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Cervical Flexion End Feel
Firm- Posterior facet joint, capsule, Posterior Long. Lig., posterior cervical musculature
Cervical Flexion Goniometer Alignment
Fulcrum= External Auditory Meatus
Proximal Arm= Perpendicular to the ground
Distal Arm= Base of the Nares (nose)
Cervical Extension End Feel
Firm- anterior capsule of facet joints and bony structure, ant. long. lig. (ALL), anterior musculature
Cervical Extension Goniometer Alignment
• Fulcrum = External auditory meatus
• Proximal Arm = Perpendicular to the ground
• Distal Arm = Base of the nares (nose)
Cervical Flexion/Extension Double Inclinometer Alignment
• Top of the head
• Spinous process of T1
Cervical Flexion/ Extension with Tape Measure Alignment
• Lower edge of the sternal notch
• Middle of the tip of the chin
Cervical Lateral Flexion End Feel
Firm-intertransverse ligs, lateral annulus fibrosus, contralateral muscles= longus capitis, longus colli, anterior scalene, SCM
Cervical Lateral Flexion Goniometer Alignment
• Fulcrum = C7
• Proximal Arm = Perpendicular to the ground in line with thoracic vertebrae
• Distal Arm = Midline of the head
Cervical Lateral Flexion Tape Measure Alignment
Mastoid process, lateral tip of the acromion process
Cervical Rotation End Feel
Firm-alar lig., facet joint capsule, contralateral-longus capitis, longus colli, anterior scalene
Cervical Rotation Goniometer Alignment
Fulcrum = Center of the cranium
• Proximal Arm = Parallel to an imaginary line between the two acromial processes
• Distal Arm = Tip of the nose
Shoulder Flexion End Feel
3 multiple choice options
Shoulder Flexion Goniometer Alignment
• Fulcrum: greater tubercle
• Proximal Arm: // to midaxillary line of thorax• Distal Arm: lateral midline of humerus
• lateral epicondyle or olecranon process
Shoulder Extension End Feel
3 multiple choice options
Shoulder Extension Goniometer Alignment
• Fulcrum: greater tubercle
• Proximal Arm: // to midaxillary line of thorax
• Distal Arm: lateral midline of humerus
• lateral epicondyle
Shoulder Abduction End Feel
3 multiple choice options
Shoulder Abduction Goniometer Alignment
Fulcrum: acromion process
• Proximal Arm: // to midline of sternum
• Distal Arm: anterior midline of humerus• medial epicondyle
Shoulder IR end feel
3 multiple choice options
Shoulder IR Goniometer Alignment
• Fulcrum: olecranon process
• Proximal Arm: perpendicular or // to floor
• Distal Arm: ulna
• Olecranon process and ulnar styloid
Shoulder ER End Feel Feel
3 multiple choice options
Shoulder ER Goniometer Alignment
• Fulcrum: olecranon process
• Proximal Arm: perpendicular or // to floor
• Distal Arm: ulna• Olecranon process and ulnar styloid
Shoulder Flexion MMT
Ant Deltoid, Rotator Cuff (? supraspinatus in early activation of flexion), Pec Major (clavicular), coracobrachialis
Shoulder Extension
Post Deltoid, Latt Doris, Teres Major, LH Tricep
Shoulder Abduction
Middle Deltoid and Supraspinatus
Horizontal Abduction MMT (yellow)
Post Deltoid
Horizontal Adduction MMT (yellow)
Pec Major
Shoulder ER MMT
Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
Shoulder IR MMT
Scapular ABD and Upward ROT MMT
Serratus Anterior
Scapular Elevation MMT
Upper Trapz and Lev Scap
Scapular Retraction (Adduction) MMT
Mid Trap and Rhomboids
Scap Depression and Adduction MMT
Mid and Lower Trapz
carrying angle Men
5 degrees
Carrying Angle Women
10-15 degrees
Elbow Flexion Goniometer Alignment
Fulcrum: lateral epicondyle
• Proximal arm: lateral midlineof humerus; Acromion process
• Distal arm: lateral midline of radius;Radial styloid process
Elbow Flexion End Feel
Soft, May be Hard, Or Firm
Elbow Extension End Feel
Hard, Maybe be Firm
Forearm Pronation Stabilization for ROM
distal humerus to prevent medial rotation and abduction of shoulder
2 multiple choice options
Forearm Supination Stabilization for ROM
distal humerus to prevent shoulder adduction and lateral rotation
2 multiple choice options
Forearm Pronation Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum= lateral and proximal to ulnar styloid process
Proximal arm=parallel to anterior midline of humerus
Distal arm=across dorsal aspect of forearm, just proximal and parallel to the radial and ulnar styloid processes
Forearm Pronation End Feel
Hard, Firm
Forearm Supination Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum= medial and proximal to ulnar styloid process•
Proximal arm=parallel to anterior midline of humerus
Distal arm= across ventral aspect of forearm, just proximal and parallel to radial and ulnar styloid processes
Forearm Supination End Feel
Wrist Flexion Stabilization
stabilize radius and Ulna to prevent supin/pronation or elbow motion; pressure on 3rd metacarpal; avoid radial/ulnar deviation fingers should remain extended; don't let hypothenar eminence fool u
Wrist Flexion Goniometer Alignment
Proximal arm= lateral midline of ulna (olecranon and ulnar styloid process)
Distal arm= lateral midline of 5th metacarpal
patient in sitting, hand off table
wrist flexion end feel
wrist extension Stabilization
radius and ulna to prevent supination/pronation or elbow motion; pressure should be on palmar surface of metacarpals evenly; Avoid radial or ulnar deviation; Fingers should be allowed to flex• Don't let the hypothenar eminence fool you!
