
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Nicholas II and Alexandra Romanov
Tsar and Tsarina of Russia after Alexander III and pre Bolshevik Revolution. Created the Duma, and was later overtaken by the Duma L bozo
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Sergei Witte
Ministry(who was basically the defacto Prime Minster) who oversaw the Trans-Siberian railroad, and attempted to radically industrialize Russia. Worked under Nicholas II.
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Peter Stolypin
Ministry who rewarded kulaks and encouraged Agricultural output from Russia from (1906-1911).
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1905 Revolution
Dress rehearsal for the revolutions in 1917. Led by Father Gregory Gapon, where 10,000 workers peacefully strike and protest. Royal family told cavalry to kill everyone, and over 1,000 die. Leads to the creation of the Duma.
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Constitutional concession by Nicholas II following the 1905 Revolution. Was a group of elected officials. However, they had very little to no power, and Nicholas had the ability to dissolve them at will.
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Alexei Romanov
Only on of Nicholas II and Alexandra, had hemophilia, heir to the throne. Was made better by Gregori Rasputin.
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Gregori Rasputin
Freakin weirdo bro, had weird healing powers, helped Alexei Romanov get better, and became a very important figure in the Russian state. Led Russia along with Alexandra while Nicholas II was at the war front. Was later assassinated.
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February Revolution
Event when Duma asserts their power over Russia, as they didn’t believe that the royal family were doing a good job of handling WW1. Alexander Kerensky helped create a provisional government following this event.
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Lenin in Exile
Period when the newpaper Iskra is created, and it ends with the April Thesis.
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Place where Lenin traveled to in Exile and created the newspaper Iskra(The Spark)
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Commanding Heights
Very important sectors of an economy. Were the first places that Vladimir Lenin took control over during the 1917 Revolution. Included railroads, banks, and communications.
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April Thesis
Speech that Lenin makes following his exile, promising Peace, Bread, Land, and All Power to The Soviets.
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State and Revolution 1917
Fight between Bolsheviks and White forces for control of Russia. Begins following the April Thesis, and ends with Lenin taking Petrograd.