Study note
Red Figure Pottery
Bronze Horse Pottery
Alabaster pottery
Alexander the Great
Subject: Military general / Spartan King
Famous for: Spreading the Greek Culture
Subject / field: (Lyric) Poet
What they’re famous for: Writing over 10,000 lines of poetry, 650 of which survived.
Subject / field: Mathematician / Astronomer
What they’re famous for: Leader of the Neoplatonist school of philosophy in Alexandria, violent death
Arete of Crete
Subject / field: Philosopher
What they’re famous for: Writing over 40 books
Subject / field: Doctor / physician
What they’re famous for: Father of medicine and Hippocratic Oath
Subject / field: Astronomer
What they’re famous for: Trigonometry
Subject / field: politician
What they’re famous for: Establishing Athenian democracy
Subject / field: mathematician / engineer / scientist
What they’re famous for: Archimedes principle and Archimedes Screw
Subject / field: Politician
What they’re famous for: The father of Athenian democracy
Subject / field: Author
What they’re famous for: Being the author of the first great narrative history
Definition of "democracy"
Democracy means "rule by the people"
Direct vs. Indirect democracy
Direct democracy is when everyone votes on each individual law. Indirect democracy is when people vote on a representative(s) to make the laws.
Athens civilization requirements
Needed to be; male, over 18 years old.
Canada civilization requirements
Be a permanent resident, lived in Canada for over 3 years the past 5, take oath, pass citizenship test.
2 facts and rules about long jump
-Flute music would be played for the contestants to put them in a good mental state
-Unlike modern long jump, the athletes would have to carry weights.
-two rules are; They’d have to hold weights, then that they’d have to hold these weights over their head before being swung down behind the jumper and thrusted back forward for momentum.
How is Alexander the Great a villian?
-Destroyed cities and cultures
-Would force the Greek culture among others and ignored their traditions
-He killed his best friend for no sensible reason (disagreement)
-He caused the death of thousands and his own soldiers
How does Pythagorean Theorem benefit us?
Helps find the side lengths and area of a right triangle
How does Geometry benefit us?
Geometry helps us understand shapes, but most importantly is essential to construction, and helps with maps for calculating distance
How does Zoology benefit us?
Gives us a better understanding of ourselves and animals interact with the world around us
How does Cartography benefit us?
Makes maps so we can navigate through the place around us.
How does Archimedes Principle benefit us?
Helps us with calculating the volume of an object that isn’t a regular shape.
Why Sparta’s patron god is better
Ares, though unpopular, fit Sparta’s love for war and battle. Seeing as he’s known for those two things and the Greeks were heavily religious, the fact that they believed he’d aid them in battle definitely added onto their ambition in battle.
Why Sparta’s military is better
Military power was important during that time seeing as the world wasn’t as peaceful as it is now during ancient times.
-gives Spartans a reassurance that they were well protected by their army seeing as soldiers have been trained since the age of 7
Why Sparta’s treated women better
had better opportunities and had more rights compared to Athenian women. They could own property, didn’t have to marry when they were my age, and was seen almost equal to men.
Why Sparta’s political system is better
with two kings would be ephors and the council of elders. With the 5 ephors, kings wouldn’t be able to easily make careless decisions.