Renal and Elimination Disorders NUR 310

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Functions of the Kidney

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Functions of the Kidney

Urine formation

Excretion of waste products

Regulation of electrolytes

Regulation of acid-base balance

Control of water balance & blood pressure

Regulation of red blood cell production

Synthesis of vitamin D to active form

Regulates calcium & phosphorus balance

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<p>Anatomy Structures: </p>

Anatomy Structures:





<p><span data-name="white_small_square" data-type="emoji">▫</span><strong><span>Kidneys</span></strong></p><p><span data-name="white_small_square" data-type="emoji">▫</span><strong><span>Ureters</span></strong></p><p><span data-name="white_small_square" data-type="emoji">▫</span><strong><span>Bladder</span></strong></p><p><span data-name="white_small_square" data-type="emoji">▫</span><strong><span>Urethra</span></strong></p>
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Internal Structure of the Kidney

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Age Related Changes

•Ages 30-90

•7th decade of life


•Decreased blood flow

•Altered hormone levels

•Loss of elasticity –Females

•Prostate enlargement – Males 

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Health History & Assessment


•Past history of UTI

•Fever, chills

•Changes in urinary pattern





•Nutritional lifestyle patterns

•Weight gain or loss



•Vital signs

•Intake and output

•Weight; BMI






•No CVA tenderness

•Non-palpable kidney, bladder

•No palpable masses

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Diagnostic Assessment

Color: amber yellow

Odor: aromatic

Protein: random, 0-trace

Glucose: none

Ketones: none

Bilirubin: none

Specific gravity: 1.003-1.030

Osmolality: 300-1300

pH: 4.0-8.0, avg 6.0

RBCs: 0-4

WBCs: 0-5

Casts: none to occasional

Culture: no organisms

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<p><span>Lab Tests and Imaging Studies</span></p>

Lab Tests and Imaging Studies

Review the description, purpose and nursing responsibilities


•Creatinine clearance: no calculation; no values; just purpose and nursing responsibilities

•Composite urine collection

•Urine clean catch

•Concentration test (aka: specific gravity)

•Residual urine

•Protein dipstick

•Quantative protein

•BUN, Creatinine, K+, Sodium, Calcium, Phos, Sodium Bicarb

•Renal biopsy



•Renal Ultrasound



•Renal Arteriogram 

<p><span>•</span><strong><span>Review the description, purpose and nursing responsibilities</span></strong></p><p><span>•Urinalysis</span></p><p><span>•Creatinine clearance: no calculation; no values; just purpose and nursing responsibilities</span></p><p><span>•Composite urine collection</span></p><p><span>•Urine clean catch</span></p><p><span>•Concentration test (aka: specific gravity)</span></p><p><span>•Residual urine</span></p><p><span>•Protein dipstick</span></p><p><span>•Quantative protein</span></p><p><span>•BUN, Creatinine, K+, Sodium, Calcium, Phos, Sodium Bicarb</span></p><p><span>•Renal biopsy</span></p><p><span>•Cystoscopy</span></p><p><span>•MRI</span></p><p><span>•Renal Ultrasound</span></p><p><span>•CT</span></p><p><span>•KUB</span></p><p><span>•Renal Arteriogram&nbsp;</span></p>
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Nursing Care of the Patient Undergoing Diagnostic Testing of the Renal-Urologic System—Assessment

•Patient knowledge

•Psychosocial and emotional factors; fear, anxiety

•Urologic function, include voiding habits/pattern

•Fluid intake


•Presence of pain or discomfort


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Urinary Tract Infection

•Bladder & its contents are typically free of bacteria

•Females >Males

•Invasion of bacteria

•E. Coli


•At Risk Patients

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<p><span>Urinary Tract Infection</span></p>

Urinary Tract Infection

•Upper versus Lower


•Uncomplicated versus Complicated


<p><span>•Upper versus Lower</span></p><p></p><p><span>•Urosepsis&nbsp;</span></p><p></p><p><span>•Uncomplicated versus Complicated</span></p><p></p><p><span>•CAUTI</span></p>
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<p>UTI: Diagnostics </p>

