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________ believes that if we just sit by and watch something bad happen when we could have prevented it, that means having dirty hands anyway.

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Rule utilitarianism

________ wants us to think long- term and on a larger scale; to take into account the complexity of the situations we find ourselves in.

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________ → Moral theory that focuses on results, or consequences, of our actions.

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Rule Utilitarianism

Thus, ________ allows us to refrain from acts that might maximize utility in the short run, and instead follow rules that will maximize utility for the majority of the time.

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________ agree that a moral theory should apply equally to everyone.

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________ believe that happiness should drive our morality.

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________ suggest that we make our moral decisions from the position of a benevolent, disinterested spectator who is unbiased, objective, and rational.

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A Critique on Utilitarianism

Jim and the Indigenous People

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Five patients need organ transplants

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Moral theory that focuses on results, or consequences, of our actions. It treats intentions as irrelevant.

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Act Utilitarianism

States that, in any given situation, choose the action that produces the greatest good for the greatest number.

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Rule Utilitarianism

A version of the theory that says we ought to live by rules that, in general, are likely to lead to the greatest good for the greatest number.

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The Greatest Happiness Principle

The basis of Act Utilitarianism, which is doing what’s good for the greatest number of people.

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Principle of Utility

Choosing the action that would produce the most overall happiness for the group, even though it produced less happiness for you than other alternatives would have.

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