Apush Chapter 3 and 4 Key terms

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33 Terms

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John Calvin
A French theologian and key figure in the Protestant Reformation, known for his teachings on predestination and the sovereignty of God. Founder of Calvinism
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Church of England
The established Christian church in England, with the monarch as its supreme governor. Basically Catholic but established to escape the authority of Rome
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A religious group in the 16th and 17th centuries known for their strict beliefs and desire to purify the Church of England. Very Orthodox.
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The group of Puritans unhappy enough with the church of England to be willing to move to the Netherlands and later the New World.
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Great English Migration
A time during the 17th century when thousands of English moved to colonies in the new world. Mostly to the west indies but also the North american colonies.
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Mayflower Compact
Established a very simple government in which laws would be decided by a majority vote. Not a constitution but still a very influential document for future constitutions.
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William Bradford
A puritan and self taught scholar who moved to the Massachusetts colony and was elected governor 33 times.
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Massachusetts Bay Colony
A colony founded in the Massachusetts bay founded by 11 ships of immigrant carrying 1000 people, mostly. The plymouth colony later merged with it.
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Pequot War
A war fought between the settlers and Narraganset indians against the Pequot tribe. Resulted in their complete annihilation.
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King Phillip’s War
A series of raids by a coalition of indians against English frontier towns on behalf of the Spanish. Organized by Metacom, son of Massasoit.
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Anne Hutchinson
An incredibly smart woman from the bay colony who dissented against the Puritan authorities. Undermined Puritan dogma by taking it to logical extremes. Banished to Rhode Island, but was killed on the journey by Natives.
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Roger Williams
A Minister from the Bay Colony who fled to Rhode Island to escape puritan persecution, where he built a baptist church. Practically the founder of Rhode Island.
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New England Confederation
A mutual defense alliance between the 4 puritan colonies of New England against the Indians, French, Dutch, and Spanish.
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Dominion of New England
The colonial dominion encompassing the New England Colonies+New York ruled over by Sir Edmund Andros.
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Sir Edmund Andros
A non puritan commander put in charge of the Dominion of New England.
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Glorious Revolution
The peaceful overthrow of King James II to restore protestant monarchs William and Mary
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Salutary Neglect
The period following the Glorious revolution in which the Navigation Act was weakly enforced in the North American colonies. A period of loosened control over the colonies.
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New Amsterdam
The Dutch company town founded on Manhattan Island by the Dutch West Indies Colony to better participate in the North American Fur Trade.
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Peter Stuyvesant
The Director General of New Amsterdam who surrendered the city to the English.
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William Pen
Proprietor of Pennsylvania. A quackers who founded Pennsylvania as a haven for his fellow quackers. Very liberal leader but was at odds with the king.
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Officially the Religious society of Friends, a group of religious dissenters in England who were very devoted to their faith, in the process defying the authority of both the Anglican Church and English State.
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indentured Servants
Individuals who exchanged transport for a new life in the Americas for a years of service as laborers
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Headright System
The system in which people would be awarded 50 acres of land in the new world if they paid for the transport of settlers .
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William Berkeley
Governor of Virginia During Bacon’s Rebellion. Didn’t mount defenses against the natives so as to preserve deals made with the indians to procure them Virginia Pelts to sell for Europe.
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Nathaniel Bacon
A 29 year old Virginia Planter who led 1000 frontiersmen in rebellion.
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Bacon’s Rebellion
A rebellion in protest to Governor Berkeley’s Indian policy which had screwed over many now landless farmers. 1000 Frontiersmen marched to Jamestown and burnt it down.
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Royal African Company
A joint stock company chartered for the purpose of exporting slaves to the Americas and West Indies.
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The middle Passage
The journey across the atlantic slaves would take from slave markets in Africa to slave markets in the Americas.
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Slave Codes
The documents which defined the legalities of Slavery and the distinction between Slave and Master. The rules for slavery.
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Congregational Church
The puritan system for running their churches and towns in which adult men met to vote on and discuss various decisions.
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The Half-Way Covenant
The system adopted in 1662 to allow men who were baptised but not fully “converted” to participate in government to a limited degree.
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Salem Witch Trials
A series of trials which targeted successful women by labeling them witches and thus worthy of execution.
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Leisler’s Rebellion
A bloody insurgency between aspiring merchants and New York’s lordly landlords.