UTI: Diagnostics


  • Dipstick Urinalysis



–+Leukocyte Esterase

Urine Cultures / CT and US of abdomen and Pelvis

<p><span>•</span><strong><u><span>Diagnostics</span></u></strong></p><ul><li><p><u><span>Dipstick Urinalysis</span></u></p></li></ul><p><span>–+Nitrites</span></p><p><span>–+WBCs</span></p><p><span>–+Leukocyte Esterase</span></p><p><span>Urine Cultures / CT and US of abdomen and Pelvis</span></p>
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UTI Medical Therapy

Uncomplicated UTI

•Phenazopyridine àPain


  • trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim)

  • trimethoprim alone (in patients with sulfa allergy)

  • nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin, Macrobid)

  • fosfomycin (Monurol)

Recurrent UTI

•Phenzopyridine à Pain


  • trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, nitrofurantoin

  • Sensitivity-guided antibiotic therapy

  • Prophylactic antibiotic regimen

  • Consider post-coital antibiotic prophylaxis

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UTI Nursing Interventions

•Recognize AT RISK individuals

•Empty bladder and stool

  • Routine void Q3-4 hrs (minimum)

•Wipe front to back

•Increase PO water intake


•Remove catheters early; avoid unnecessary catherization

•Avoid contaminating urine samples

•Perineal care

•Void after intercourse

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UTI Nursing Interventions (pt. 2)

•Frequent rounds; offer bedpan or frequent toileting

•Early removal of indwelling catheters


•Placement of “foley” is STERILE

•Avoid bladder irritants

•Localized heat

•Medication education

•Complete medical therapy

•When to call the healthcare provider

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•Inflammation of the renal parenchyma and collecting system


  • Bacterial infection

  • Urosepsis

  • Pre-existing factors

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<p><span>Pyelonephritis – Clinical Manifestations</span></p>

Pyelonephritis – Clinical Manifestations

Symptoms (6)

  • Mild fatigue

  • Chills

  • Fever

  • Vomiting

  • Malaise

  • Flank pain

Diagnostics (2)

  • Urinalysis

  • Ultrasound / CT

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Pyelonephritis (Acute & Chronic)



•U/A + C/S

•Imaging studies



•Mild Symptoms: Drug Therapy

•Severe Symptoms: Drug Therapy


•Kidneys become small, atrophic, shrunken and lose function

•Etiology: recurrent infections

•Imaging and Biopsy to confirm diagnosis

•One vs Both kidneys

•Progression to ESRD

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Urinary Tract Calculi

Nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease)


•20-55 yrs of age

•Reoccur in 50%

•Summer → Dehydration theory

•Gender Differences  

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Urinary Tract Calculi: Risk Factors

Metabolic → Abnormalities that result in increased urine levels of calcium, oxalate uric acid, or citric acid

Climate → Warm climates that cause increased fluid loss, low urine volume, and increased solute concentration in urine


Large intake of dietary proteins that increases uric acid excretion

  • Excessive amounts of tea or fruit juices that elevate urinary oxalate level

  • Large intake of calcium and oxalate

  • Low fluid intake that increases urinary concentration

Genetic Factors → Family history of stone formation, cystinuria, gout, or renal acidosis


  • Sedentary occupation, immobility

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Urinary Tract Calculi: Types of Stones

•Review Characteristics, Predisposing Factors and Treatment

  • Calcium phosphate

  • Calcium oxalate

  • Uric acid

  • Cystine

  • Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate)

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<p><span>Urinary Tract Calculi: Diagnostics &amp; Interprofessional care</span></p>

Urinary Tract Calculi: Diagnostics & Interprofessional care


•Non-contrast CT



•(IVP) Intravenous Pyelogram

•Stone Retrival

Patient may pass

•Check urine pH

Interprofessional care

1) Manage the Attack

2) Etiology


OTC and Prescribed Meds

Labs, Diagnostics



Tamsulosin or Terazosin

Acetohydroxamic Acid


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<p>Invasive Treatment</p>

Invasive Treatment


Percutaneous Removal



Ureteral Stent

<p>Cystoscopy </p><p>Percutaneous Removal </p><p>Lithotripsy </p><p>Surgery </p><p>Ureteral Stent </p><p></p>
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Nursing Interventions for Kidney Stones

•Pain relief

•Monitoring for complications

Promote fluid intake: 2-3L intake and 2L output

•Encourage ambulation

•Strain all urine

•Urine Cx every 1-2 months

•Medical therapy

Diet Therapy

•Vital Signs (temperature)

Patient education

Report decreased urine output

Report sudden increase in pain

If stent, hematuria expected, monitor for fever

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<p><strong><span>Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) / RF</span></strong></p>

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) / RF

•Benign enlargement of the prostate gland

•Common in adult males

•50% of men will develop BPH

•Cause is unknown

•Enlargement of gland can lead to urethra obstruction

Risk factors: aging, obesity, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption, erectile dysfunction, smoking, and diabetes.

