produces by something that vibrates
Electromagtic waves
No they do not
Do electromagnetic waves require a medium?
changing electric and magnetic fields
What are waves made out of?
Are electric and magnetic fields perpendicular or parallel?
the speed of light
What is the speed of an electromagnetic wave called?
Do electromagnetic waves travel faster or slower in solids?
Do electromagnetic waves travel faster or slower in gases?
distance between crests
What is wavelength?
the number of waves that pass a given point per second (Hz - Hertz)
What is frequency?
changed particles that are always moving
What does all matter have?
If the temperature of a material increases does the wavelength become shorter or longer?
a piece of matter
discovered he could create a spark by shining a light
Heinrich Hertz
discovered a wave can behave as a particle
Albert Einstein
A massless bundle of energy that behaves like a particle
the frequency of a wave
what does a photon depend on?
travel in a wavy pattern
exhibit the waves property of interference
magnetic resonance imaging (cures illness)
What does MRI stand for?
(!) EW used to broadcast radio and television
radio waves
(2) EW is used in cooking, radar, telephone, and other signals
(3) EW that transmits heat from the sun, fires, radiators
infrared waves
heatfrom chimney, fire and night vision equipment
what are examples of infrared waves?
(4) EW that makes things able to be seen
visible light
what is the brains interpretation of what you see?
what color is the outcome of the presense of all colors?
(5) EW absorbed by the skin, used in fluorescent tubes
ultraviolet waves
Vitamin D, Disinfect, and Fluorescense
How can ultraviolet waves be useful?
UVA, UVB, UVC rays
How can a ultaviolet waves be harmful
(bone + teeth)
Vitamin D
food, water, med supplies
used to reveal fingerprints
long wl, skin cancer, wrinkling
UVA ray
short wl, sunburn, skin cancer
UVB ray
blocked by atmosphere
UVC ray
(6) EW used to view inside of bodies and objects
Doctors, Dentists, and TSA's
Who uses x-rays?
(7) EW used in medicine for killing cancer cells
gamma rays
Yes it does
if there is high frequency does the energy in photons increase?
cancer treatment
what are gamma rays used for?
the process by which cancer spreads from 1 body part to another
the use of drugs to treat kill cancer cells
the use of x-rays and gamma rays to kill cancer cells
radiation therapy
Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells while radiation therapy uses high energy beams (x-ray/gamma rays) to kill cancer cells
What is the difference between radiation therapy and chemotherapy?
the specific frequency of the electromagnetic wave that a radio station is assigned
carrier wave
adding signal waves and carrier waves
amplitude modulation (visual)
what is AM?
frequency modulation (audio)
What is FM?
a transceiver
what is a cellphone?
converted from an electric signal to a radio wave by using an antenna
what is a modified carrier wave?
electric signal causes the electrons to vibrate which makes the antenna vibrate
what causes a antenna to vibrate?
what direction do EW travel when the antenna vibrates?
Electric signals whose values change smoothly over time
Analog Signal
what are the analog signal's 2 values?
digital signal
what kind of signals did tv stations start using to broadcast in 2009?
radio signal
What does a pager transmit?
doctors and resturants
who uses pagers?
Global Positioning System. A system that determines one's exact location on Earth.
What is GPS?
how many satilites are there?
navigation and pets (chip)
How do we use GPS?
U.S department if defense
what is it owned by?
Radio Detection and Ranging
What does RADAR mean?