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environmental ethics
study of the moral relationship of humans to the environment & its nonhuman contents.
hetch hetchy valley
part of environmental ethics. do we use the hetch hetchy resovoir as a source of drinking water & waterpower for sanfran, or do we use the resovoir as water & power alternatives
preservationist view
leave all public parks & land preserved wild and pristine
conservationist view
should sustainably use & manage public parks/land to provide for humans at the greatest benefit
virtue ethics
an action is right if it is motivated by virtues (like kindness, loyalty, justice)
consequence-based ethics
the outcome of a thing is the important part. (benefit vs. harm, pleasure vs. harm)
utilitarinism- greatest good for the most people
duty-based ethics
the rightness or wrongness of actions are determined by a set of rules
Ex: lying is always wrong, even if lying has a positive outcome
intrinsic value
value just for being itself
instrumental value
valued as a means to something other than itself
anthropocentric ethics
assigns INTRINSIC value to only HUMANS
defines “right” actions “right” if they benefit humans
this is a utilitarian view of managing the environment
biocentric ethics
the value of other living things is EQUAL to the value of humans (all intrinsic
any life does not need to benefit humans in order to have value
ecocentric ethics
places value on COMMUNITIES of organisms & ecosystems
collections of organisms or critical features in the environment have INTRINSIC value
hunting: it is ethical in the ecocentric way, but unethical in the biocentric way
environmental justice
protect natural resources for everyone regardless of race, gender, or economic status
environmental justice examples
toxic dumps in poor communities, usually colored communities, causing risks to communities
dakota pipeline going through native american communities & not near white communities