wrist extension goniometer line up
Fulcrum= triquetrum
Proximal arm= lateral midline of ulna (olecranon and ulnar styloid process)
Distal arm= lateral midline of 5th metacarpal
Wrist Extension End Feel
Firm, May be Hard
2 multiple choice options
Wrist Radial Deviation (ABD) stabilization
To prevent elbow flexion past 90 degrees, forearm pronation/supination; Avoid flex/ext of wrist and rotating the hand
Wrist Radial Deviation Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum=dorsal aspect of wrist over capitate
Proximal arm=dorsal midline of forearm (lateral epicondyle of humerus)
Distal arm= dorsal midline of 3rd metacarpal; don't let the fingers fool you
Wrist Radial Deviation (ABD) end feel
hard, May be firm
3 multiple choice options
Wrist Ulnar Deviation (ADD) stabilization
To prevent pronation/supination, elbow extension; Avoid flex/ext of wrist and rotating hand
Wrist Ulnar Deviation (ADD) Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum= dorsal aspect of wrist over capitate
Proximal arm= dorsal midline of forearm (lateral epicondyle of humerus)• Distal arm= dorsal midline of 3rd metacarpal; don't let the fingers fool you
Wrist Ulnar Deviation (ADD) End Feel
3 multiple choice options
Thumb Opposition Stabilization
5th metacarpal to prevent fifth CMC joint motion
Thumb Opposition End Motion
contact between tip of thumb and base of 5th digit(allowing thumb MCP and IP flexion)
Thumb Opposition Testing What?
ABDuction, flexion, and adduction
Thumb Opposition Measurement
shortest distance between tip of thumb and center of proximal digital crease of 5th finger
Thumb Opposition End Feel
soft or firm
3 multiple choice options
Thumb MCP Flexion and Extension Stabilization
1st metacarpal to prevent wrist motion and CMC flexion
Thumb MCP Flex/Ext Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum: dorsal aspect of MCP joint
Proximal arm: dorsal midline of 1stmetacarpal
Distal arm: dorsal midline of proximal phalanx
Thumb MCP Flexion End Feel
hard or firm
3 multiple choice options
Thumb MCP Extension End Feel
Thumb IP Flexion/Extension Stabilization
proximal phalanx to prevent MCP flex/ext
Thumb IP Flex/Ext Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum: dorsal surface IP joint
Proximal arm: dorsal midline of proximal phalanx
Distal arm: dorsal midline of distal phalanx
Thumb IP Flex End Feel
usually firm, may be hard
3 multiple choice options
Thumb IP Ext End Feel
3 multiple choice options
FINGER MCP flexion/extension stabilization
stabilize metacarpal to prevent wrist motion, allow other fingers to flex/extend at MCP joints; avoid extreme flexion or extension of PIPs and DIPs
Finger MCP Flex/Ext Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum: dorsal aspect of MCP joint
Proximal arm: dorsal midline of metacarpal
Distal arm: dorsal midline of proximal phalanx
Alternative Finger MCP Extension Goniometer Line Up
Fulcrum= palmar aspect of MCP
Proximal arm= palmar midline of
Distal arm= palmar midline of proximal phalanx
Finger MCP flexion End Feel
hard or firm
3 multiple choice options
Finger MCP Extension End Feel
3 multiple choice options
Biceps Brachii MMT forearm position
forearm in Supination
2 multiple choice options
Brachialis MMT forearm postion
forearm in pronation
3 multiple choice options
Brachioradialis MMT positions
forearm in middle of supination and pronation (thumbs up)
3 multiple choice options