<p><span>•Benign enlargement of the prostate gland</span></p><p><span>•Common in adult males</span></p><p><span>•50% of men will develop BPH</span></p><p><span>•Cause is unknown</span></p><p><span>•Enlargement of gland can lead to urethra obstruction</span></p><p></p><p><span>•</span><strong><u><span>Risk factors: </span></u></strong><span>aging, obesity, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption, erectile dysfunction, smoking, and diabetes.</span></p>
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BPH (Diagnostics/ Goals/ Tx)

Diagnostics: H&P, prostate can be palpated by digital rectal exam, urinalysis with culture, Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to rule out prostate cancer.

Goals: Restore bladder drainage, relieve patient’s symptoms, prevent/treat complications of BPH

Treatment: Conservatively, Medications, Surgery

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Drug Therapy

•5α-Reductase inhibitors

• α-Adrenergic receptor blockers

• Erectogenic drugs

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Nursing Implementation

•Preoperative care for TURP

  • Administer antibiotics

    • Treat UTIs

Restore urinary drainage

  • Coudé – curved-tip catheter

  • Filiform – rigid catheter

  • Aseptic technique very important in preventing infection

rovide patient opportunity to express concerns over alterations in sexual function

Inform patient of possible complications of procedures

  • Decreased or absent ejaculate volume

  • Retrograde ejaculation

<p><span>•Preoperative care for TURP</span></p><ul><li><p><span>Administer antibiotics</span></p><ul><li><p><span>Treat UTIs</span></p></li></ul></li></ul><p><span data-name="white_small_square" data-type="emoji">▫</span><span>Restore urinary drainage</span></p><ul><li><p><u><span>Coudé</span></u><span> – curved-tip catheter</span></p></li><li><p><u><span>Filiform</span></u><span> – rigid catheter</span></p></li><li><p><span>Aseptic technique very important in preventing infection</span></p></li></ul><p><span data-name="white_small_square" data-type="emoji">▫</span><span>rovide patient opportunity to express concerns over alterations in sexual function</span></p><p><span data-name="white_small_square" data-type="emoji">▫</span><span>Inform patient of possible complications of procedures</span></p><ul><li><p><span>Decreased or absent ejaculate volume</span></p></li><li><p><span>Retrograde ejaculation</span></p></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Nursing Implementation </p>

Nursing Implementation

•Maintain Patency with flushing and irrigation

•Continuous versus intermittent irrigation

•Sterile solutions

•Clears out clots and debris

•Used to instill medications into bladder

•Maintain closed system

<p><span>•Maintain Patency with flushing and irrigation</span></p><p><span>•Continuous versus intermittent irrigation</span></p><p><span>•Sterile solutions</span></p><p><span>•Clears out clots and debris</span></p><p><span>•Used to instill medications into bladder</span></p><p><span>•Maintain closed system</span></p>
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Nursing Implementation Post-op

Postoperative care for TURP

  • Postoperative bladder irrigation

  • Stool softeners and high fiber diet to prevent straining

  • Treat bladder spasms

  • Catheter care

  • Teach Kegel exercises

  • Observe for signs of infection

  • Manually on an intermittent basis

  • Continuous bladder irrigation (CBI)

    • Remove blood clots

    • Ensure drainage of urine

    • Use aseptic technique

Assess for complications

  • Hemorrhage

  • Bladder spasms

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Infection

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Nursing Implementation: Ambulatory and Home Care

After prostate surgery

  • Return to urinary continence

    • Refer to continence clinic if not normal within 12 months

  • Use of penile clamp, condom catheter, incontinence pads or briefs to manage dribbling and continue socialization activities

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Health Promotion

•Early detection and treatment

•55-69 greatest benefit from PSA

•Initial Q2 years

•Avoid irritants

•Cold Meds

•Patient Education

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