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Author and publisher of the article
Fergus M. Bordewich; Smithsonian
A restored portrait of Henry Clay hangs in the
U.S. Capitol
According to Richard Allen (historian US Senate) Clay was associated with the art of
the legeslative comproise
Clay’s Congress career lasted about
40 years
Clay was both Senate and HOR for the state of
Served as secretary of state for
John Quincy Adams
Was a candidate for president
5 times
3 time party nominee 1824, 1832, 1844
Clay was a founder of this party
Was one of the first major politicians to advocate for
expansion of federal power to promote the safety convience and prosperity of the American people
About Henry Clays voice
So eloquent and melliflouos it would move people to tears.
People packed Senate chamber to hear him
Energy and fire
“A great soul on fire” -Oliver Dyer (Journalist)
Appointed to the Senate at age
29 (30 was legal threshold but no one objected)
Only such person in the nation’s history to
be elected speaker of the house on the first day of the sesison
How did Clay make SOTH
the most powerful office after the president
control committees
made it possible for the body to get anything done
He had a talent for _______ which helped the nation because
creative compromise
drew the nation back from sectional crisis and possible dissolution
1820 Missouri problem
Missouri was about to be added as a stae
disbalance the number of free vs slave states
Slavery was at the crux of the matter
Drew a line across Lousiana purchase line all states North did not have slavery, south will have slavery
Missouri comrpomise 1820
Calhoun Clay Webster
Maine was a free state
Praised as “great pacificator” and “second washington”
Clay and slavery
A slave owner himself
opposed the expansion of slavery
a curse to master and a grievous wrong to the slave
Defended it saying it was lawful and crucial to southern econoy
against immediate emancipation “ and favored gradual emancipaition and returning slaves to Africa
Clay never used
threats, abuse, but he is mild, humble, and persuasive by begging instruction, and ajuring.
Clays wrath was as continuous pearls of
thunder and interupted by repeating flashes of lightning
Clay was one of the most
effective senators in america
South Carolina issue
nullify federal laws they did not approve of
defuses tensions between state and federal govenment
south was gonna succeed after California ammited as a free state
gave a speech even though he had terberculosis and was very old (72)
epic speech 2 days long
“scheme of accommodation”
directly opposed to any purpose of secession or separation
The only alternative is war and the death
of liberty for all
both northerners and southerners should
before the measures were enacted clay
collasped from exaustion
californias comromise
claifornia is a free stte
utah and New Mexico terrirotyues would not be allowed prohibit slavery to please the south
slave trade ended in Washington DC
Fugitive slave act- servere penalties to anyone aiding fugitive slaves making it easier for slave owners to recover their human properties
the compromise was seen as the definitive settlement of slavery
delayed vicil war for 10 years
he always knew
the right thing to do at the right time. each side gained something and lost something. no one gets all the marbles
Corrupt bargain
tariff compromise
comrpomise of 1850
make someone less angry/hostile
pleasant voice to hear
distictinive feature
of a persons face/facial expression
state of being a slave