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social contract theory
indiv consent through a soc contract to be governed by the state
foundational equality
indiv born w natural rghts icn freedom from unnec inf from the state
wollenstonecraft and mill: impr this extended to women and indiv of diff rel
negative freedom
locke an mill
highest form of freedom
libety is freedom from interventionalist gov and laws
limited state: order, poperty rights, mainting rue of law
laissez faire econ
stae limited role in econ
wealth creation enhanced if state doesnt intervene with the markets for goods, services and
rugged individualsim
ppl succeed or fail due to own efforts
if state prov welfare it limits development if indiv
representative democracy
opp pop demo → tyranny of maj
repres: limited electorate w limited edu would not make policy decisios but elected well edu repres
john locke
social contract
limited gov
government by consent: state is the creation of human kind
pre-state: lived in a state of nature → subj to natural laws and claim natural rights
state resut of social contract → gov subj to consent of ppl, ppl subject to laws
limtied state: sep of powers
tolerance of pol and rel views
locke quote
‘government has no end, but the preservation of property’
Wollstonecraft: reason and formal equality
reason: women are rational indep beings, capable of reason
Formal equality: to be free women shoule enjoy full civil liberties and be allowed to have a career
Wollstonecraft: A Vindication of the right of women
people are rational. HN naturally good
women as capable of rational thought
free excercise of individualsim is essential for econ and cultural progression
all should have equality under the law and free from discrim
women largley to blae → historically accepted superioty of men
wollstonecraft quote
‘i do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves’