payment of a fee
An indulgence was a certificate granted by the pope in return for the ___________ __ _ ___ to the church.
purgatory reduced
The certificate stated that the soul of the dead relative or friend of the purchaser would have his time in _____________ _____________ by many years or canceled altogether.
St. Peter's Basilica
Part of the income from the indulgences sold by Tetzel was destined for Rome to help pay for the construction of the new __ _____ ___________.
free gift
Tetzel's aggressive marketing tactics appalled Luther. He believed that salvation could not be sold by the pope; it was a ____ _____ given by God.
Ninety-five Theses
On October 31, 1517, Luther dramatically nailed his _________________ _________ to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.
printing press
Aided by the ___________ _________, Luther's defiant challenge was soon disseminated across Europe.
The Catholic Church had long taught that salvation could be achieved by both faith and good works. Luther insisted that _____ was the only path to salvation.
Word of God
The Catholic Church taught that authority rests in both the Bible and the traditional teachings of the church. Luther insisted that all church teachings should be based on the ____ __ ___ as revealed in the Bible.
baptism and the Eucharist
Based upon his study of the Bible, Luther argued that Christ established just two sacraments: ___________ ____ ____ ___________ or Holy Communion. Luther thus rejected the Catholic teaching that there were seven sacraments.
promised freedom
German peasants originally supported Luther. They heard his message as one that __________ ___________ from oppression by the landlords and the clergy.
open attacks
Complaints that nobles had seized village common lands and imposed exorbitant rents soon escalated to ____ ______ on monasteries, castles, and prosperous farms.
always wrong and must be crushed
The peasants believed Luther would support them. Luther, however, believed that Christians ought to obey their rulers-even unjust rulers-and that rebellion against the state was _____ _____ ___ ____ __ ________.
crush the rebels
Horrified at the prospect of a bloody revolution, Luther urged the German nobility to _____ ___ ______.
The German Peasants' War of 1525 _________________ the authority of the German nobility.
_______________________ became closely allied with the established political order controlled by the German nobility.
Diet of Worms
Once Luther's complaints and new interpretations of doctrines made it to church officials, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V presided over the meeting. They officially denounced him as a heretic. They called him to stand before the imperial Diet of Worms and demanded that he recant his writings. The Diet issued the Edict of Worms, which forbade anyone to shelter Martin Luther or provide him with aid.
Catholics; Protestants
A religious civil war between ____________ led by Charles V and ________________ led by German princes tore Germany apart.
determine the religion of his state
The Peace of Augsburg ended the civil war. The settlement gave each German prince the right to __________ _______ ________ ______ _____ ___________, either Roman Catholic or Lutheran.