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Pasar la aspiadora
to vacuum
Sacar la basura
to take out the trash
Lavar/fregar(e-ie) los platos
to wash the dishes
lavar la ropa
to wash the clothes
doblar la ropa
to fold the clothes
to iron
cortar el césped
to cut the grass
arreglar el dormitorio
to fix the bedroom(organize it)
hacer la cama
to make the bed
poner la mesa
to set the table
sacar a pasear al perro
to walk the dog
dar de comer al perro
to feed the dog
to cook
preparar la cena/el almuerzo / el desayuno
to prepare dinner/lunch/breakfast
secar la ropa/los platos
to dry the clothes/dishes
Regar(e-ie) las plantas
to water the plants
cuidar al jardin
to take care of the garden
lavar el coche
to wash the car
Limpiar el baño, la sala etc
To clean the bathroom, living room, etc.
Quitar/ poner la mesa
to clear the table / to set the table
quitar el polvo de los muebles
to dust the furniture
sacudir la alfombra
to shake the rug